Tech-Craft [Private small, TeamSpeak, Mature, Mindcrack, Aus Based]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Private Server, Whitelist, Private TeamSpeak, Australian based
Currently running MindCrack v6 - With mystcraft added.
Hi! Were a small private server that is currently looking for dedicated players that are interested in being apart of our community, were a no admin server that meaning that all the admins are playing legit and we have a pretty beefy server that can handle the load of all the amazing things we will be building. We want to keep the server quiet enough so there is zero lag but full enough so there's always someone to talk to and collaborate with.
Every person wishing to apply needs to be "verified" so that means, a teamspeak chat, mcbans and other services check, and other checks to ensure we have a great community with everyone sharing rather than stealing.
We'd love you to come and join us! The requirements are
- Your 15 years or older​
- This isn't your first time playing with the mods​
- You have a working mic​
- You have teamspeak setup​
- You will be very active​
- Australian (for time zones)​
- Expert in the mods​
We have a great community and have just generated a great new map for the new pack, we hope to see you in-game!
To apply / be verified reply to this thread with name, age, country, and any extra info (screens of builds etc, something to make you seem like a better person to join)
IGN: Scythk
Age: 18
Country: USA
Extra Info: I am really good with mods (been playing since 1.7.3 beta), I excel in most of the mods with exceptions for a few (Gregtech) that I am learning.

I have a screenshot of a neat auto system using the new mechanics of redpower to auto re supply that I will happy to share and to build.
IGN: Laughingghost
Age: 23
Location: England

Sounds like the kind of server I'd like to play on, have a lot of spare time on my hands currently and would like to get stuck into some serious FTB'ing. I've played the mod extensively in single player, and casually with a couple of friends. I know my way around it and would be happy to share any tricks i've picked up during my time with the mod.

Happy to come on TS for a chat etc.

Hope to hear from you soon.

- Ghost
IGN: Frix45
Location: Sweden
17 years old
I have teamspeak installed but dont use it that much.
This looks like a good and nice server with a good community so i hope i can be a part of it.
I will be playing about 1-5h a day some days more and some days less.
Im not an expert on this mod i started playing it for a few weeks ago but im learning a lot and i hope thats okay.
IGN: Jeddac, agent8910, ch1ck3nbutt
Age: 18, 17, 16
Country: UK/ USA/ USA
Extra Info: Play with my two friends almost all the time- when they're on given the time-zone differences. Looking for a small server to play on that doesn't have all the insane lists of 'removed mods' - generally for no real reason. - perfectly happy to join TS and such, we're usually in a skype convo anyway.
Hope you'll consider us.
Ign ; got1ssues​
age: 17​
country: NZ​
Activity: I'm on holiday so i got time​
Extra info : had plenty of experience with the mods. Played tekkit, Ftb for ages​
IGN: tristar16
Age: 16
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Extra Info: I know basics about mods,but there is still much more I would like to learn from experienced people.So I think this would be a great server to learn more about mods and such things.
I used TS3 before and I have a good headset with working microphone.
IGN: abculatter_2
Age: 18
Country: Florida USA
Extra Info: <-- Is all I really have to show atm...
However, I currently have plans for a mega-project I'm trying to build, basically a massive floating island 'suspended' by an MFFS force field, with the ruins of an ancient, highly advanced civilization within, which I figure would be much more interesting (and faster/easier) to build in a server rather then singleplayer.
IGN: Virtual_Storm
Age: 23
Country: Germany
Extra Info: I have some exp with some of the mods, mainly BC, IC2, some RP, TE and a little bit of Forestry/Bees and CC. I'm new to FTB though, used to pack the mods myself in the old days. I'm not a great builder when it comes to aesthetics, but i'm all in for a large machine setup. I prefer TS over chat, one reason i apply here :)
IGN: _Zael
Age: 23
Country: Australia, WA
Extra Info: I am looking for a new community that is running a FTB mod-pack and hosting in Australia. I am a very active player and proficient in the mods contained in the FTB beta pack (need to look into some of the new ones in Mindcrack). I'm a decent builder and programmer.
I am also always on Team Speak/Vent whenever I am online.
IGN: juiceball
Age: 17
Country: Aus, NSW
Extra Info: I have been looking for a good server to join that is small full of people dedicated to playing mods. I have been playing minecraft since alpha and mods since beta came out. I know all the mods in FTB quite well and anything i dont know at the moment (some things in gregtech and such) i am trying to learn as quick as possible. I also have mic and TS as well.
IGN: razbury12
Age 15
Country: England
Extra Info: I didn't know searching for a server was so hard! I hope that this one is full of decent people. I do have Skype and a mic. I am autistic too, so i have to make sure i have everything perfect. Thanks for hearing me out.
IGN: iTzDragBag
Age: 16
Country: US
Extra: Im a little new with the mods. But looking for people play with and i will catch on easily.
I know a little bit from tekkit or technic i also dont fight im cool and chill.Also got mic ,skype ,and teamspeak
IGN: MetalHeadzzz
Age: 15
Country: Australia
Extra info: I have played most of these mods for quite a while and i have been looking for an Aussie server for ages
IGN: TomTheTurtle22 and jcasl2
Age: were both 15
Country: Australia
We know pretty much everything about the mods (exept bees) and have been looking for a decent australian server since ftb was released

we have TS too

here is my UUmatter machine=
IGN: valliant12
Age: 18
Country: Australia
Extra Info: I am pretty adept in all of the pack's mods except GregTech. I mainly like building very functional and interesting systems. Forestry, Redpower and IC2 are my main mods. I try to integrate many mods together. Also, IC was my first 'functional' mod.
IGN: kaldoscope​
Age: 18​
Country: Vic, Australia​
Extra Info: Played a bit of tekkit back in the day, also played the original FTB maps, never finished insanity due to the beast because I couldn't get optifine (beast caused quite a bit of lag) to work with it, though now that we've got the launcher, might try it again now that I mention it. I enjoy creating automated setups and am fairly proficient in most tech mods. Extra Bees, traincraft, CC and Gregtech are mods where more knowledge is needed.​