Whitelist Server Tartarus | SMP Agrarian Sky | Mature 18+ | Party Mode | Dedicated Server | TeamSpeak

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: hodkor
Age: 39
Location: Louisiana, USA
Previous bans if any (be honest): Never been banned.
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): Started playing Unleashed over a year ago. Enjoyed learning a lot of the mods, machines, etc. After that I heard about Magic Farm 2 and wanted to check it out because of the challenge of it all. Have been playing that mod pack for a few months but I am always looking for something new to challenge me a bit more, so when I heard about Agrarian Skies I was in! Just looking for a more mature server to experience the modpack.
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: All of my creations are kind of like my kids I guess, they're all special in their own way :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: Merendel

Age: 32

Location: Eugene OR (USA)

Previous bans if any (be honest): none that I'm aware of.

Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): I've played a number of FTB packs over the last year or so, Unleashed, Ultimate, horizons, several iterations of the DW pack. I'm at least passingly familiar with most mods and very experienced with the more popular ones that are included in most packs.

What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: I'd have to say that would be my giant donut base. A word for the wise dont try to build a plotz toroid set to 64 diameter 25 thickness, it takes forever. It was a kinda neat effect from the inside but sadly the map reset before I could do any exterior work. I wanted to add microblock sprinkles :p

Ran accross DW20s recent lets play for this pack and tried it out in single player and would love to try it now that multiplayer is out. Dont mind working alone or as part of a small group for the build just as long as there are other people around to chat with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: rakkie3

Age: 30

Location: Belgium

Previous bans if any (be honest): none

Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): got over two years of experience now and love the ftb modpacks. Got no screenshots or builds that i can let you see but i love to make nice things also big factories

What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: Mmm, that's a difficult one. Trying to put as much of machines in a very small house, but then needed to realize that i needed a very big home to get all those machines correctly working.

I rather work alone because i hate to be bossed around, nothing wrong with that just not for me. I just don't want to play it all alone i love to chat with other people


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: jpbirdsong02
Age: 27
Location: Chicago
Previous bans if any (be honest): None
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): Been playing since Ultimate; know tech mods inside and out; love large automated builds; here's a sample: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/automating-quest-ram.20424/page-2#post-244216
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: Before I understood how server lag worked, on that same server, I had a steam power setup with over 500 industrial steam generators.