Suggestion - Windowed Fullscreen as a preference option!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm tired of having borders with my windowed fullscreen, and for a pack as dense as this is with new recipes/features cruising wiki's is a must for most people. Make everyone happy by having an option to run FTB in windowed fullscreen. There are some independent programs that do this, but it seems they have trouble finding the FTB client as the window to make borderless windowed fullscreen.

EDIT: To clarify, maybe have a ticker in preferences that will start the client in borderless windowed mode, enabling us to alt-tab out to our hearts content without having to go through the annoying F11 fullscreen process every time we want to see a webpage/message.
Now I'm no expert so please correct me if I'm wrong, but to me it seems this would actually need to be a change to the Minecraft client, rather than something FTB can do. I never looked for the option, but is it in vanilla minecraft? If not then this would probably involve redesigning parts of the clients core code.

It may be possible though - since FTB does rename the client window.
You can run FTB ( or any other program ) in windowed fullscreen mode by using a Autohotkey script.

If you have Autohotkey just copy the following code into a .txt file and save it as a .ahk file.
You need to change the "Location\FTB_Launcher.exe" to the location of the FTB Launcher, eg: "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\FTB_Launcher.exe". Also, change the "w = 1920" and "h = 1080" if you're not using 1920 x 1080.

Just double click the .ahk file to run it.
The script will start the FTB launcher and wait for 30 seconds ( can be changed ) before it tries to maximize the window. Just make sure you've pressed launch in the FTB launcher before then.

;Set your game path here
Run, Location\FTB_Launcher.exe
;Set your desktop resolution here
w = 1920
h = 1080
;30 seconds delay before script makes game "fullscreen", you can set different amount, just see that you press launch before time has run off
Sleep, 30000
WinMaximize, Feed The Beast Beta Pack A
WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, Feed The Beast Beta Pack A
DllCall("SetMenu", uint, WinExist( "Feed The Beast Beta Pack A" ), uint, 0)
WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, Feed The Beast Beta Pack A
WinMove,Feed The Beast Beta Pack A,,0,0,w,h
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You can run FTB ( or any other program ) in windowed fullscreen mode by using a Autohotkey script.

If you have Autohotkey just copy the following code into a .txt file and save it as a .ahk file.
You need to change the "Location\FTB_Launcher.exe" to the location of the FTB Launcher, eg: "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\FTB_Launcher.exe". Also, change the "w = 1920" and "h = 1080" if you're not using 1920 x 1080.

Just double click the .ahk file to run it.
The script will start the FTB launcher and wait for 30 seconds ( can be changed ) before it tries to maximize the window. Just make sure you've pressed launch in the FTB launcher before then.

;Set your game path here
Run, Location\FTB_Launcher.exe
;Set your desktop resolution here
w = 1920
h = 1080
;30 seconds delay before script makes game "fullscreen", you can set different amount, just see that you press launch before time has run off
Sleep, 30000
WinMaximize, Feed The Beast Beta Pack A
WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, Feed The Beast Beta Pack A
DllCall("SetMenu", uint, WinExist( "Feed The Beast Beta Pack A" ), uint, 0)
WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, Feed The Beast Beta Pack A
WinMove,Feed The Beast Beta Pack A,,0,0,w,h

Thank you VERY MUCH!

This worked perfectly, It's annoying when you have dual monitors and you're recording things in FRAPS and you have to check something on your other monitor (Recipes, Tutorials, Information, Etc) I ended up recording most my videos at a weird resolution and fixing it in post, this has made everything so much easier.

Thank you.

Also, because I'm using FTB Unleashed. I had to edit everywhere it said "Feed The Beast Beta Pack A" with FTB Unleashed v1.1.3 (or whatever version of FTB you're currently using)
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