Terrible FPS

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Title Terrible FPS

Launcher Type Curse App

Modpack FTB

Modpack version Infinity Evolved

Have you modified the pack? Yes

Link to log file

Details of the issue I cant seem to run FTB with more than 10-15 fps after about 15 minutes of playing. When I first load the game it will run fine at around 130-150 fps. Then all the sudden it will drop to like 10 fps and stay there. Ive increased allocated ram to 6gb (max that the curse client will let me) and ive installed optifine which worked for a while and then this continued to happen. I even tried to get the old launcher but i cannot seem to find it.

I have a i5-4960k , gtx 960 and 16gb of ram.

I have tried to figure out how to get FTB to launch from MultiMC but it wont show up even when ive followed all directions from either youtube,ftb froums, multimc forums or google.


Ive tried lowering the ram to 4gb and it doesnt help at all. About every 5 minutes my game will drop about 25% fps until i go from 150 to like 15.


Try ensuring any mods that you have added have no connections or conflicts with any other mods. Thaumcraft and Railcraft also have issues with optifine, causing the optifine to kill your frames and use ram LESS efficently.
Try uninstalling optifine and sticking with fastcraft, checking the list of new mods you have added and trying to run a debug on your own.
Try a quick google search on debugging your mods.