Thaumcraft Wand Recharge Pedestal

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Brian Cherrick

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
I got the pedestal down in my Thaumcraft room, as well as 3 nodes (that cover the 6 primal aspects, and some double). My problem lies with when I place the wand in the pedestal, it drains the nodes rather quickly. Then fills the wand slowly. My question is how many nodes do I/would I need surrounding my pedestal to recharge my 1 or 2 wands in a reasonable amount of time?
Vis transfers 1:1, so you need to have enough in your nodes to fill up your wands. As nodes vary greatly in which aspects they contain you cannot go by node count.
I would try squeezing as many nodes around the pedestal as possible. I've seen some YouTubers with at least 8 nodes- although I'm sure that won't do the job for an Ichorium wand.

If each node contains about 50 aspects total, you'll need around 12 of them to fully charge a Silverwood wand in one go. However, you'll almost never find a node with exactly 50 of anything- so cramming as many nodes as possible around the pedestal is probably the best advice I can give.

Unless you plan on moving and taking the nodes with you- the node-in-a-jar thing requires a block of empty space all around the node to be jarred, so you'll need to destroy some if you don't leave some space between them.
Vis transfers 1:1, so you need to have enough in your nodes to fill up your wands. As nodes vary greatly in which aspects they contain you cannot go by node count.

I wasn't necessarily trying to go by node count perse, just trying to figure out how long it would take to charge a wand, if it were at "0". How long does it take for each node to recharge 1 point before it dumps it into the wand?
To give a raw estimate, in my current world I have at the moment 20 nodes. This gives me approximately 200-250 per each aspect plus some complex aspects. Note though that I didn't cherry-pick those.

I wasn't necessarily trying to go by node count perse, just trying to figure out how long it would take to charge a wand, if it were at "0". How long does it take for each node to recharge 1 point before it dumps it into the wand?
No idea there, but it certainly depends on the node type. For example pale nodes recharge slower as far as I know.
@Brian Cherrick
Do you have Kami Activated? if so I'd say get ALL of the nodes if you intend on using the ichor wand.

I would try squeezing as many nodes around the pedestal as possible. I've seen some YouTubers with at least 8 nodes- although I'm sure that won't do the job for an Ichorium wand.

If each node contains about 50 aspects total, you'll need around 12 of them to fully charge a Silverwood wand in one go. However, you'll almost never find a node with exactly 50 of anything- so cramming as many nodes as possible around the pedestal is probably the best advice I can give.

Unless you plan on moving and taking the nodes with you- the node-in-a-jar thing requires a block of empty space all around the node to be jarred, so you'll need to destroy some if you don't leave some space between them.

I've had nodes with 100 of an aspect, but they are pretty rare and are usually always terra (in my case).
To give a raw estimate, in my current world I have at the moment 20 nodes. This gives me approximately 200-250 per each aspect plus some complex aspects. Note though that I didn't cherry-pick those.

No idea there, but it certainly depends on the node type. For example pale nodes recharge slower as far as I know.

Which ones charge the fastest? And is it totally random as to which ones spawn out in the world (as far as type, count, and aspect)?[DOUBLEPOST=1401859380][/DOUBLEPOST]
@Brian Cherrick
Do you have Kami Activated? if so I'd say get ALL of the nodes if you intend on using the ichor wand.

I've had nodes with 100 of an aspect, but they are pretty rare and are usually always terra (in my case).

I do have Kami, and all of the Ichor/Ichorium stuff researched, but am a long way from crafting it as I am not super resource heavy atm.

The best node I found so far was a 77 ignis/herba node (normal).
Which ones charge the fastest? And is it totally random as to which ones spawn out in the world (as far as type, count, and aspect)

Bright Notes recharge the fastest iirc. Its mostly random which ones spawn, but it is somewhat influenced by biomes (you will find more ignis and less aqua in a desert biome for example)
As explained already recharge pedestal drains vis in 1:1 ratio. Nodes regenerate reasonably quickly but remember they have to be in loaded chunks to do so. So chunk loading isn't bad idea (it is generally good idea to have your base always chunk-loaded especially in SSP).

Also get this add-on that does complex aspects it will speed you up a bit.

As to your original question of how many I would say as many as you can get. I suggest starting with anything you can find and then improving on your collection and picking the best nodes. Also if you are lucky enough to find hungry node you will be set for life.
How do you capture a hungry node? And how do you keep it from snatching you every time you pass it? I've died twice from hungry nodes...

I have 8 carefully selected nodes around my pedestal, that's enough to fill my Silverwood wand twice over in relatively fast sequence.

As for Kami, I'd llke to go there, but I have no idea how to get to the research. Apart from the knowledge fragments you need for some of the secret research (I hate dealing with villagers), the research items you must buy are killing me. At least if you use the research table, you have options which aspects to use, but if something needs high-tier aspects like Instrumentum, that takes sh*tloads of lower-tier aspects to create. Perhaps I need to automate the deconstruction table.
I went on a bit of a spree of node collecting and ended up with over a hundred clustered round my pedestal. It suits my porpoises.

Also make sure you don't pick up sinister or tainted nodes if you don't want to turn the local biome into a shitpile.

Oh and get the focusing thingamajig you can put on the pedestal that lets you break down secondary aspects into one of their primal precursors, you get a bunch of extra aspects that way too :)
How do you capture a hungry node? And how do you keep it from snatching you every time you pass it? I've died twice from hungry nodes...

I have 8 carefully selected nodes around my pedestal, that's enough to fill my Silverwood wand twice over in relatively fast sequence.

As for Kami, I'd llke to go there, but I have no idea how to get to the research. Apart from the knowledge fragments you need for some of the secret research (I hate dealing with villagers), the research items you must buy are killing me. At least if you use the research table, you have options which aspects to use, but if something needs high-tier aspects like Instrumentum, that takes sh*tloads of lower-tier aspects to create. Perhaps I need to automate the deconstruction table.
Hungry nodes don't suck in high blast resistant blocks. So, what you need to do is carefully get within distance of them to place obsidian, and make the jar shape with obsidian, placing all but the center wooden slab on top (you'll see why next)

Then, you pull out your wand of equal exchange, and exchange the obsidian for glass, place that last slab and quickly activate the jar
Hungry nodes don't suck in high blast resistant blocks. So, what you need to do is carefully get within distance of them to place obsidian, and make the jar shape with obsidian, placing all but the center wooden slab on top (you'll see why next)

Then, you pull out your wand of equal exchange, and exchange the obsidian for glass, place that last slab and quickly activate the jar
You would need a similar setup for the place you set your node free, right? Which benefit does a hungry node have that it's worth all that effort?
What @Adonis0 said. As to benefits of hungry nodes what would you say about infinitive size of aspects you can put on it :)

Basicly when hungry nodes sucks in objects it has a chance of absorbing aspects from that object. So if you feed it smooth stone it has a chance of getting saxum from it. One it gets aspects it will regenerate them naturally so you don't need to feed them everything you recharge your wand. You can have one hungry node feed it plenty of objects you have spare and you will have one node capable of recharging even the most powerful wand. Keep your wand recharge pedestal protected by obsidian and you will be fine.
You would need a similar setup for the place you set your node free, right? Which benefit does a hungry node have that it's worth all that effort?
You'll need an obsidian (or other choice high blast resistant block) wall between it and anything that it shouldn't eat