Testing myself with Ultimate Alchemy

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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Testing myself with a side adventure in the middle of playing through Sevtech, I've given myself a chance to try Ultimate, Alchemy.



It's quite an enjoyable challenge so far. Between updates if you want to have a look at some of the other things I've been writing about and trying, check the spoiler block below.



Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012

I've never heard of any of these names in this document. Seems I've been grabbed to complete a test that somebody else was meant to do. I hope I can return to what I was working on after this has been completed.


If I am to be tested here, I'm going to do it in style. If I'm allowed to alchemically convert compressed stone into iron, I'm going to start out with chisels and thus avoid any half measures in my building.


A simple start, just a slab of stone in the sky. Should be enough space to try to start working on this riddle. I'd already discovered that iron was simple enough to make from these starting resources, but I surely will require more of it, perhaps I should start there.


A storage drawer is now slowly filling with iron as I explore through my options and see what else I can make with these materials. At least the automation is easy here.


I've made my tools out of obsidian because I want them to last a long long time. It just required that I compress the stone further before converting it. I've set that up to collect as another resource while try to process a few other things.


Right. Light. Charcoal from logs. Into torches. And through here comes the next step as well. I can get more then light with the conversion of these torches.


Breaking down the torches gave me a bit of glowstone dust, so I built a system to handle that for me. And as an extension to that machine, taking the same process and instead using a lever as the base, I was able to get redstone. So many possible paths start with these two substances, and yet there are few that go far before demanding something else.


I took the time to experiment with a few other machines that I seemed to be able to create. Yet there seems little reason to have an anvil, or a compost bin, or a menril squeezer. Though the last does let me get much more flint when I refine gravel compared to other methods.


This resonator is perhaps the most curious of these paths. As long as I'm willing to crank the mill, it's able to accept the power and convert the materials I give it. Though I'm not going to be willing to stand here and crank this endlessly.


Given that the most common resource I have to work with is space, I've simply made enough wind generators so that I'll always have some power, even when the wind is nearly still. Still there isn't much I can automate with this, that isn't just preparing to make more of something that I'm just going to use to make more power. It's not a dead end, yet it isn't where I need to go right now.


I explored further at the process that produced redstone and glowstone. Seems that I can perform the same process on stone and it'll produce gravel. Automated it's not as effortless as a proper grinder or crusher, but I'm able to make it work.


Seems that I can process it further to produce a crude brick. Reasonable enough when I'm not being allowed to work with anything like clay. This invites further exploration.


Bingo. Taking the gravel, compressing it, and then processing it like I had before to get the iron, this allows me to find tin. Guess what I remove in the process reduces the iron of before to a rather softer material.


Taking the process and iterating it again, the stone breaks down all the way into sand. My crafting device for this is starting to get more and more complex, uncomfortably so. I'm having to be careful with my inputs so as to not overflow the crafting device.


Still, replicating the last step and cooking the result produces the normally predictable glass. Not too many uses for that at the moment but always a favorite for those who like to build and see what is outside still.


Taking the sand and compressing it, and then refining that is key it seems. With copper as the result once it has been processed. This gives me the three most common metals as well as redstone and glowstone to function as catalysts. Even obsidian as a hardener. This opens my options quite wide.


Returning to the resonating device, I allow it to shift samples of redstone. It hardens and becomes a finely crushed dust. I've seen this substance before, but it was involved with another system of machines completely.


I confirmed my suspensions as I cooked up the dust into crude quartz crystals. I can indeed get a start with this other system using the quartz as a start point, and perhaps explore the effects of those other forms of resonance on some of these materials that I've been able to produce.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012

With the black quartz I'm able to make generators that run nicely on charcoal. Sure I could just feed them with logs, but it's easy enough to make the charcoal, and designing this machine was good practice. I've got them paired up, two each, with wireless RF, now I can get power into anything, anywhere. Not much power, but better then dealing with cables.


Next thing I'm experimenting with is the reconstructor. I've already been exposing materials to the resonating device, this gives me another way to modify materials. So far very few respond to this, but I think there's a few more that I can change, I just don't have access to them yet.


