I set up a couple of days ago a 36 HP boiler, where I connected all 4 sides with Liquiducts. Now, according to the railcraft wiki each HP boiler face is capable of producing 20 Steam/tick, and since I have all four sides of the boilers connected to Liquiducts, I should be outputting 48 faces*20 Steam/tick=960 Steam/tick. In my setup, I have 20 Industrial Steam Engines which consume 40 Steam/tick according to the same wiki. Now 20*40=800 steam/tick which can be handled by my boiler.
I don't think my maths is wrong unless I'm missing obvious so here are some screenshots of my setup, maybe something is not behaving correctly:
I set up a couple of days ago a 36 HP boiler, where I connected all 4 sides with Liquiducts. Now, according to the railcraft wiki each HP boiler face is capable of producing 20 Steam/tick, and since I have all four sides of the boilers connected to Liquiducts, I should be outputting 48 faces*20 Steam/tick=960 Steam/tick. In my setup, I have 20 Industrial Steam Engines which consume 40 Steam/tick according to the same wiki. Now 20*40=800 steam/tick which can be handled by my boiler.
I don't think my maths is wrong unless I'm missing obvious so here are some screenshots of my setup, maybe something is not behaving correctly: