Steam Turbine And AE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, i've been trying to configure my AE system to automate the turbine rotor rotation and i cant seem to connect my AE system to the Steam Turbine,
my AE autocrafting system already knows all the recipe required to start from steel to a full steam turbine rotor,
The Export Bus is setted to craft and export

But for some reason there,s nothing happening and ive tried pretty much everyside to connect it ...

Is there any other way to go around the fact that AE doesnt seem to connect to the steam turbine while auto crafting and exporting into the turbine only one rotor at a time ? ...

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its intentionally not possible - CovertJaguar has commented on this several times that, by design, it requires manual intervention.

You can put a gate on to alert you to do maintenance when they are worn down to 40%

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, nothing works. Not even routers or golems.

As stated above - the the mod developer (CJ) only permits the player to change out the rotors.

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Powerconvertors got you covered! At a little less eu/t than those nasty expensive unfriendly turbines, you'll be generating eu day/night without breaking rotors! Come with 100% automated as well since all you do is pipe in steam then comes out eu!

Or you can see the task of unlocking that extra bit of "umph" from a steam turbine as a reward, not a chore.

Steam Turbines look cool and feel worth the effort. I automate the creation of blades and feed a pressure plate/dispenser combo in the workshop, to make the repair process quick and easy. Stick a gate/lamp combo on your turbines and you only need check in periodically. In a game where everything is automated and blocks like powerconverters are too cheap and easy, I dont mind the small amount effort.

And there's no doubt the Steam Turbine looks way more in keeping with the Railcraft Boilers ... but to each their own :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't mind working for the EU but I would love to at least semi-automate it, if not full auto.
I just like making stuffs that works semi-auto/automatically.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, that's what the gate conditional is for. Just hook it up to a redstone lamp. When the turbine hits 40% and the maintenance conditional lights up the lamp, you still have 32 hours at full power (and more if not full) to notice it. You can take the rotor out yourself, use the rotor repair recipe with turbine blades to restore the rotor's durability (significantly cheaper than crafting a new rotor) and put it back in. Light goes off, and you can completely forget about it until the light comes on again 2-3 RL days worth of playtime later.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
but still if you say have an excess of 20+ turbines this micro task just get annoying so the convertor is a good option to use for mass steam houses. Honesty I think it's just stupid to not be able to automate the rotor replacing.. GT mulitblocks are even more annoying since 1. they require more resources and more maintenance and 2. GT is heavy automated mod so that is silly how you can't automate those mulitblocks. Large Gas Turbines that need maintaining every few hours to keep them at full efficiency? No thanks I'll just take the smaller turbines that only have a 20% penalty instead of the possible 50% with unmaintained Large Gas Turbines.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2013
Maybe they could add "advanced turbines" crafted with a diamond gear or two, which supported automation?

Anyway, power converters do give less EU/t if working continuously, but they have a higher peak power output than turbines (512 eu/t from each HV producer while the buffer isn't depleted).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Keep in mind that the turbine is "filling" the housing. This isn't some little doohicky to swap out, it's more like overhauling an engine.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe they could add "advanced turbines" crafted with a diamond gear or two, which supported automation?

Anyway, power converters do give less EU/t if working continuously, but they have a higher peak power output than turbines (512 eu/t from each HV producer while the buffer isn't depleted).
Yea that would be a comprise pay more for more flexibly and actually an option for server large steam houses.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, that's what the gate conditional is for. Just hook it up to a redstone lamp. When the turbine hits 40% and the maintenance conditional lights up the lamp, you still have 32 hours at full power (and more if not full) to notice it.

It is actually 25 % (yes, wiki is wrong). Also you can use more than one turbine and enable/disable them in cycles to allow even more time to repair, or just connect them normally, turbine at 50 % output will last 2 times longer than one on 100 % output. The easiest way to disable a turbine is to use splitter cable, if it can't output power, it won't use neither rotor nor steam.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I just turn off the tesseract supplying steam. Just plug in a computer to ping the turbine every ten minutes or so, and if the conditional of needs maintenance is true, it sends a redstone signal to turn off the Tesseract.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can get fancy with ComputerCraft as well. I haven't tried yet, but I would bet you could read data from the turbine.

EDIT: You can, but it doesn't give you all that much data.