With power, grinders, and furnaces I can now update my structure. What filled the edge of two platforms and reached far into the sky, now sits as a nice, compact, almost tame section of wall. With the transposers to move things quickly, and the flat nodes for places where they can move slowly, I've started to build quite a stockpile of materials. Each of these pulled out from the system as needed, processed, and then delivered right into a drawer. I'm quite pleased.


Next up. Water. Sure, I could just take some ice from the portal. Change it back and let it melt. It don't seem right though. Test said to start with the barrels, didn't say I should take apart the portal. So while I could do this, I won't.


Instead I've built a squeezer and put the logs into it and left it to fill a tank. Sure I really only need to squeeze down 8 or so to get my 2 buckets of water to start off, but it's easy enough to just forget about this and let it run a while, making sure there's a large stockpile, just because disaster sometimes happens.


With unlimited water I've got a better source for gridpower, not just the windmills, but now a nice block of watermills. This is enough of them to trigger a bit of a lossy generation but as I've got the space I might as well do a block of them like this. When the wind is strong redcoal gets a nice solid bonus.


Water water everywhere. No squid though. Still if I had string I could fish. Just have to try to get that string then, won't I? Should be simple enough, right? I've got water. Water is an aspect of change.


First the water and sticks. It's not quite a sapling, not even quite a dead bush, but close enough for sympathetic magics. Infuse again, and a tiny spark of life can find itself here in this world. A sapling. The first living thing other then myself in this world. Combine a few of them, strip the leaves, and gather the leaves together. Gather more and more leaves together and there's enough for a compost.


Compost, gravel, run water through it and there's a tiny bit of that life transferred into the water. As it is that's nothing that I can use as it is, but it can be further transformed. That seems to be the nature of the work I've been given here. Find a resource, transform the resource, discover how it becomes a new resource.


Distilling the water with the tiny bit of life essence in it, the result is a disappointing amount of muddy water. The good news is that the compost lasts a while the water of life will slowly add up by processing more of the gravel. Not everything in it is what I want, but there is some there.


In the end I've got to take more gravel and add the dirt to it. Truth is I do this any time I'm making course dirt and processing that to get more usable earth. First time I've seen it in this form though.


I've not used this before, but grout works here, though without the clay in it. I cook it down, make the bricks, and then form the lava powered smeltery. In this case I toss the dirt right back into it, melt it down and pour it over more gravel. Making more dirt, that I melt down, until I've gotten enough to please me.


Dirt. Sapling. Time.
Tree. Wood. Leaves. Saplings.
Growing things, a bit strange in a void like this where there was not even a tree to start, but this is the way of things here.


All those leaves and saplings, turn them into compost, and then spread the life from them back into the soil. That produces the first of my blocks of grass. Though I could wait for it to spread, I can also make a few more and let them spread all at once. So just a matter of letting it start while I progress.


The grass is nice, it's one of the things required for the goal, but it wasn't why I was making saplings. These saplings can be transformed into vines that grow and spread as an endless resource.


Those vines can be processed further and I from the strands of them string harvested. With that string a fishing rod. With the spell of sustenance cast here I don't need to eat, so the fish are just another resource, but a useful one.


Cooked fish, left to dry on the rack, will eventually cure into a makeshift leather. Enough to wrap the hilt of a small blade. From the sea I expect I could pull more rods, some rather useless scrap armor, perhaps some enchanted books? I don't see much reason to automate fishing, though perhaps I could. I'll think about it.


More of my fish that I caught, with the blade, turns them into biomash. Now this has a few uses if I wanted to produce some exotic crops, but I don't have everything I need for them, and even if I did, I don't see the reason to have them. I'll return here.


I'd made the composting frame earlier, as soon as I could, and the biomash composts into neatly measurable packets of material. Crops don't respond as well to it as bonemeal, but as I don't yet have any crops growing, I'm okay with this.


