Steve's Carts not collecting hybrid Forestry saplings?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
edit to answer to the edit: that actually makes sense, and isn't too wordy in the slightest. The part about forestry villager can be given as an example of how to get a "pure" sapling.

"Pure" is the correct descriptive word choice IMO, but I didn't think to use it... that's what I mean about getting the wording right, it's important. I think wikis will always require good editing and good collaborative effort - but most of all you def need to find a way to improve user participation and remove the "intimidation" factor!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I often wish for is a little "notes" section on each wiki page where players can report things they discover that conflicts with the wiki information.

I really don't want to go into the wiki and start changing things all over the place, and yeah I think most people have this attitude which is why the wiki never gets updated. But if I knew there was a section devoted solely to "player reports" where it would seem like we were adding a little tidbit of info to the collection instead of taking this drastic step (gasp!) of changing the wiki page itself... you know what I mean? I'd quickly add a note based on my experience with the Tree:Exotic addon in Monster pack, and go back to playing. I have a feeling this is already in the wiki (there are "notes" pages, correct?), but they are hidden in tabs or whatever... bring those notes right onto the "front page" of each wiki page.
Yeah, that's what the talk pages are for. That's where people discuss things before wikifying.
For example, or

Sadly, they aren't shown together with the main article, but I guess we can put up a note in the side bar promoting people to use talk pages more, something like "Have something to add but not sure where to start? Use the Talk [link] page!" and then maybe something about the fact that you don't have to follow style guidelines and are free to express yourself, and then (oh god, look who's wordy now) probably ask the user to specify what modpack they were playing and maybe even which mod version they were using.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I thought people stopped making them because Vswe introduced durability on the main part and made the top tier with no durability so costly it wasn't worth making. Top that off with some disappearing cart shenanagans and MFR, it just pushed Steve Carts way out of the picture.

Maybe. Even the second tier harvester had better yield, WAY cheaper cost per area, could handle overflow better, and could run continuously on a large system for a week of chunkloaded real time off of solar power.

But people get offended at the IDEA of a non-infinite system even as they then cheerfully lecture us about how awesome their hardmode rotarycraft treefarm is. :) So maybe that is it.

As for the disappearing cart problems, this is actually a funny thing. AFAIK the cart-through-floor bug was fixed in 1.4. But people seem to forget lightning and creepers are a real thing that can derail the cart.

For the record, I LOVED my season with SC2. Once you could get some basic automatic crafting for the hard bits of the recipes (even a super crafting frame wall would be sufficient) it was a joy to work with, and the build times made you feel a lot of gravitas and attachment for your carts without feeling too tedious. I feel like it's a better model than infusion, which just takes SO MUCH of my attention even for simple things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fruity bees, I think they are called. Yeah, I'm gonna stick one of them right in the middle of my Forestry Multi-Farm. They have the "Bonemeal" effect or something (Ripening). It's one of the few bee species I still haven't made (go figure).

One thing that slows the multi-farm way down is the darn leaf blocks. I wanted a tree that literally had no leaf blocks to get in the way of a sapling trying to grow. When a tree grows, the leaf canopy blocks a good portion of the Forestry multi-farm until they decay. When there are leaf blocks overhead, saplings won't grow obv. Balsa has few leaf blocks but they're not nearly as tall as Kapoks so still not sure which I want to use. Since there's no much info out there, I just need to go experiment.
To help get around the decaying saplings problem, I put 4 MFR harvesters around my forestry multi-farm. they will help to harvest the leaf blocks when the trees grow.
I put a 5 block range upgrade in the harvesters for optimal harvesting. Using 1 harverster with the max range upgrade doesnt work as well

