Whitelist Server Stellar Buildcraft - Unleashed - Whitelist - 24/7

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi! We are a relatively new server (been up for a month) and are looking to expand our membership. Over the past month we have been very successful establishing a cooperative community filled gamers and creative people.

We’re looking for mature players who can work and play well together. PvP has its own designated spaces within the game world and a very low tolerance for rule-breakers. Ownership over your items and claimed property will be respected (bedrock to sky) by all players. Thievery will not be tolerated. Griefing will not be tolerated. Offensive actions will not be tolerated.

That said, we’re not super serious at all times. We run a Minecraft server because we like to play games cooperatively, and a large part of playing cooperative games is camaraderie, respect, and a good sense of humor. If you’d like to join a community that favors working together, mutual respect, and lighthearted fun, then come check us out!

Minecraft Server Setup
Server Admins: Gizmo1618, IrishDaigle
Mod Pack: Unleashed
Additional Mods:
Mo Creatures
Game Mode: Survival
Difficulty: 2
Minimum Age: 16

Server Specs
Intel Xeon E-3 3.5GHz Quad Core LGA 1150
32GB DDR3 1600 RAM (8GB Dedicated to Minecraft Server, 4GB Dedicated to world RamDisk)
Server IP: stellarmedia.org
Forum: forum.stellarmedia.org
Slots: 30 (25 filled)

To apply please visit our forum at forum.stellarmedia.org. Prior to applying you will need to register on our forum and read through the server rules.

Please note that this thread is not monitored daily. We will check on it typically weekly, but primarily applications are handled through our forum.