To get the bonemeal, just had to combine compost with peat. Taken to the field of grass I've been growing for a while, and now I've got all the grass. All the flowers, and so many kinds of crop. It's a small nice pretty thing in this nowhere land.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012

Looking ahead, it looks like the next few things are going to take me making molten metals and working with them. Adding to them or combining them with eachother. In theory this will give me access to additional machines to work with. The first of these machines requires that I have nickel before it lets me access the best way to get more of it. So one must start off with a smeltery. Then pour a block of metal over stone to get a replacement for ore. Some time spent with the pulverizer eventually got me the nickel I needed.


Machine I want also requires me to make some gold. Simple enough. Slightly molten glowstone mixed as a slurry with tin with the excesses cooked off gives me a soft pliable metal that's close enough to gold to be the real thing, at least as far as making machines matters.


With the nickel I was able to make a fractioning still. Molten nickel isn't the only material that this machine refines. It is though the only one I want right now.


Pour the iron in, convert it, and pour it out in blocks. I made quite a stash of nickel here, enough to keep me going through the entire conversion process, until my system was ready to be rebuilt again.


That rebuild takes more then just nickle, it takes what I need to make with it. Without invar I could never reinforce and upgrade my machines. They do work so much better with a few upgrades in them, though I figure I won't take things all the way unless I do make up my mind to automate the entire process from scratch.


Constantan is used a bit less, but I wanted to have some of it around for latter. Always handy to have some when you get into immersive engineering.


Taking a brief break, I took some of the gold, and much of the lava I'd stored away to make a nice little setup to turn heat into grid power. I need very little of this with the water mills, but the more sources, the more ways I can use the grid power and the more upgrades I can afford to put into the machines that will accept them.


Meanwhile the stockpiles of materials have generated back up again and I'm able to push onward with my forging and crafting. This time I'm adding lead, as a hardening agent to iron. Lead has a number of functions that I'm quite glad to be able to access again. Strange how much you feel it when you don't have a normal realm and normal materials to work with.


Silver is trickier of a riddle to solve. Though once solved just as simple. The same iron, but this time combined with glass. Lighter maybe? Not sure how this makes it into the holy metal of the moon, but it works well enough. Never do understand alchemists, but if the magic works, it works.


I'd made the grass before. Bonemeal too. Made and harvested crops off the grass. The key though is that the dandelions and poppy become real floral powder, and not just dyes. This lets you access floral fertilizer without taking the extra steps normally required.


So I was able to get a petal apothecary setup rather easily. Looks like mostly the normal range of flowers, though it seems that there are a few odd additions that I will have to return for latter. A pure daisy looks to be the first craft for me. Normal enough.


Unusually it seems to cause changes in a few more blocks then I had expected. Quite a few additional things, though the uses of most of them quickly become esoteric and oblong. Aluminium is an important resource for the immersive engineering I will be doing soon. Also going to take the usual stockpiles of purified stone and wood to do more of the nature magic.


While investigating machines I can now make I discovered that the infuser isn't only capable of recharging items, it will infuse power into some things and convert them. While I have other sources of electrum possible just from metal mixing and higher tier smelting, it's quite useful to be able to save some silver by getting it this way. Apatite is also useful as a more concentrated form of fertilizer then the bones it was made from, though the uses are less. If I was going to automate a farm, surely I'd supply it in this way.


Bingo. Menril. Looks like it's the same process that got me many other materials. In this case the key is the redstone, can't heat it all the way until it energizes, or else it would react badly to the water. Have to keep everything cool enough that the resin can form and not boil off. This menril resin responds to power and even forms the core of a rather useful battery that I've been needing to make certain upgrades.


The mechanical drying basin is protected against heat. While it takes power to run, it makes up for it by running faster then it otherwise would as well. Lava given a chance to cool partly before being removed makes magma blocks. These represent two resources that I've been needing.


Have to use a pulverizer to break them down into the magma creams, the blocks themselves are not very useful as there's no monsters to farm with them, and I do have light enough. Just one step more to get to the usable parts.


