Whitelist Server The Arctic Server (UK, Small, 16+)

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey there FTBers!
This server is intended to have a strong sense of community - meaning we (the owner and I) are thinking of setting up a vent/ts3 server also so that we can chat to each other while playing. Hopefully we can have community projects and games. (But also, if you want to just do your own thing, that's fine too).
About the server:
  • Hosted in the UK (but it shouldn't be a problem if you live fairly far away)
  • NO spawning in or creative mode of any kind, no matter what
  • Don't be a knob (this should cover griefing, stealing etc...).
  • Use common sense as much as possible when dealing with issues.
  • Be friendly towards new players. You don't have to be their personal wiki but don't be rude to them if they make a mistake.
  • This is a personal pet peeve of mine. Don't ruin the world, e.g. leaving the tops of trees everywhere and not removing nerd poles/pillars.
To apply, answer the following questions. Add any more information you may deem necessary. You don't have to stick to the generic application as long as you get your message across.
First Name/Nickname:
YT Channel (if applicable):
Why you should be whitelisted:
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience:
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB:
Thank you for applying if you did, I will be as quick to reply as I can.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First Name/Nickname:
IGN: iEagles36
Age: 16
YT Channel (if applicable): Have one but I abandoned it quite a few months ago
Why you should be whitelisted: I am a very active participant in any server I am a member of and have been an organizer on most of the servers I have been on and I'm very active most days.
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: I have been on a few FTB servers and have progressed through the Technical mods quite a bit to the endgame.
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB: I really enjoy the technical mods like IC2 and Gregtech but the Portal Mod and Thaumcraft can be very fun to play around with. I believe that the interactions that players have on the server can be the most enjoyable part. I also really enjoy exploring the various mods in the pack and I love all the IC2 add-ons like the Gravitation Suite and MFFS


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First name: Toby, although know as T-Bone (not sure why...)
IGN: El_Asalariado
Age: 15 (Probably more mature than most 15 year olds though)
YT Channel: Don't have one, although planned on making one
Why you should be whitelisted: I've been on lots of different Ftb servers, and on most of them i've been greifed or raided, and just quit after that. I'd like to go on a server which i wouldn't have to worry about that problem, so this server seems obvious. As a result i've argued with a large number of players about why they stole, and some of them quit the server so they wouldn't have to listen to me outsmart them :).
Previous FTB/tekkit experience: Lots of tekkit, lots of FTB, lots of experience!
Favourite mod/activity in FTB: Me and my bees. If i cant play with bees, then i do stuff with IC2 and buildcraft. If not them, i just play with thaumcraft.

Thanks for reading this application.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Tyler
IGN: tecnodude28
Age: 16
YT Channel: I do not have one, but I do have aspirations of making one.
Why should you be whitlelisted: I'm typically a friendly person to play with and respect others. I also have plenty of experience with FTB and minecraft in general. I've played FTB since its release and minecraft since the alpha days. I've been looking for an FTB server to play with a few nice people where griefing isn't a huge issue since the past few servers I've been on haven't exactly held up to their "Codes of Conduct". The last server i has joined actually allowed people to grief outside of the spawn town. :p
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: Played bits of Tekkit in the past, Played FTB since it release and have become quite good at it.
Favourite mod/activity in FTB: I enjoy Buildcraft and IC2 quite a lot, as well as Greg-Tech. (I think without Greg-Tech FTB wouldn't be as challenging and the challenge of FTB makes it just as fun as everything else.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First Name/Nickname: Rui
IGN: shadowkaiin97
Age: 16
YT Channel (if applicable): Just to follow youtubers.
Why you should be whitelisted: I may not be the best at FTB or minecraft in general but I do like playing in community and helping the others (if I can) and the no grief, no removed items and no plugins thing is very appealing to me, so I'm certain that if I'm accepted on the server I'll spend loads of time in it, oh and just to finish I live fairly close to the UK so that's a bonus.
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: Never played Tekkit, but I've been playing FTB for quite some time and became fairly good at it, well at least at some mods of it
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB: Forestry, especially the bee stuff and I swear that one of this days I'll bread them all xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First Name: Max
IGN: maxisthebest666
Age: 23
YT Channel: Aspirations of making one but nothing yet.
Why you should be whitelisted: I love automating thing to the max (pun intended) and I really like community minecraft serves and haven't found one for FTB yet. I love the no cheats, no plugins aspect of minecraft so when I join im pretty sure ill play allot of it.
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: Havent played tekkit but have been an activr FTB-er since the start.
FAvourtie mod/Activity: As mentioned before I love automation so stuff like AE,build-craft,red power and forestry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First Name/Nickname: Matt
IGN: rushfan43
Age: 16 (as of Jan)
Why you should be whitelisted: I have played FTB for a while and have a considerable amount of experience with it, and enjoy helping others out if they may need it. I'm not into large servers and I think this server will be right for me.
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: I played Tekkit for about three months on my friend's server before we switched to FTB late last year. I'm best with IndustrialCraft and its add-ons.
Favorite Mod/Activity in FTB: My favorite mods are probably GregTech and Extra Bees. I also like Applied Energistics even though it's not in MindCrack.
Other: Had Minecraft since early Alpha, right after the Halloween update.