Its not perfect -- you will still see some leaf blocks hanging around, but its a LOT faster than just waiting for everything to decay naturally.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the record, I LOVED my season with SC2. Once you could get some basic automatic crafting for the hard bits of the recipes (even a super crafting frame wall would be sufficient) it was a joy to work with, and the build times made you feel a lot of gravitas and attachment for your carts without feeling too tedious. I feel like it's a better model than infusion, which just takes SO MUCH of my attention even for simple things.
I respect your opinion and that's the only reason I reserve final judgement on SC. Personally I find infusion crafting to be tolerable and manageable. Maybe I'm easily distracted by light shows, but after getting a basic set of aspect jars established, I honestly never really feel the need for golem automation. I prefer to use vials to manage my aspects and after some mining for shards or crafting of candles, I can mitigated instability and have a good time with it. I suppose it comes down to play style and I accept the difference in views.

That said I truly like the benefits of SC but the crafting and time (more than anything) are off putting in the post 1.4 era.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Back to my original problem, I still can't get a wood farm to keep up with 2 Carpenters. Just two machines??? The recipe for impregnated sticks might be the stupidest in the game... I have to believe they meant 2 planks and made a mistake using 2 wood for the recipe. Anyhow, it is what it is, so here's what I need for my 2 Carpenters making impregnated sticks:

2 Carpenters x 2 wood every 3 seconds = 4 wood every 3 seconds = 80 wood per minute = 4800 wood per hour

Right now my Steve's Carts farm is a 3x3 chunk area (that's appox. 50x50 blocks) with a loop filling the whole thing. It takes one hour to make its loop and it gives me 2000 wood. That's not even half of what I need.

The Forestry multi-farm , max-size with modified Kapok trees that mature (grow) faster gives me much less than 2000 wood per hour although I haven't computed it exactly.

Thus it seems I have no option but to expand, built more of either type of farm, or else I need to break down and use MFR. I do like the idea of a cart doing the work of cutting down the trees instead of a block you plop down and it magically does all the work with no visuals except some sparkly things in the air. Just my preference I guess. But if MFR will give me 4800 wood per hour... it's gonna be hard to resist it.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Back to my original problem, I still can't get a wood farm to keep up with 2 Carpenters. Just two machines??? The recipe for impregnated sticks might be the stupidest in the game... I have to believe they meant 2 planks and made a mistake using 2 wood for the recipe. Anyhow, it is what it is, so here's what I need for my 2 Carpenters making impregnated sticks:

2 Carpenters x 2 wood every 3 seconds = 4 wood every 3 seconds = 80 wood per minute = 4800 wood per hour

Right now my Steve's Carts farm is a 3x3 chunk area (that's appox. 50x50 blocks) with a loop filling the whole thing. It takes one hour to make its loop and it gives me 2000 wood. That's not even half of what I need.

The Forestry multi-farm , max-size with modified Kapok trees that mature (grow) faster gives me much less than 2000 wood per hour although I haven't computed it exactly.

Thus it seems I have no option but to expand, built more of either type of farm, or else I need to break down and use MFR. I do like the idea of a cart doing the work of cutting down the trees instead of a block you plop down and it magically does all the work with no visuals except some sparkly things in the air. Just my preference I guess. But if MFR will give me 4800 wood per hour... it's gonna be hard to resist it.
Honestly if you don't mind OP, Ghostwood in a MFR farm...
Get some animals to feed a MFR sewer to make fertiliser for the MFR fertilizer to "bonemeal" the saplings for instant growth.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Back to my original problem, I still can't get a wood farm to keep up with 2 Carpenters. Just two machines??? The recipe for impregnated sticks might be the stupidest in the game... I have to believe they meant 2 planks and made a mistake using 2 wood for the recipe. Anyhow, it is what it is, so here's what I need for my 2 Carpenters making impregnated sticks:

2 Carpenters x 2 wood every 3 seconds = 4 wood every 3 seconds = 80 wood per minute = 4800 wood per hour

Right now my Steve's Carts farm is a 3x3 chunk area (that's appox. 50x50 blocks) with a loop filling the whole thing. It takes one hour to make its loop and it gives me 2000 wood. That's not even half of what I need.

