Running on Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack
Version 1.1.2
Server IP
Soul Zone Network is simply a hub for our personal and unique servers. We aim to bring servers to the community that offer new and refreshing concepts. We're new, and out image is new. We are currently working on several projects. However, our project team is quite lacking. If you're interested in Joining our project team please look below.
SoulZoneNetwork is now launching it's Ultimate Edition server.
Essentially it's FTB ultimate with a few changes from the normal. All and all, we're looking to provide a reliable server and develop a community for our Projects. Below are the features we introduce.
Want to join our Projects? Click the following links.
- Patched Mods
- Non-Grief Ages
- Anarchy Ages
- Community Website
- 24/7
- Balancing
These are the dreaded item Blacklist, though smaller than most, we're pretty sure some kids are going to rage about these anyway.
+ Mystcraft (Entire Mod)
This mod has been proven to make servers quite unstable. The ability to make private worlds also introduces some problems with balancing aswell. So we thought it was best to completely disable it.
+ Arcane work tables
These are from thaumcraft. They're bugged, and players will be able to duplicate items if left unchecked. But do not worry, as this is actually not important to have. The arcane work table can be replaced quite easily with an infusion alter, which you will be able to purchase from the server shop.
+ Nukes
We disabled this item because we don't really want players to be able to grief the landscape on the overworld.
+ Tunnel Bores
This item wasn't able to be patched. Players could potentially grief each other with this.
+ Soul Forges
Due to the Glitch that allows players to make Tier 5 soulshards faster than what they were intended. We've disabled the Soul Forges. However, players will be able to buy Tier 5 Soul Shards from the server shop.
The essentials rules to the server. Quite simple, and pretty sure that these are staples to all other servers. Let's talk about some of these.
Spam and Caps - This means that we don't want to see excessive messages all over the chat log, and we certainly don't want to see MESSAGES IN FULL CAPS, as it's quite annoying to read. Anti-Spam measures are in place, and all spammers will be muted and kicked without mercy.
Flaming and Fighting - We encourage everyone to play around and joke about anything. However, it gets very annoying to see players fighting and insulting each other. If caught fighting, ALL PARTIES will be muted, and if continued, it will become an eventual Ban.
Griefing in Non grief ages - We have made an entire age dedicated to Anarchy. If you wish to greif, raid, and loot, please go to that age. If you're caught griefing in the over-world or Trusted age, you will be banned.
Insulting and bullying - At no point of time will we tolerate any disrespect or discrimination between our player and staff. Not to be confused with joking. If you feel that you have been insulted or bullied, please let any of the staff know, and we will support you. Multiple instances of bullying and insulting can result in muting and banning.
Respect Staff - Respecting staff is expected out of our players. We spend good time ensuring things run smoothly (and free) for all of you, so the very last thing you could do is show us respect. This includes insulting, name calling, or harassment (even trolling) will be considered as disrespect. If you're caught breaking this rule, you're gone.
Report Bugs, glitches, and Exploits - We need as much information possible to keep broventuretime as seamless as possible. Due to the nature of FTB, there are many bugs and glitches. We want to nullify any game breaking impact these glitches may cause. If you're caught exploiting (Defined as giving you an unfair advantage or otherwise, using a mod that wasn't intended by the author of said mod), you could well be finding yourself banned from our servers.
Asking Staff for items - We expect that our players will be mature enough to know this one, but incase we have some that aren't, we want you to know that asking for items spawns, game mode changes, or even for staff positions is very annoying. We will not be giving out items, staff positions, nor will we change your game mode. If we catch you asking, we'll mute you.
Application Status - Our Network consists of many projects and servers outside of Broventuretime, which is why we divised an application form, to give a chance to people who seriously want to get involved with what we're doing.
(Note: The rules may be updated or changed at any time to accomidate any abuse.)