Blaze powder. The blaze rods themselves may be out of reach without blazes, or even access to the nether where they would live, but I can at last get my hands on blaze powder. The brewing stand is even changed slightly so that I don't need the full rods to craft it, letting me access a few wonderful things to make life slightly easier. Slime, of course, has it's uses as well.


With the blaze, next melting down the shards of ender. Have to dry the resulting half formed pearl before I can get one that responds properly to me. The dried pearls, combined with blaze powder grant me proper ender eyes and now I am prepared for my next proper upgrade.


Course, while I'm working on that, nothing wrong with planting the seeds that I also got from breaking all that grass before. A nice manual farm. While I don't need to eat, I've chosen some wheat. Melon for potions. Sugar cane on a nice foundation of snad. Pumpkins because I can. Canola for future oil requirements. Honestly the rice and beats are just because I had room left. Possibly I should have planted some flax, or more of the industrial hemp, but this garden serves me well enough.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012

I'd prepared last time, I've got ender pearls, blaze powder, and lots of redstone. That's enough to get started with a better wireless system. Flux, to move power where I need it, when I need it. Without the limits of grid power and the few RF that it will transfer for me.


Power is half of the solution to all things. The other half is making sure that items are where they need to be. With batches of the metals made, I can just setup an induction smelter and take care of metals that I'd not done with the tinker's smeltery. Quartz enriched iron.


The key to my new system. A third building on this platform. Merging drawers with drives. Refined storage does a good job. A good set of my stockpile goes right into producing huge drives so that I never have to worry about running out of space. I even took the time to setup some fluid drives, because I might try to automate those too.


If you come with me to the underside, I've got a messy complex of machines that keeps everything socked for the surface. Sometimes the underbelly has all kinds of complex things that let the surface stay simple.


Another bit of work below, and now my system is making every metal that I have access to in this world. That's not everything, but it's quite a few things indeed. So in theory there should be no problems in trying to go forward and solve the next big puzzle thrown at me. The next step in this riddle.


While I still have the smeltery setup, I'm going to make a few more things that I might need in the future. Silverwood and Greatwood logs, by using the smeltery and some of those stockpiled metals. I don't really know how much I'll have to do with thaumcraft in order to make that dragon head, so I better be prepared for just anything.


As I'm taking the smeltery to pieces, I'll pause with just the least of it sitting here. Stone, and lava. The lava infuses the stone and netherack is formed in the process. I just keep that tank full and the hopper with stone, and I'll get stacks of this soft hellish stone to work with.


Brewing stands are simpler to make here. So it's not hard to go ahead and make the alchemic stones from botania. Mana infused into the netherack crystallizes into something close enough to quartz for me to be able to use it for what I need here.


While mana is taking it's time being made from charcoal, and with the pieces that used to be the smeltery, I'm taking the time to build up tinker's tanks, making large stockpiles of fluids to use as I need them.


Across the platform from the water, the slightly harder problem of lava. Automate the production of the buckets of lava ingredients, pass the bucket to the furnace, pass the bucket of lava to the fluid transposer, and once the lava is in the tank, let the assembler pick up the bucket again. For now I just keep the chest filled, but latter I could setup machines to keep the chests full. To get the lava back out an ender tank, so I can draw the lava anywhere, instead of having to run pipes.


Using the petals from the botania flower as my source of blue, I started to make the blue fluids and refine them. The final step calls for diorite, and right now these are made with bits of bonemeal to whiten the stone. So many thousands of lapis came from this system when I'd put less then a stack of blue powder into it, seems it don't take much blue to dye the stone.


Since I don't like to have to keep making peat to make bonemeal though, I setup this little machine. Makes string into wool, grinds it, and then passes it right back so it can be made into wool again. It's a small amount of white pigment, but over time there's more and more, and worth it.


The best part of the lapis is that I'm able to get more power out of my generators. Not that any of this takes too much power, but it's always better to have more power then you need, not less.


