These suggestions that may have been brought up in the past, but i think it would be a great idea if it was possible to "Add" a custom mod-pack to the launcher list that was user-created, similar to MultiMC but without having to overwrite other mod-packs. Also, another idea for a preset mod-pack would be one similar to voxelpack, but with all non-resource extensive, non-voxel based world editing tools such as NEI, and World-edit, as-well as Optifine.
If the voxelboxpack was a little easier to run on a laptop or low end desktop, i wouldn't have probably made this post, but i play on a decent laptop and get a horrifying 10-15 FPS at most while using the mod-pack.
If the voxelboxpack was a little easier to run on a laptop or low end desktop, i wouldn't have probably made this post, but i play on a decent laptop and get a horrifying 10-15 FPS at most while using the mod-pack.