Thaumic Bees Nodeify

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hard as I've looked I can not find out anything about what this effect does. Anyone care to give some info?
Something to do with nodes, no doubt... Have you keeped an eye on the bee area's aura levels and such?
the one that crystallizes aspects does so by 'eating' the flux to do so. was mentioned in Direwolf's server play a couple days ago, explained by Jaded.
One of the thaumicBees traits that you can get gives the bees flux as their flower choice, and the bees create crystallized aspects and remove flux from the environment. the crystallized aspects give one of that aspect, and eight of them surrounding a phial will give you an essentia phial of that aspect.
One of the thaumicBees traits that you can get gives the bees flux as their flower choice, and the bees create crystallized aspects and remove flux from the environment. the crystallized aspects give one of that aspect, and eight of them surrounding a phial will give you an essentia phial of that aspect.
So you're telling me, that I can both have my cake and eat it? That's awesome!

Time to get those bees, spam 30 apiaries with them, build a room full of crystal clusters around a node and a few magic absorbers.
You know, what really blows is that the forgecraft guys get to play with fun stuff like that, missuse the SHIIEET out of neat new functionality and just have fun. Record it, show it to people, build stuff with it... Then things get released, people start to copy those neat builds and after a very short time everything gets nerfed because everyone and his mothers monkey's doing it.

It's kinda unfair I feel, dunno.

Still, looking forward to those bees, will be fun as long as it'll last.
"Nodeify" has been renamed in later versions to "Aura attract". It will move nodes to your apiary. I think, that it also very slowly increases the max vis of the node.
Hi guys, I'm trying to do the same thing right now, and I'm having some problems...

I have the Vis & Pure bees, running the version of Thaumic Bees current with FTB Ultimate, and my Pure bees are not creating any crystallized aspects. They are listed as having purify node as their flowers, and they produce memory combs fine, but I was hoping to get these aspect crystals as well; the main reason I decided to breed this line of bees was after seeing the crystallized aspects in creative mode under apiculture and then reading up on it. Is there something going on wrong here? My node that the bees are using is currently showing as having a dangerous amount of flux. It is a pure node - all of the nodes in our spawn region are pure because I had to use silverwoods and time to add nodes to the area that we had running under FTB Beta A. All of the flux on this particular node has been generated from my use of the various magic frames on my apiaries, though neighboring nodes have more ordinary sources of flux - crafting, basically.

So, is there something wrong with my bees? Is there something wrong with the source of the flux, perhaps? Maybe something else I'm not thinking of? Has anyone else had the same or similar problems and has anyone resolved it?

Nobody else on my server uses bees and honestly this is the only place anywhere in the internet that even seemed to mention the crystallized aspects outside of a changelog on ThaumicBees, so you're my only hope at the moment. I greatly appreciate any replies. Thanks. :3
Hey dedbbs. i think the problem is that you need to be using flux bees as they work with anything that isn't a pure node, if its a pure node the pure bees should be working but if it is an unstable node or a normal node, flux bees are the way to go :)
I was wondering what those crystallized aspect things were from..

This is why NEI should have a way of showing what mob something comes from, or the bee things.
I thought they were from thaumcraft, as neither of them have full NEI access (i understand why, though)
I thought they were from thaumcraft, as neither of them have full NEI access (i understand why, though)
just replying to your signature that bees do need power to get started. but anyway back on topic. that is under standable and i agree if you say press r over a item it should also say what mods it is from. although that would take quite a lot of work for chickenbones
just replying to your signature that bees do need power to get started.

Odd then, how people bred bees before extrabees.

but anyway back on topic. that is under standable and i agree if you say press r over a item it should also say what mods it is from. although that would take quite a lot of work for chickenbones

It doesn't work that way. The mods don't work that way. NEI doesn't know about any method that isn't standard 3x3 crafting table unless the mod author writes a NEI plugin for it. Azanor hasn't done so, not because he is incapable, but because he doesn't want the recipes showing up in NEI.
Odd then, how people bred bees before extrabees.

It doesn't work that way. The mods don't work that way. NEI doesn't know about any method that isn't standard 3x3 crafting table unless the mod author writes a NEI plugin for it. Azanor hasn't done so, not because he is incapable, but because he doesn't want the recipes showing up in NEI.
we are not talking about recipies i was talking about saying what mod it is from but as i said that would be a lot of work. also bees do need power to get started. eg the carpenter and the squeezer
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