Whitelist Server TechnicalLab [Custom Ultimate Pack] [Whitelist] [24/7]

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My Name: freaknikbeatnik
My age:20
I live in (Country): us
I have a microphone: yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: yes
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic:yes
Yea! Just decided to whitelist you too! Welcome to the family. Please join us on TS and check your PM for further information.
Did I get rejected because of my lack of a microphone? If so, I understand, but I hope you will reconsider your decision.
IGN: Benissbored
My age: 18
I Live in The United States
I have a microphone!
Yes I will join teamspeak!
And the rules are perfect! and this Tinker mod looks amazing!
My Name: svalkur
My age:28
I live in (Country): USA
I have a microphone:Yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: When i can
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: Yes
IGN: Benissbored
My age: 18
I Live in The United States
I have a microphone!
Yes I will join teamspeak!
And the rules are perfect! and this Tinker mod looks amazing!
My Name: svalkur
My age:28
I live in (Country): USA
I have a microphone:Yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: When i can
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: Yes
You both have been whitelisted and have a PM with further information!
My Name:tiyu
My age:13
I live in (Country):USA
I have a microphone:Yup I do!
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server:I most likely will
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic:I do!
My Name:chowe010
My age:18
I live in (Country):USA
I have a microphone:yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: yes
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: yes
My Name: Mike (IGN Pitviper07)
My age: 29
I live in (Country): USA
I have a microphone: Yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: I can get on TS although I wont be talking much as I normally get on while everyone in the household is sleeping.
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: Of course.
My Name: Replay
My age: 14
I live in (Country): The Netherlands
I have a microphone: Yes, I do.
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: Yes ofcourse I like a fun community server!
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: Yes ofcourse if I get accepted it's gonna be lots of fun~!
My Name: GreenAardvark53
My age: 16
I live in (Country): England
I have a microphone: yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: yes
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: yea of course
My Name: AttackofDaBaws (Seth)
My age: 14
I live in (Country): US
I have a microphone: Yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: Yes
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: Yes
My Name: Jesse van Dopperen (totestiu in-game)
My age: 14
I live in (Country): I live in Holland Just like You ;)
I have a microphone: Certainly, i have an Samson C01U
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: Ofcourse but when my internet sucks u won't be able to play (My internet has drops) And i can speak english very well so they will understand me
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: Ofcourse they are normal/basic Server Rules

I make a Dutch Application

Mijn naam: Jesse van Dopperen
Mijn leeftijd: 14 jaar
Ik woon in welk land: Nederland Jij ook :D
Ik heb een microfoon: Jazeker! een Samson C01U
Als ik in de server zit join ik dan de Teamspeak server?: Ja maar soms dropt mijn internet dus dan is dat lastiger
Ik accepteer de regels van de server: Sowieso het zijn de normale standaard regels:

Groeten Greets,

Edit: 12:35 28-4-2013
My Name: Jon
My age: 13
I live in (Country): Netherlands
I have a microphone: Yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: Yes
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: Yes
My Name: WantedLordd
My age: 17
I live in (Country): Turkey
I have a microphone: Yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: I can join
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: Yes
My Name:Bailey
My age:15
I live in Arizona:
I have a microphone: YEs
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: Il try too
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic:I agree with the rules
My Name: Bordusjonguh (Realname: Bram)
My age: I'm 14 years old
I live in (Country): The Netherlands , Same as you ;)
I have a microphone: Yes, I'm currently online on your TS Server
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: Of Course i will!
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: i Do agree all the server rules ;)
My IGN: Blinty
My age: 21
I live in (Country): UK
I have a microphone: Yes
I will join Teamspeak when I'm on the server: When it is quiet around home, and if it has stopped being buggy with my computer :) Else I can use skype etc :D
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: I agree with all of the rules

Also my friend, pinjata, is applying too :D Hopefully we can be whitelisted together?
My Name: Pinjata
My age: 20
I live in: Norway
I have a microphone: yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: yes when its quiet aroun my computer : ) can also use skype etc
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: yes ofcourse
My friend Blinty is also applying to this server hopefully we can be whitelisted together : )
My Name: kr990
My age: 21
I live in (Country): Canada
I have a microphone: Yes
I will join Teamspeak when im on the server: Yes
I agree with all the rules that are listed above in the topic: Yes