Thaumcraft 3 in FTB Pack 1?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds amazing! I can't wait for the Direwolf20 pack and the "ultimate" pack (not that I won't play the FTB maps). Is there a rough ETA for the ultimate pack with all world gen for the foreseeable future included? I love to get a 1.4.5 survival map with all my world gen in. I have my own mod collection going, but a having a launcher and those standardized IDs are so tempting. I don't mean to be pushy and I'm sure you guys know not to rush the pack releases (and some things are out of your hands RedPower for example) and are going as fast as you can, but if you can give a vague estimate (when all world gen mods are ready, between now and 2020 etc) that would help me decide whether or not to use my own pack or wait for awesome FTB packs, if you can't I completely understand. Keep up the good work!
My Personal Guess would be sometime between now, and the end of next month.

Now I'm unsure if this is still the case, But Last I heard they were waiting on Redpower to Update to 1.4.5, and IC2 to push out an update to fix some of the current (IMO, Major) Bugs in it. After they update, I would give them a week or two to prepare the pack (I mean, It prob won't take that long, but who knows?). But remember, this is my personal guess I came up from reading around the forum (and filling in some blanks myself).

Anyways, You could start a map now with your own pack just to screw around in, Test some of the new mods out and whatnot, So you know what your getting into when starting your "Real" world with FTB. Alternatively, you could start your "Real" world with the Magic Pack, and switch the map to use the Ultimate Pack when it comes out (May have to use a Myst world, or find new terrain for IC2 Rubber Trees and whatnot). You would have to live without IC2 and whatnot for a bit (As you wouldn't want to risk ID Conflicts when installing it yourself). As what I gathered from the Post you Quoted, The ID's should stay the same in both packs meaning it should be fairly simple (Though, and be prepared to restart just in case as things may change) to move over.

Creeper Be Creepin

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't wait till the direwolf20 pack and the ultimate pack. It's hard to choose to us dw's pack or the ultimate pack. will the ultimate pack have all the direwolf20 pack mod's or will direwolf20's pack have other mod's the ultimate won't


Active Member
Nov 21, 2012
Keep up the awesome work guys! Im loving every release now! Although Im sad that Thaumcraft 3 dosent have seals anymore. What happened to seals. I loved seals.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Keep up the awesome work guys! Im loving every release now! Although Im sad that Thaumcraft 3 dosent have seals anymore. What happened to seals. I loved seals.

I'm fairly certain TC3 is FAR from complete. Since his system has gotten a complete re-write, a lot of his features are still to come. He wanted this version out in the wild for all to test. Seals will be back (or at least a system to enhance it) as well as many new and awesome features are coming.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't believe so. Unless the beta pack is completely different, Slowpoke said in the suggestions thread that it wouldn't be added to the FTB pack because it didn't fit the theme of he's going for. I'll edit and post the link if I can dig up his post.



Yet he has railcraft, thermal expansion, buildcraft, Steves carts, etc, etc, etc, in the Magic pack? No logic whatsoever with this... Period...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think that the Magic Pack is at its very early stages, there are tons of awesome magic based mods fully developed, but it requires time to put them together, solving conflict, getting permissions and stuff. Maybe the FTB team decided to add some of the not so magical mods to the pack waiting for some real magic stuff to be implemented.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are only three magic mods in it so far and two of those are still very much unfinished. There would be no point to release the pack with only those three at this stage.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As far as I am concerned, enderstorage, forestry, mystcraft, soul shard, steve's carts, thaumcraft, and twilight forest are all "magic mods". There is nothing science-y or industrial-esque about any of those mods. (Exception: the genetics of Foresty's Bees - the way Forestry's Farms and Harvesters work, however, is very magical - and the bee products created are fairly fantastic as well, imo)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would say that Factorization is, despite the name, a very magical mod aswell. Interdimensional barrels, wrath fire, dark iron, a router the teleports items into inventories and so forth and so forth. But for some reason that is not in the magic pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think that the Magic Pack is at its very early stages, there are tons of awesome magic based mods fully developed, but it requires time to put them together, solving conflict, getting permissions and stuff. Maybe the FTB team decided to add some of the not so magical mods to the pack waiting for some real magic stuff to be implemented.
I think they added non-magic mods so they could use them to make their maps better