The other big task for lapis is to tint a rather rare form of carbon to be the proper shade of shiny blue rock, but that's going to take a lot of time and pressure. Though the first step is to grind the only source of carbon that I have, the charcoal, into a fine dust, and feed it into a coke oven to make it into something close enough to coal.


The machines I'm going to need for this, are made out of quite a bit of steel. So while I start that process with the charcoal, I've setup a blast furnace and I've started to make steel.


First of the steel goes right back into the system and forms the improved blast furnace, and the preheaters to keep it running as well as I can. Thus did I start my work on forming heavy metal in space, by letting this run, and ignoring it, while starting other things completely different.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012

Sure, I'd started to produce mana, but I wasn't doing anything with it beyond storing it and making some of the quartz. Botania has other things for me, some things that are key to progressing, but in order to unlock those keys I'm going to need to progress though these challenges.


While the water runes where easy, even in a place like this with the oddest of resources, it looks like some further runes are going to be much harder. It looks like I need to make a different kind of plant essence then I did the first time I hit a wall like this. In this case it takes biomash, like when I made the fertilizer, but this time I bring it to the squeezer.


Taking a few cans of the liquid protein from the biomash I turned to the netherrack and remade it into nether flesh. Stones of the earth, but with some simple alchemy something close enough to flesh for sympathetic magic to function on it. This produced something that resembled flesh as a liquid, but once added to seeds it formed nether wart. I set this to growing until I had more, and enough to spare that I could compost it into zombie flesh.


Another of these alchemic brews. With a moistener I let wheat rot and as fungus grew on it I was able to tease it into growing onto soil forming mycelium. When I washed that with same substances that I used to form the liquid of the nether, I was able to get something not completely unlike mushroom soup. When I exposed seeds to this it formed a lone brown mushroom. With one I expanded it until I had enough mushrooms for the project.


So with the mushroom for the earth rune, and the netherwart for the rune of fire, I could now progress through all of the basic runes of botania and progress a bit further. How was I to know that I'd hit another wall so soon though.


Terrasteel, so hungry for mana. I was barely able to make the one needed to form the portal, and as much as I wanted to make an entire set of armor from it, it seemed that i wasn't going to be able to reach that point here.


I went and did other things for a while, let my system recover until there was enough power in it to link the worlds successfully. I sent them my book, some resources to make better armor, and curiously they sent me a page that helped greatly with thaumcraft, taught me many things that I otherwise could never have reached on this island in the void.


As I looked through what they desired, there was one thing I'd never seen before. A rune of balance. Seems as if I could produce it with the runic altar, but it wanted an unusual grass, and then for me to convert it with a flower. To combine something warped with it's opposite.


Into the portal goes runes, and back from the portal comes elemental shards. From the shards I formed crystals. From the crystals inspiration. A bit of salis mundus was formed in the process as well, saving me the trouble of breaking down the crystals further by hand.


Thus did I form a bookcase and condense the knowledge into it into a single magical tome, the thaumanaomicon. The notes I had been given from the elves, are slightly incomplete, but it's enough for me to make plans.


Knowing that I would need to make things far more powerful then anything I had previously done, I turned to enchantments. Technology was able to accurately scribe some very exotic enchants, and the natural magics of botania was able to infuse these enchantments into my equipment. Armor and a ring of fae creatures, and a bow able to fire more arrows at once, and then I pushed forward again.


The guardian flattened me, until I came to the fight with enough materials to finally do the job. More then potions, more then the armor, full on elixirs for the potion effects. Then I was able to take down this guardian.


I setup a machine to try to grow the void seeds, but it seems these are a lesser form that only produced a strange form of carrot that I'd not before tasted. A most curious experience, so I probed further.


I was half right. It wasn't experience that was needed. It was time. I needed to give the seeds time to mature. As this would take longer then the heat death of a small universe by itself I had to form a time acceleration chamber for it. These seeds grow, into eggplants. Maybe the answer is somewhere else? I'll investigate.


Curiously, a property of quicksilver is that if I expose it to redstone it'll crystallize back into the raw cinnabar that is useful to catalyze rare metals in other reactions. I saw something I want, and this looks like the best way to achieve it.


