When you get into making things, you're going to want to devote quite a lot to aspects. A simple room with walls lined with jars will do you. But, your infusion alter can draw aspects from a large enough radius that it could end up being a very big room. You might want golems to store aspects for you, so your jars should be something they can reach, and should surround marker blocks. 120 jars isn't unreasonable or even difficult. Somewhere in that room you need a crucible (most likely just 1, but there are uses to having more than that). Each crucible you have will have elembics on each side, so plan the space with them in mind.
Your research table benefits a lot from blocks surrounding it. You could easily end up with a research table room that looks like a crazy wizard made it, with heads and bookshelves and gold blocks scattered around. Lots of things being near the table boost the researching power of certain aspects, so you might want to research and experiment with that before you finish your researching journey.
Your flux is going to get high. Maybe not at first, and it won't be high forever, but it will eventually happen. Wisps and giant zombies spawn the same way anything does: on non-transparent full blocks like stone or bricks. If everything near your thaumcraft base is something a creature cannot spawn on top of (slabs, xycraft blocks, leaves, etc) then you will be one step closer to managing your wisp problems. Also, flux can cause lightning, so cut back on your flammable floors or you'll be sorry.
Also, don't get excited about the arcane worktable and make 5 of them like I did. You will only ever use it to make your infusion alter, which does everything the worktable does and more.