Title Texture pack ignores me and does not work
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack Continuum and many bdcraft texturepack attempts
Modpack version latest, 1.4.1?
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue Hello,
Obviously nobody ever wants to use the default minecraft textures so I downloaded several different ones from bdcraft, a great beautiful provider of textures for many years. If there is some reccommended pack instead of this third party, then please put them into the default launcher or direct me to them now. Surely you do not want your players to use the default garbage textures?
Apparently you do, so I downloaded:
(removed links in order to help destroy cyberpunk dystopian future spam robots)
All possible versions, lowest or highest resolution. I am used to 512 resolution back the last time i played minecraft but obviously that is out of reach now.
Perhaps I should be able to load a 32 resolution pack with my 16g of ram and otherwise modern computer.
Instead, I click the texturepack and it either tries to load and just flips me off and goes back to default textures without saying anything,
or if I load the texture pack after having loaded into a world, then it will go to "shutting down internal server" and the error back in the launcher is the out of memory error here:
Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
I have 16g of ram and I modified the launch parameters (and manually downloaded the 64 bit version of java wtf??) so that it says this:
-Xmx12g -Xms12g -XXermSize=256m -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory="C:\Users\Dan\Documents\Curse\Minecraft\Instances\FTB Continuum" -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US
I put a couple of 12g's at the beginning in there. Apparently this is required, but it does not say this anywhere? Are we expected to play with the default textures and only extremely advanced software developers are allowed to play with texture packs now?
I never had problems like this in the many times that I have come back to minecraft over the years. Apparently I have a computer virus which makes minecraft texture packs impossible to install without modifying command line parameters??????????????????????????
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack Continuum and many bdcraft texturepack attempts
Modpack version latest, 1.4.1?
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue Hello,
Obviously nobody ever wants to use the default minecraft textures so I downloaded several different ones from bdcraft, a great beautiful provider of textures for many years. If there is some reccommended pack instead of this third party, then please put them into the default launcher or direct me to them now. Surely you do not want your players to use the default garbage textures?
Apparently you do, so I downloaded:
(removed links in order to help destroy cyberpunk dystopian future spam robots)
All possible versions, lowest or highest resolution. I am used to 512 resolution back the last time i played minecraft but obviously that is out of reach now.
Perhaps I should be able to load a 32 resolution pack with my 16g of ram and otherwise modern computer.
Instead, I click the texturepack and it either tries to load and just flips me off and goes back to default textures without saying anything,
or if I load the texture pack after having loaded into a world, then it will go to "shutting down internal server" and the error back in the launcher is the out of memory error here:
Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
I have 16g of ram and I modified the launch parameters (and manually downloaded the 64 bit version of java wtf??) so that it says this:
-Xmx12g -Xms12g -XXermSize=256m -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory="C:\Users\Dan\Documents\Curse\Minecraft\Instances\FTB Continuum" -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US
I put a couple of 12g's at the beginning in there. Apparently this is required, but it does not say this anywhere? Are we expected to play with the default textures and only extremely advanced software developers are allowed to play with texture packs now?
I never had problems like this in the many times that I have come back to minecraft over the years. Apparently I have a computer virus which makes minecraft texture packs impossible to install without modifying command line parameters??????????????????????????
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