The nickle that I'd purified from iron before, I made quite a bit of it into ore by infusing it back into stone. With the cinnabar I was able to easily get platinum from it. Not the fastest way, and the cost in materials was not insignificant but the other ways seemed to make even less sense.


That same process, and I was able to get platinum ore and catalyze a small amount of Iridium from it. This is the hardest substance in this world that is still pliable. Thus I made the hardest plates I could, and put them away, preparing for a mighty feet of magic.


To form a withering skull, I had to investigate the source of evil. Curiously I found it mingled with destruction, in the core of TNT, but rarely. Gunpowder was able to be taken from breaking down a fire charge, and those where made without much fuss from charcoal, so I didn't have to experiment with sandstone to find niter. Just a simple machine like the one I had made to process wool, but this time it was gunpowder that went around and around, mingling with sand freshly formed before being ripped to shreds again, until I had enough.


Took me a few tries before I got the hang of fighting a wither here in this space. Though I had collected mighty things, I was vulnerable to the deadly powers and withered away time and time again.


Yet, in time, I did obtain my goal, I'd taken the essence of the nether, given it life, and taken the heart of the wither for myself. A star in my hand. This though is only half way to the job required of me in this place. This forms only the core for true clay.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
(Egads, sorry folks, I thought I'd finished this ages ago, guess I got distracted with other things. Luckily I found the pictures and I remember what it took to get from one to the next)


With so many resources being produced in my little factory, it doesn't take me long when I turn to making a real factory and build the heavy machines. While I can refine steel with induction smelting and a source of carbon, I can't progress to anything more heavy duty then that without the big machines.


Heavy industrial machines, refining all my materials another stage. The primary desire here was for the arc furnace to produce heat not unlike that of the sun itself, but the refinery also had a quite nice surprise that it let me access a few more exotic fluids that I've been needing.


From my system, stacks and stacks of carbon, put through the coke oven, compressed and refined, then into the press, and around again before I could claim my first diamonds. A substance so pure and refined takes a lot of materials and this system for it took a lot of time. So I let it run a long while, while I chased down other paths.


Perhaps enough grass left long enough would attract animals. Perhaps one of them would eventually be a chicken. Or perhaps not. The refined protein before becomes milk easily enough. Combined and refined with a few more materials in the smeltery I was able to produce something close enough to an egg for my magic to work on and finish the transformation.


Then it's only a matter of a few million years and the spirit of the void itself to work on aging the egg. I just needed it to be close enough that I could pretend it was a dragon egg, and the dark shelled thing that I produced this way seemed to fool the machines. Course I can't just pretend that false clay was the real thing, this challenge was better made then that, only can pull this kind of loophole off in a few places.


Each of the sections where I've been working have one more treasure for me to claim from them. The last secret of botania lets me take the very spirit of creation and channel it to form part of my next great project. Yes, it's a tongue. That of a dragon, sly and selfish and wise. Normally you'd just skip out to the end and collect what you need from there in order to get draconic powers for yourself, but this test requires that I stay here, in this infinitely large box. Very confining.


Magic gets me close, but it takes refinement to get something toxic enough that I can use it as dragon's breath. No simulacrum of a dragon will have any life in it if I can't make it have breath. This stuff has a few other uses, but I'm far too focused on my task. Funny, I was forced to take this test because they never could get me to focus on anything overly long. Guess they get what they wished.


A mystical eye, crystals and quite a bit of heat, I'm able to fabricate some glass eyes that are close enough to the real thing to be replacement eyes for the dragon head. Just takes two of them.


This was quite a puzzle, took me a long time to stumble into the solution. In order to replicate the dragon fangs, I need to find an even harder material then any I'd used before. Manyullyn though is a highly exotic material. The cobalt required me to build it from the most blue and pure essences, while the aradite required the hottest and most extreme things I could craft. A day and a night of work, but soon I was able to craft two fine small fangs of the purple metal.


