Title Strange unsolid Ghost-Blocks (TC-smeltery)
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack FTB infinity evolved
Modpack version 2.6
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue Hi there,
I got some kind of a visual Problem. All the sudden a bugged copy of my TC smeltery appeared hovering above my real smeltery. These blocks are visually existant, but are unsolid and when I build through them, the building blocks (e.g. cobblestone) are completely transparent.
I wouldn't mind that much if it wasn't hovering over my main building, looking ugly as all hell. Maybe some of you guys experienced this as well and know how to fix it?
I got no extra mods installed besides optifine. A buddy of mine who plays there too, has got the same issue, without using Optifine.
Here's a link to a screen:
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack FTB infinity evolved
Modpack version 2.6
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue Hi there,
I got some kind of a visual Problem. All the sudden a bugged copy of my TC smeltery appeared hovering above my real smeltery. These blocks are visually existant, but are unsolid and when I build through them, the building blocks (e.g. cobblestone) are completely transparent.
I wouldn't mind that much if it wasn't hovering over my main building, looking ugly as all hell. Maybe some of you guys experienced this as well and know how to fix it?
I got no extra mods installed besides optifine. A buddy of mine who plays there too, has got the same issue, without using Optifine.
Here's a link to a screen:
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