The Arcane Bore + World Anchor = Server cannot keep up

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My wife and I have a private server for just the two of us and I've just gotten my arcane bore up and running. The Bore is connected to an ender chest connected to one at my base about 500 blocks away where the spoils are out putted in my golem sorting system.

Everything is fine until I pop a chunkloader or a world anchor next to my arcane bore and go back to the base. When I get within three chunks of my base the server starts lagging and starts popping can't keep up messages in the log. All the mobs and the golems start doing a shuffle. The chunkloader seems to be worse than a world anchor. If I stand next to the bore while my wife is in the base everything is fine and vice versa.

Any ideas on what's going on? Or an I always doing to have to supervise my arcane bore?

Booker The Geek

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
Pacific North West, USA
Question.... Is the chunk-loader getting all the depth of the bore loaded? I believe they go 64 blocks in a direction.... So you may need to set you chunk-loader to a larger area to make sure it is all loaded? That is the only thing I can think of without actually seeing it happen. What mod-pack are you and your wife playing on, and what version is it? I will try to recreate this error and maybe help you figure it out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is on Minecrack 8.0.1 The bore is down at height 15 and pointed horizontally. The chunk loader is right next to it. I tried several different setting on the loader including a line along the bore shaft, nothing seemed to help. The most bizzarre thing was the lag only happened when I myself was in the base.

Edit: We have updated Thaumacraft to 3.0.3 so the pack is very slightly non standard.

Booker The Geek

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
Pacific North West, USA
I am at a loss....

I loaded up Mindcrack (latest version), updated Thaumcraft, and re-created you setup. (Sorta--- I might have been about 2000 blocks away or so) It ran fine for me, even when I had another user connected. We also repeated the setup with her placing the bore... Not a problem. I would suggest posting this problem on the website for thaumcraft, and maybe they will be able to help. Also, have you tried installing Thaumcraft onto vanilla minecraft and seeing if you still get the lag issue?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for all your help. I moved the bore and didn't get the same issue with a world anchor (Didn't try the chunk loader yet.) Maybe some sort of weird distance thing?
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