The Forestry multi-farm , max-size with modified Kapok trees that mature (grow) faster gives me much less than 2000 wood per hour although I haven't computed it exactly.

Thus it seems I have no option but to expand, built more of either type of farm, or else I need to break down and use MFR. I do like the idea of a cart doing the work of cutting down the trees instead of a block you plop down and it magically does all the work with no visuals except some sparkly things in the air. Just my preference I guess. But if MFR will give me 4800 wood per hour... it's gonna be hard to resist it.

Doesn't the fertilizer module work on trees? I never needed it but I seemed to recall that it did.

You can also crossmod it. A lamp of growth will make short work of that kind of wood requirement. You can also have 2 carts going in opposite directions around the track if latency is the issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Doesn't the fertilizer module work on trees? I never needed it but I seemed to recall that it did.

You can also crossmod it. A lamp of growth will make short work of that kind of wood requirement. You can also have 2 carts going in opposite directions around the track if latency is the issue.

I have the fertilizer module installed, it seems to turn it into a liquid or something in the cart, and then it must spray this liquid as it moves, but it doesn't use very much bonemeal in an hour of going around my large track - maybe 4 or 5 bonemeals total? For a 9 chunk area? I honestly don't think it does much, the module. But how can I really tell? I'm too lazy to experiment to try and find out how much effect it has. It's not a big deal to me, I'm only using Steve's Carts because I made it and made the big area for it, so why not just let it keep going?

I am also having a similar problem with the bees I injected with the "Ripening" effect (which makes tree fruits ripen quicker) and then surrounded my Chestnut trees with em. I can't detect any difference at all in the chestnut drop rate between having the bee effect working and having no bees. Seems the drop rate is the same to me, which really isn't surprising. I'm using a hybrid Chestnut-Plum which gave me "High" yield trait. Seems like anytime you make a "custom" modified tree, you can forget stuff working with them. The "saplings" bee effect has a weird name that is about 30 characters long... it's like some of the deeply buried stuff in these mods really didn't get finished...

Doh, I just noticed something... a chestnut isn't a "fruit"... so maybe "Ripening Effect" will only work on stuff like lemons and plums? Ugh...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can also have 2 carts going in opposite directions around the track if latency is the issue.

I was intrigued, so I tried this out. When the carts met head-on, one cart changed direction and they both continued on from there as if they were linked up. So the second cart wasn't doing anything from then on except just tagging along and sightseeing.

Then I tried it again, I dropped one cart in front of the other one. This time one cart didn't change direction, instead they just sat there doing nothing except butting heads and burning up all their coal. LOL

My track is large enough so I might try running two carts in the same direction and hope that they never get too close to each other. It takes one hour to complete one loop, so if I separate them equally that means there's a half hour in between carts for trees to grow which is plenty enough by far. I think the carts will stay pretty much equidistant from one another. The reason I haven't just gone ahead and tried it is because I need to spend four hours making a duplicate cart in the Cart Assembler. groan Four hours, just shy. I should have it by this evening I guess!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was intrigued, so I tried this out. When the carts met head-on, one cart changed direction and they both continued on from there as if they were linked up. So the second cart wasn't doing anything from then on except just tagging along and sightseeing.

Then I tried it again, I dropped one cart in front of the other one. This time one cart didn't change direction, instead they just sat there doing nothing except butting heads and burning up all their coal. LOL

My track is large enough so I might try running two carts in the same direction and hope that they never get too close to each other. It takes one hour to complete one loop, so if I separate them equally that means there's a half hour in between carts for trees to grow which is plenty enough by far. I think the carts will stay pretty much equidistant from one another. The reason I haven't just gone ahead and tried it is because I need to spend four hours making a duplicate cart in the Cart Assembler. groan Four hours, just shy. I should have it by this evening I guess!

You do need to set up some track automation to keep your trains from colliding head on.