Thaumcraft trouble...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everybody, i just started up a new SMP server with my buddy, and i am trying to delve into magic! Oh i am using DW20 1.6.4 pack. So i decide to start with TC4 and i make thaumonomicon, thaumometer, wand and a research table... When i open up the research table i can't put paper into the spot where i see other people put it (the top right, opposite of the scribing tools) This maybe a really nooby question, but what am i doing wrong? Is there some special paper i have to make? Thanks
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You don't put a paper in research table you put research notes. To get research note you need to have paper and scribing tool I your inventory open thaumonomicon and click on a research you want. Research note will apear in your inventory then. In my signature there is link to my Guide to Thaumcraft you can check it there as I explain exactly what to do step by step.
Easy mode? I hate that, I like the half and half mode and hardmode. This is very helpful for that reason.

I was talking about the 50/50 approach. The research is easier for new players, but it also means you need to stockpile a bunch of aspects in order to buy everything and research at the same time.
deconstruction table and crafting tables +nether wart sort this problem out in about 20 min grind.
I know lack of automation sucks a bit. But there is a way to semi automate it. Hoppers can deliver items to it but not pull out so if you can have steady supply of items then just keep clicking. I did that when watching one episode of direwolf and ended up with nearly 300of each basic aspects.
it could figure what what player place a hopper that's not a big deal but I think Azanor whanted people go go and scan things and use deconstruction as a little boost rather than main method.
I understand, but I hate the deconstruction table. It's useful, but AFAIK it can't be automated.

Yes it can. Using Autoit you can auto-click on it. I have a setup where I from woodlogs is creating craftingtables thats piped into the deconstruction table. Then I start my autoit script that each 4 second click on the aspect.
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it is confusing initially but change is so much better and 4.1 is much more intuitive for new users.
I agree with you and slowking, It is so much easier, and a LOT more fun after i get used to it :D
And Feniks, thank you so much for your videos on TC4! I have onr more question for you guys, don't give me too many spoilers, but the tainted biomes, well my friend didn't look around before he built his base... sThere is some taint about 50-60 blocks away from him and spreading! I found some about 100-400 blocks away in all directions around my house, which aren't a problem yet, but if there is a way to get rid of them then i want to take them out before they are a problem! So what research paths do i follow to get to that ASAP? Thanks for your help thus far, all of you!
I agree with you and slowking, It is so much easier, and a LOT more fun after i get used to it :D
And Feniks, thank you so much for your videos on TC4! I have onr more question for you guys, don't give me too many spoilers, but the tainted biomes, well my friend didn't look around before he built his base... sThere is some taint about 50-60 blocks away from him and spreading! I found some about 100-400 blocks away in all directions around my house, which aren't a problem yet, but if there is a way to get rid of them then i want to take them out before they are a problem! So what research paths do i follow to get to that ASAP? Thanks for your help thus far, all of you!

No problem the best way to thank any youtuber is by hitting this like and share button :)

As to your question pure nodes and Ethereal blum cure taint, Erie bioms in 8 block radious and shimerleaf cures it but in much smaller radious too. Ethereal blum is in alchemy section.

Also taint spread only on surface and only on naturally occurring blocks so like dirt, stone, grass etc. You can try and surround entire area with a 5 high brick wall and that should contain it. You should also go in and search for tainted nodes if there is any destroy it with pickaxe. After you managed to destroy all tainted nodes and contained taint. You can start curing it with Ethereal blum simply plant some in the tainted biom spaced by no more than 16 blocks apart and they will restore it to what ever it was before corruption.

Also more violent method is simply place a filler from BC builder and clear the entire land that will destry taint. It is good method if you don't care about a way it will look.