Private Pack TechnicallyFun | 1.7.10 | Techinallyfun V6.0.0 | Whitelist

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*ING: ZzFallen_AngelzZ
*First Name: travis
*Country you live in?; usa
*Age: 17
*How long you have been playing FTB?: not long, i do not like using a client, but i have been playing modpacks since the very first tekkit.
What is your favorite mod in TF?:i must be blind as i dont see a modlist
Your least favorite?: ender zoo (i think its useless personally ,it adds tnt that has no good use..etc but the creepers are annoying and interesting i guess but its my least fav)
Did you watch the overview video?: assuming its not there.
What mod would you like to see be added into TF?: if you dont have it, thaumcraft kami, forbidden magic, blood magic. great magic mods that dont hurt slow computers (i have a slow computer)..
Would you read an email update?: since i got a fancy phone now yeah.
Why do you want to join TechinallyFun? looking for a nice small community/weird people like myself, i dont mind helping others but i will always want to be living alone, away from civilization. mostly to do with people randomly coming in my house in the past.
i will be active fyi :P
*ING:Void_Soul_Reaper Or basseboy1337 i have recently changed name so :P
*First Name:bastian
*Country you live in?;Sweden
*How long you have been playing FTB?: Since It Started
What is your favorite mod in TF?: None
Your least favorite?: None
Did you watch the overview video?: There is no video :P
What mod would you like to see be added into TF?: Zelda Sworld skills (if possible)
Would you read an email update?: No I dont usually go on my email
Why do you want to join TechinallyFun? I want a fun and mature server to play on :3

Extra Stuff About Me:
Steam Name: Void Soul Reaper
Skype Name:Basse Aka Soul Reaper

Why I added those thing is because I want to make as many friends as possible :3
First Name:Raphael
Country you live in?;Canada
How long you have been playing FTB?: 1½ year
We have updated to 6.1 and had a world reset we hope this will be the only world rest for a few months. I will update the mod list soon!
*First Name:Mark
*Country you live in?;AU
*How long you have been playing FTB?:few years
What is your favorite mod in TF?:ars magica 2
Your least favorite?:bees everything that has too with bees
Did you watch the overview video?:not yet
What mod would you like to see be added into TF?: Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers Construct
Would you read an email update?:yes
Why do you want to join TechinallyFun it looks like a good pack with good ppl where i can try todo my thing with new friends
*IGN - Theonewhohax
*First Name - Edward
*Country you live in? - Latvija
*Age - 18 Years old.
*How long you have been playing FTB? - Have been playing Ftb and modded minecraft for over 2 years.
What is your favorite mod in TF? - My favorite is Thermal Expansion.
Your least favorite?: Dartcraft
Did you watch the overview video?:
What mod would you like to see be added into TF?:
Would you read an email update?: I would have if the video would be there.
Why do you want to join TechinallyFun? Becouse I want to become part of a great looking community, so i can start expiriencing the wonders of modded minecraft again.

PS. - And If you get any wrong ideas about my pic and IGN i don't hack actually hack.