So I'm stuck in a different dimension without a linking book. And i can't find the cavern with the portal at the bottom. How do I get back to the overworld?
You mean you DON'T keep an emergency linking-book-home in an ender chest?![]()
or I think a nether portal works, or if your on a server then ask an OP for a teleport.
Obsidian should be available in most ages. An eye of ender to finish crafting an ender chest is going to be problematic: Killing an enderman is the easy part - its the blaze powder necessary to convert the ender pearl... without access to the nether, THAT is the chocking point with my ultimate get-out-of-jail card.
You can just enchant books until you get the soul bound enchant too, IIRC, but nice to hear that MFR is still pretty awesome.The Soulbound enchant from Ars Magica 2 is obtainable by enchanting a spellbook and then putting it in a MFR disenchanter.
This will cause an item (like a pouch) to follow you after death.
The Divine Intervention spell effect is also really useful for getting out of trouble.
Horns! Seriously, using a MFR Disenchanter it's much the same as the "enchant a spellbook then disenchant to get soulbound" advice from above, except they also have fire aspect 3(IIRC).The cheaty way, if you're on single player, and can't get any commands to work: spawn in a linking book, then NBT edit the book in your inventory to DIM 1 (believe it's dimension 1).
Just out of curiosity, what can you get from the cow level? All I ever get is thaumcraft dungeons, nodes, and alot of hurt from poleaxes. (feel free to spoiler plz).
No idea. It's not a common drop I think(never been there myself, honestly), but it's still dropped by them.Thanks! I never got a drop from the cows. Maybe that was an old version that didn't have the drops..? no idea.