Open Server Tecraft! 24/7, Grief Protection! RPG Immersion Pack 1.0.1 [50 Slots] [No Lag!]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you hate when you get greifed? Well I am so I took out some time to make a server fully compatible with Greif Protection!
Server IP:
Rules: No greifing!, No stealing, No swearing, Use common sense, No asking for op or items.
Banned items: None
Banned mods: None

If you need to contact me for any reason my email is [email protected]
I will get back to you as soon as possible!

We are trying to maximize how many people can be on the server. We need donations to keep the server running! If we get enough I will send the server over to a VSP. I can host a website from there and a few servers.
Donation email: [email protected] Send as gift please.

We need a someone who knows Java if you do put a comment below and I will get you update with what I need your help with.
Might want to correct the typo; it is spelled "Grief".
Anyways, could you give a link to the pack or something of that nature?
I'd like to file a complaint. I was wrongly banned from this server because I apparently lied about wanting to borrow and not returning items. I want to state that I did not lie because I didn't ask for anything. So I would like to know if there was a misunderstanding about this issue. Please reply as soon as possible, thank you.
When will you disable PvP? People murdering at the spawn is starting to get really annoying.
Eh... Sorry XPownage. When I sent that message, the part that said (just kidding) got cut off and put on the second line, I don't think you saw it. I didn't expect to get banned for a joke. I do joke around a lot... sorry if you didn't like that much.

I have to go anyhow, so I'll be on tomorrow.
Guys remember I am not unbanning anyone I ban, Trolling is not allowed, I am trying to make a friendly community.
I'd like to file a complaint. I was wrongly banned from this server because I apparently lied about wanting to borrow and not returning items. I want to state that I did not lie because I didn't ask for anything. So I would like to know if there was a misunderstanding about this issue. Please reply as soon as possible, thank you.
Well you did, and its your fault maybe next time don't lie.[DOUBLEPOST=1363323928][/DOUBLEPOST]
Just posting to say, I'm joining.
I hope you have a great time on our servers![DOUBLEPOST=1363323963][/DOUBLEPOST]
When will you disable PvP? People murdering at the spawn is starting to get really annoying.
Yeah I will.[DOUBLEPOST=1363324001][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hello, I'm joining your server so I thought I'd post on here to say 'allo there mate' and such. Be on in a few.
I hope you have a great time!
Oh... It said I was banned for 16 minutes. I thought that was a temp for making a bad joke. Sorry again. Great server though. And I do want to point out that 'No trolling' isn't in the rules. That, and I honestly though you'd find it funny.
Oh... It said I was banned for 16 minutes. I thought that was a temp for making a bad joke. Sorry again. Great server though. And I do want to point out that 'No trolling' isn't in the rules. That, and I honestly though you'd find it funny.
Well if you did not know the rule *Use common sense* dose not involve trolling then you need to rethink the statement Use common sense.
Well anyhow, onto a different topic. I don't know how you're hosting the server but there was a little block lag. I don't know if you'd want to upgrade to a better host but I could probably donate for that if you have a page for donations.

And would you consider a ban appeal? This is the only open server I've found for this pack. It's just really annoying because even singleplayer won't work.
XPownage, I was not lying because I didn't even ask you for any items. I think you mistook me for another player. I believe the conversation went as such, I was murdered by an enderspider in my base and when I /home'd back to my base you tp'd to me and grabbed my stuff, giving it back to me when you picked it up. You then started telling me "Give me my stuff back!", and I was confused at what you meant, but then you started attacking me while I started running away trying to figure out what I had taken from you saying "What?". After I said this twice you smited me and killed me destroying all my items. You said that I had stolen your iron sword but that was my sword that I created and died with, I even quickly looked at my inventory and only my iron sword that I had created. I then asked you if you could give me back my stuff, this was before I knew they were destroyed in the lightning, and you said then "What's the problem?", as if you didn't know what had just happened. I then continued to explain to you that you had smited me after claiming I stole something of yours and you told me that it was burned. I then said that you had struck me with lightning and you said 'I can't ban lightning knight'. Of course I became annoyed at the fact that completely ignored the fact that you killed me for no reason I saw. You then claimed that I had lied to you about only wanting to borrow an item and I didn't give it back to you. I did not ask for any item from you yet you killed and banned me. I'm wondering if you had mistaken another player for me and banned me instead of the one who actually lied to you. Please read this and tell me if there were any mistakes made of any sort, thank you for reading.
mr admin guy u banned me for rageing at u sry :p i spent all morning getting that rupee shickaxe and i just came bk on died and then that stupid plugin decided to delete it all with out warning so can u plz unban me an dget rid of that stupid plugin
Well anyhow, onto a different topic. I don't know how you're hosting the server but there was a little block lag. I don't know if you'd want to upgrade to a better host but I could probably donate for that if you have a page for donations.

And would you consider a ban appeal? This is the only open server I've found for this pack. It's just really annoying because even singleplayer won't work.
Yeah sure I will try to do that in the next few days.[DOUBLEPOST=1363456180][/DOUBLEPOST]
XPownage, I was not lying because I didn't even ask you for any items. I think you mistook me for another player. I believe the conversation went as such, I was murdered by an enderspider in my base and when I /home'd back to my base you tp'd to me and grabbed my stuff, giving it back to me when you picked it up. You then started telling me "Give me my stuff back!", and I was confused at what you meant, but then you started attacking me while I started running away trying to figure out what I had taken from you saying "What?". After I said this twice you smited me and killed me destroying all my items. You said that I had stolen your iron sword but that was my sword that I created and died with, I even quickly looked at my inventory and only my iron sword that I had created. I then asked you if you could give me back my stuff, this was before I knew they were destroyed in the lightning, and you said then "What's the problem?", as if you didn't know what had just happened. I then continued to explain to you that you had smited me after claiming I stole something of yours and you told me that it was burned. I then said that you had struck me with lightning and you said 'I can't ban lightning knight'. Of course I became annoyed at the fact that completely ignored the fact that you killed me for no reason I saw. You then claimed that I had lied to you about only wanting to borrow an item and I didn't give it back to you. I did not ask for any item from you yet you killed and banned me. I'm wondering if you had mistaken another player for me and banned me instead of the one who actually lied to you. Please read this and tell me if there were any mistakes made of any sort, thank you for reading.
Fine you are unbanned