My first infusion crafting just completely fails. I am trying to get the portable hole, put all the items on pedestals, filled jars with needed essentia and the runic matrix starts when I right click with my wand. However, after the runic matrix drained the essentias, it starts zapping random items on the pedestals and I just cannot figure out exactly what went in the center and what went away. The shards are just too similar to each other so I cannot figure out which one I have to replace. I recorded my attempt and looking at the recording, I could figure out the air shard got zapped, and by randomly placing new items on pedestals, I came up to placing a new air shard, and that just didn't help. Looking at the top of the runic matrix, I saw some aspect symbols, so maybe that beast is expecting more esentia of some kind. Then if the process takes too long, I am starting to take damage. I just cnanot be proactive enough to react and fix as the needs change like this. Is there a way to get the process more stable or automate it? This is just insane and very frustrating.
I put pedestals all around the center altar and tried to balance the items around. That didn't help.
Maybe that requires yet other items like candles, but every crafting with Taumcraft is just too painful: no NEI recipes, so no way to do text-based search, and no way to do shift-? to put the items in, so I need to constantly alternate between the Taumononicon and the arcane workbench to figure out what was placed wrong, and then vis are missing and I have to walk around to find aura nodes.
I don't need to super advanced items like the pickax of the core, ax of the stream, etc., but I would like the lamp of growth and the kinetic attractors. Are there other mods offering similar items easier to craft?
My first infusion crafting just completely fails. I am trying to get the portable hole, put all the items on pedestals, filled jars with needed essentia and the runic matrix starts when I right click with my wand. However, after the runic matrix drained the essentias, it starts zapping random items on the pedestals and I just cannot figure out exactly what went in the center and what went away. The shards are just too similar to each other so I cannot figure out which one I have to replace. I recorded my attempt and looking at the recording, I could figure out the air shard got zapped, and by randomly placing new items on pedestals, I came up to placing a new air shard, and that just didn't help. Looking at the top of the runic matrix, I saw some aspect symbols, so maybe that beast is expecting more esentia of some kind. Then if the process takes too long, I am starting to take damage. I just cnanot be proactive enough to react and fix as the needs change like this. Is there a way to get the process more stable or automate it? This is just insane and very frustrating.
I put pedestals all around the center altar and tried to balance the items around. That didn't help.
Maybe that requires yet other items like candles, but every crafting with Taumcraft is just too painful: no NEI recipes, so no way to do text-based search, and no way to do shift-? to put the items in, so I need to constantly alternate between the Taumononicon and the arcane workbench to figure out what was placed wrong, and then vis are missing and I have to walk around to find aura nodes.
I don't need to super advanced items like the pickax of the core, ax of the stream, etc., but I would like the lamp of growth and the kinetic attractors. Are there other mods offering similar items easier to craft?