Milk is good for bones and teeth, and strengthens these small teeth into proper dragon teeth that I can use in my replacement dragon head.


Each of the processes I've been working on has but a single goal, a single piece of the skull I am trying to reform. A matrix of highly energized crystals had to be charged and aligned just in the right way to form the horn for the skull. That and a horrific amount of power. Still the machines I have made will serve to keep things running just long enough, or so I hope.


I've need of a new form of magic in order to combine these parts to form the replica dragon skull that I need, even the finest sympathetic magic requires something to work with. My entire journey to this point was just to get the pieces I need to forge my skull.


Alchemy, research. Honestly I don't have time for that, but this test space was used by other students before me. One of them hid a set of research notes in the elven realms and it's a simple enough task to claim a copy of it, just have to know what to offer in trade. With them I was able to find everything there was any need to know for the test in one go.


Another day and a night working to break things down into the exotic essences required to infuse this simulacra with something close enough to life for me to use it for my own purposes. Each of the ingredients will be bound in turn to the dragon skull that I forged from electrum and redstone in the heat of the sun. With this dragon skull I can finally call on sympathetic magic to force draconium into existence.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
(and the stunning conclusion)


If you want draconium, sometimes the fastest way to get it is sympathetic magic. You take any ingot and bring it close to a dragon head, and convince them with spells that they are one and the same. The power in the dragon passes into the ingot and you find yourself with draconium in your hands. Half an inventory of stacks of it and that's enough of a stockpile.


When you can easily make bedrock, fighting the wither isn't much of a problem, but with the number of wither stars required in order to make all the cores that are required for the fusion crafting comes the need for faster ways to kill them. The demand is still low enough that I can form the withers myself, but if I wished to automate it, there are ways. Ones I will not be taking, but there are ways.


I've little need for more grid power, but since I was so easily able to make two eggs, I've placed the second one here on display, more as a trophy then anything else. It's something to be proud of in most worlds, but here it's little more then a tool.


The stockpiles of many rare resources are consumed every time I upgrade one of these infusers another step, but I need to breach into chaos itself before I can focus enough power into the materials and force the existence of the TRUE CLAY into this world and escape.


I made a stockpile of draconium with the sympathetic tricks and then quickly changed over the processing setup again for diamonds. Instead of moving the coal myself I've set up the logs to be cooked down, and then processed into blocks to be cooked in the coke ovens. I process it again, feed it to the stamper, and then condense it in the crafter and feed it back in again before I let it be fed into the arc furnace. The heat of the sun itself to cook the diamonds and make them ready.


Power. MORE POWER. I've been running my base off of massively overclocked overclocked furnaces, with the transfer nodes feeding them as fast as they can and just barely keeping up. This process though, these final upgrades, require more power then the entire base running at once, so I've given it another set of furnaces, as well as powering it from the main grid.


Ah yes, TRUE clay. A fusion of multiple things, given insane amounts of power and time. The thing that brings balance to the universe. A pack with properly made clay is a balanced pack, or so the great sages say. The ingredients? Oh, I'm sure... nha, I'll let you find out yourself if you ever take the test.


A quick look down at my world, with the clay in hand, the end result of so much effort. To make the things, that made the things, to make the tools to make the tools, to make the machines that made the clay. I'd taken note of the ways that each of these tasks I did by hand could be automated, and dismissed each one as a harder and less useful way to make each of the components. I only need one.


So, they put me in a test because I failed the others, and said I didn't focus well enough. They challenged me to automate the entire process, but I absolutely refuse. I'm just going to get myself out of here, and hopefully land back in my world. With my luck lately, I have no clue where I will end up, or in what condition.
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Jan 29, 2015
Nice one! :)

I feel like Glacial Awakening might be a pack you can get your teeth into, as it has a bit of a feel to it story wise!
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Jan 2, 2016
He means the breakout modpack, which is really quite cool. It's kind of like a skyblock, but you are stuck in a box and need to find your way out. It's also a great introduction to modded MC.
(I'm in their discord and helping the dev a bit with their new pack)