You should do some research, what happens is in very basic terms the large nodes feed the smaller nodes, small node will gain flux when you do some TC crafting, any excess essence from crafting is released into the local aura, this mean that the 366 node will take the full impact of any & all essence dumped, you can lessen this by use of lembics (or w/e there called I forget atm) to capture the excess essence & place in jars for later reuse, the larger node will only drop while its feeding the small node, if you do no TC for a while all will stabilize over time, & any node can go to high or dangerous even pure nodes, if you are going to do a lot of TC in a given day there are a couple of things you can do to stop destroying your local aura one is to be very careful what elements you drop in the cauldron, some have more wasted essences than others, clear the lembic often or have a golum do it, or go to a remote location, a mysthcraft age or TW & set up a temp tc base to do your required work, that way the flux is not a huge problem, if the flux in your chunk is a problem atm there is one way to control what can be at times nasty whisp spawning problems, grab a stack of glass & arm with TC goggles incase the node in a cube, make sure you dont have any blocks in the node its self as this stops whisp spawns & so stops the node clearing flux from its self, whisps spawn from the centre of the node so one block around the node is fine, place a door if you wish to kill the wisps & use there drops, or just leave them in the cube & forget about them.
There is far more too its than just this but for now thats some basic grounding in how node work.