Alasdair Sharp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First Name/Nickname: Alasdair/Ali (Since moving to Uni im called both)
IGN: Aliboi12
YT Channel (if applicable): Dont have one that i upload to.
Why you should be whitelisted: I like the community atmosphere that comes with small whitelisted servers. They offer a community that is not found in open servers.
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: Played alot of Tekkit when the Yogscraft started doing it and moved to FTB when watching people on Twitch.
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB: Forestry, Redpower 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First Name/Nickname: I'd rather not say, although I will message it to you if it's absolutely necessary.
IGN: tehBlobLord
Age: 16 in about three weeks
YT Channel (if applicable): None yet, might consider one later.
Why you should be whitelisted: I'd love to join your community, it looks very interesting and close-knit. I'm also English so a local-hosted server is perfect. I'm hoping I'll fit in well, be able to contribute to group activites, help new people, etc. I'm very experienced with most of the modpack (bar UE, which I'm excited about getting into). If you want to know anything else, just ask me!
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: I've been playing FTB on and off ever since it stopped being just a map. I used to do some tekkit stuff but I didn't enjoy how the mods played together very much, it was lacking the integrity of FTB.
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB: Messing around with Thaumcraft / MPS / MFR, etc. Finding out how to do new things with what we're given :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First name:Connor
yt channel:i will make one if its neccesary
why should you be whitelisted:I love ftb i am new to some of it i have alot of experience with industrial craft i like having a small community with active players
Experience:i have alot of experience with industrial craft
favorite mod/activity: i just make tons of cool inventions in idustrial craft and with redstone


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First name: Logan
IGN: homerunlogan
Age: 16
YT Channel (if applicable): TheLuckiestVirus
Why you should be whitelisted: My private server that I was running recently crashed and I'm looking for a fun server to play on.
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: Played Tekkit back in the day and have been playing FTB for like 6 months
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB: Themal Expansion or BuildCraft


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First name: Alex
IGN: 19fishsticks
Age: 16
YT Channel (if applicable): Don't Have One
Why you should be whitelisted: The server that I used to play on is no longer up and I need a new place to play
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: Started playing FTB in December 2012
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB: IndustrialCraft


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First name:Connor
yt channel:i will make one if its neccesary
why should you be whitelisted:I love ftb i am new to some of it i have alot of experience with industrial craft i like having a small community with active players
Experience:i have alot of experience with industrial craft
favorite mod/activity: i just make tons of cool inventions in idustrial craft and with redstone

And also how do we get the ip if I may ask


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First Name/Nickname: Zach
IGN: fishmonger64
Age: 16
YT Channel (if applicable): Nope.
Why you should be whitelisted: Well, I had been playing on a ftb server that was shutdown because the host became very lazy. I was regularly on that server and very productive. I'm not the type of person who comes on a server to cause chaos. Playing with other genuine people is my goal.
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: Played several weeks on a previous server. Played with knowledgeable people.
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB: I love exploring the over world because of the small things you can find like wisp dungeons and special items in villages. Also, I enjoy exploring the Twilight forest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did Sheep forgot about this post? Like He should had answer at least to some of us by now

sam verran

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First Name/Nickname: Sam
IGN: sammy5638
Age: 17
YT Channel (if applicable): Not applicable (may start one)
Why you should be whitelisted: I think I should be whitelisted because I want to join a server that has a nice community and likes to have fun and this looks like a very good server for that and i feel i can bring a lot of good things to the server such as ideas and being generally nice to everyone on the server.
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: I have played FTB for about 6 months and Tekkit for about year.
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB: My favourite mod is thaumcraft because it is so different to every other mod, all the other mods have mods to do with machines and that when thaumcraft is completely different and i like that! :)
Hope I'm in! ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First Name/Nickname: Jesse / TJ
IGN: Agent_TJ
Age: 18
YT Channel (if applicable): Thinking about starting one
Why you should be whitelisted: i am a dedicated member who logs many hours when i have found a server to call home. I will help improve the server any ways i can.
Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: I have been playing FTB for a while now, but there is still many mods in the pack that i would like to learn.
Favourite Mod/Activity in FTB: I am curentlly looking into bees and thaumcraft! but im good with the machines!

I look forward to hopefully helping create a great world on this server !