Thank you.
What is your In-Game Name? byrdhayden
Tell us a little bit about yourself. played ftb for about a year love to build
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? i like the small active communities and my last server was recentlly shut down. and i really just want a fresh start.
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? i like survival and doing self and group builds. i like pvp and competition on the server. i dont really dislike anything.
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? no
What is your In-Game Name? kingston2131
Tell us a little bit about yourself. love playing ftb
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? like it small and friendly
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? everything
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? never
What is your In-Game Name? ChristophTurov
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I'm a 17 year old guy who lives in new york. Ive been looking for a small-ish server to start off on playing ftb. Unleashed is my favorite modpack out of all of them. Ive been playing mindcraft since alpha and ftb since around when it was first created. i am a friendly guy and i dont rage at all.
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? I am a mature, and responsible person who will respect all rules. I feel that my friendly personality will fit in perfectly with the small size of this server. I can help people out with what they don't know as ive been playing for a bit. I play alot so i can be a mod if needed.
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? Developing a large base where i have everything i need. I dislike fighting mobs cause I kinda suck at it >.< lol
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? I've never been banned.
What is your In-Game Name?Arctery_x
Tell us a little bit about yourself.I am a Hong Kong player. I like to popularize to my friends FTB is a great game for minecraft player. i have been play modpack for 1 year, and i am friendly to others
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server?i have never been use any unfair mod to play minecraft , and i will help/teach whether player dont know about this mod pack
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike?there are many compose that minecraft can create.i dislike about the attack power of mobs are weak
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why?nNever
What is your In-Game Name? captain_lamp
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Im a 16 year old living on the west coast I have been playing minecraft for a bit over a year now and have played FTB on and off and would like to get more into and play on a server where I can work with others
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? I am really into automation of the game when it comes to things already like vannila I like to build all that I can and do love working with others to make community projects
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? I love the most the creativity with how you play the game. Where you can live a simple life or with all the possiblities make redstone or automated things to change the entire way the game plays I least enjoy the lack of difficulty the more you get into the game.
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? Nope
What is your In-Game Name? Gamindustri
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Love to play Minecraft and a pretty mature person.
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? I love building and helping out people in need and want to contribute to the community.
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? I enjoy building and figuring out how to do stuff in the game. I hate mining! even though the game name is MINEcraft ><
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? Not yet and plan on keeping it that way
What is your In-Game Name? Lwinter
Tell us a little bit about yourself. I'm 16 years old, and have been playing Minecraft for around 3 years now. I have been playing FTB for periods of time, and would like to get more into it and play on a server with a strong community.
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? I really like creating different systems using combinations of mods. I also always like to make projects for the community, and things with other people.
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? I most enjoy the wide variety of play styles within the game. It is the only place I can be creative and explore in equal measures, and always keeps things interesting (mainly through the help of such a dedicated community). I least enjoy the lack of difficulty the more you get into the game.
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? Never ^_^
What is your In-Game Name? simon19932
Tell us a little bit about yourself. i am 21,like to play all sort of game,mostly RTS
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? i liked to help people get around things if i can,i also talk alot when i get to know people :)
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? i hate creepers...so much,otherwise i like the game,it enjoyable all the time,kill time easily
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? never did
What is your In-Game Name? DeamonHal
Tell us a little bit about yourself. I'm 21, like building, don't mind helping others, casual gamer
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? I like to help people either with resources or mod info, am easy to get along with, and more than willing to help contribute to this community
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? I like the creative building most, though I'm probably not the best one. The thing I hate most are griefers, followed by creepers.
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? I have never been banned
What is your In-Game Name?: Major_Creepist
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I am 16 years old, living on the west coast. I have been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.6, and have been dabbling with Tekkit/FTB for a little over a year, so I've gotten a good grasp on most mods in both packs, although I still am learning about other ones. I am generally friendly towards everyone, and I can help when asked.
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server?: I do like to play on smaller, whitelisted servers. I find that they're usually friendlier and better than other ones- people get the time to know each other and all that. I am generally active (times may vary), I can build creatively, and enjoy doing large builds. I generally prefer to work alone and do things myself, although I do use the chat a lot.
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike?: Server-wise, I like it when people are friendly and active. I love to build creatively, and enjoy dabbling with mods and making them interact with each other. I hate griefers, because honestly, what's the fun in ruining somebody else's creation(s) simply because you lack the ability to make it yourself?
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why?: Once, although the moderator really wasn't up to the task of being one and raged when I called him out on it.
What is your In-Game Name?saides10
Tell us a little bit about yourself. 15 year old guy who lives in sweden,played minecraft since early beta,love computers and love to help others
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server?i like these kind of smaller servers with just around 10 players and no plugins that ruin the mods
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike?i like all the mods since u can make really cool auto stuff for example computercraft
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why?not that im aware of.
What is your In-Game Name? SG1CSIfan
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I am a 24, who has bin playing mincraft since open beta, and bin using mods since then. I work full time during the day, and play often at night, and on weekends when possible.
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? Love to help others with the diffrent mods, and creat new ideas, always willing to help people with items, and big on getting a community area going. Will help anyway I can.
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? Love that the game is so open, and the only goals in the game are the ones you set.
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? NEVER
What is your In-Game Name: Ouhai_Bell
Tell us a little bit about yourself: Well, I've been playing minecraft for probable about a year and a half, and due to sports/work I may not be able to play as much as I hope to (and also Grand Theft Auto.....). Sadly, I haven't explored to many of the mods in feed the beast, primarily extra bees, thaumcraft, build craft, and most of the mainstream ones
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? I enjoy helping people and I am easy to get along with and a pretty friendly guy.
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? There really aren't any goals in the game other than to have fun
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? Yes.... I was in a skype call with the owner and a couple of friends from the server and was singing.... apparently i'm a bad singer....
What is your In-Game Name? zip unzip
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? i have been playing ftb for a year and half now and i play a lot in my spare time almost every day, i have knowledge about almost all the mods and i learn things every day.
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? love that the game has changes and that i can make all things automatic.
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? no, i am polite
What else would you like to tell us about yourself. i love playing ftb every day and i make youtube videos, just started making at least , and i stream too.
Ign: proassasin111
Why do you think yo would be a good fit for the server: I love ftb and I am not a greifer and I am very polite
What aspects do you like: I like building machine stuff and making things automatic
Have you ever been banned from a server: no
Some stuff to tell: I love ftb it is one of my favorite things to do
What is your In-Game Name? mikeypoo10
Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? I've been playing FTB for a few months now and I'd like to play with a tight-knit group where I can learn more about the mod. Trying to avoid singleplayer since I consider it boring.
What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? Working together on builds especially in FTB. I guess the only thing I can say I dislike is SSP.
Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? Never been banned.
What else would you like to tell us about yourself? I'm 23 and I've been enjoying FTB lately. I just need a nice server to play on.
What is your In-Game Name? : gravenewt

Why do you think you would be a good fit for our server? After my old Ultimate server was apparently wiped from the face of the earth, my server experince began to diminish with time. When recently experiencing Unleashed via. YouTube videos, my interest for FTB has been revigorated. I am in hot pursuit for a new server that is both reliable, active, and knows how to employ grammar correctly.

What aspects of Minecraft do you find the most enjoyable? What do you dislike? I find natural automation very interesting aswell as setting up modular systems (MFFS, GT (R.I.P) Systems, and especially AE). Automation is also my kind of thing, and to be blunt, simply progressing through the pack.

Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? The only thing I can think of that someone relates to banning is my previous server dieing. Besides that, no previous experinces of truancy or such have come to my attention.

What else would you like to tell us about yourself? Rather than further elaborate myself, I'd rather share with you a piece of advice. Coming from a server host, moderator, and part of CGC's "Lag Crew", it is of your utmost priority to regulate server activities. Simply allowing players, whitelist/graylist server regardless, to run around with no freedom always leads to decay, whether it be TPS drops, server hardware stress, or just crashes. I hope that your server functions properly regardless of my acceptance or not. And finally, thanks for reading my application, it's great to know that hosts actually care about there threads nowadays.