Whitelist Server SteadyCraft |FTB Monster 1.0.7 | Whitelist | Survival |Mature|24 /7 Uptime

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IGN: EgG4mer
Age: 16
Why do you want to join?: Looking for a server that I can be fully immersed in with the community. Also, single player is fun for about two days, what is the point of building and making nice things if you cant share it?
Experience with modded minecraft: Around 1and half year
have you ever been banned?: NOPE
where are you from? EGYPT

Denied, You have previously greifed, you have been banned and you plagiarized the "Why do you want to join?:" question from TheMantis.
Denied, You have previously greifed, you have been banned and you plagiarized the "Why do you want to join?:" question from TheMantis.

But how did you know if i was banned or greifed just tell me how ?
and about the copy i have seen his replay and just copped it Because i don't have an idea to write it in the right way that's all =)
This says that you placed lava on a server that burned down other peoples houses.

I'm sorry but i cant have a risk like that on my hands.
But this is not me, I'm sure
I do not know what is meant by Thread
I have joined only one server in the FTB forums the owner is
themarter and you can contact him and ask him if i was grifed in his server

But this thread lied

see this http://forums.teamextrememc.com/index.php?/topic/19273-rollback-or-something/?hl=egg4mer

he say my freind but i don not know it ever
and he is from us and i'am from egypt so how i can know him
i do not have a problem if you do not want to add me but need to Proved my innocence
Last edited:
But this is not me, I'm sure
I do not know what is meant by Thread
I have joined only one server in the FTB forums the owner is
themarter and you can contact him and ask him if i was grifed in his server

But this thread lied

see this http://forums.teamextrememc.com/index.php?/topic/19273-rollback-or-something/?hl=egg4mer

he say my freind but i don not know it ever
and he is from us and i'am from egypt so how i can know him
i do not have a problem if you do not want to add me but need to Proved my innocence

ok, i am happy to welcome you to the steadycraft community.
you are whitelisted.
IGN: TimefaII
Age: 24
Why do you want to join?: I've only just been introduced to the Monster modpack, and being astounded by presence of many of my favorite mods, decided to search for a fresh server to enjoy it on.
Experience with modded minecraft: I have played modded minecraft for years, actually being rather unfamiliar with vanilla. I began playing minecraft when a friend introduced me to tekkit, and have been playing since.
have you ever been banned? -if yes then why- I have been banned once, unjustly, may I add. This was back in the days of EE3, when everything was easy. As a new server opened, advertising that they would have no banned items, I decided to see how quickly I could amass fortune using EE3. I joined just as the server took its first breath, and immediately began gathering the materials needed for the EE3 machine that creates copies of items. Within two hours of the server's opening, EE had allowed me to obtain every powerful item in the game. Now, unbeknownst to me, the server owner had only just learned of mods and modpacks days prior. He had no knowledge of the chaos EE was capable of, or what most mods could do back then, especially without any regulation. When he saw the vast wealth I had obtained in mere hours, he proclaimed in a rather childish manner that "I was a hacker", and I had simply "hacked the items into existence". This was followed by an immediate ban with no chance for me to explain what had happened or offer any defense. Despite this incident, I have never played unfairly or sought to cause harm to anyone.
where are you from?
I reside in Texas, in the southern United States. It's just as you would picture it. T.T

I hope I will be able to build with everyone in Monster. ^_^

(Ah, please note the letters at the end of my name are both capital i's)
IGN: Sros1995
Age: 18
Why do you want to join?: because i find that playing single player is a little boring and i would llike to share my ideas and creations with friends
Experience with modded minecraft: IC2 Buildcraft AE logis pipes TE TC
have you ever been banned? - noope
where are you from? im from cambodia
IGN: TimefaII
Age: 24
Why do you want to join?: I've only just been introduced to the Monster modpack, and being astounded by presence of many of my favorite mods, decided to search for a fresh server to enjoy it on.
Experience with modded minecraft: I have played modded minecraft for years, actually being rather unfamiliar with vanilla. I began playing minecraft when a friend introduced me to tekkit, and have been playing since.
have you ever been banned? -if yes then why- I have been banned once, unjustly, may I add. This was back in the days of EE3, when everything was easy. As a new server opened, advertising that they would have no banned items, I decided to see how quickly I could amass fortune using EE3. I joined just as the server took its first breath, and immediately began gathering the materials needed for the EE3 machine that creates copies of items. Within two hours of the server's opening, EE had allowed me to obtain every powerful item in the game. Now, unbeknownst to me, the server owner had only just learned of mods and modpacks days prior. He had no knowledge of the chaos EE was capable of, or what most mods could do back then, especially without any regulation. When he saw the vast wealth I had obtained in mere hours, he proclaimed in a rather childish manner that "I was a hacker", and I had simply "hacked the items into existence". This was followed by an immediate ban with no chance for me to explain what had happened or offer any defense. Despite this incident, I have never played unfairly or sought to cause harm to anyone.
where are you from?
I reside in Texas, in the southern United States. It's just as you would picture it. T.T

I hope I will be able to build with everyone in Monster. ^_^

(Ah, please note the letters at the end of my name are both capital i's)

IGN: Sros1995
Age: 18
Why do you want to join?: because i find that playing single player is a little boring and i would llike to share my ideas and creations with friends
Experience with modded minecraft: IC2 Buildcraft AE logis pipes TE TC
have you ever been banned? - noope
where are you from? im from cambodia

Why do you want to join?: I just want some friends to play with. I haven't had a computer recently and I want to get back into the swing of FTB
Experience with modded Minecraft: I started playing with tekkit and other modpacks back in beta 1.7. Once FTB made an official release I ran a server for a few months that stopped when I ran out of money/lost player interest.
have you ever been banned? Nope. Not that I know of.
where are you from? I am from Rochester, New York
Why do you want to join?: I just want some friends to play with. I haven't had a computer recently and I want to get back into the swing of FTB
Experience with modded Minecraft: I started playing with tekkit and other modpacks back in beta 1.7. Once FTB made an official release I ran a server for a few months that stopped when I ran out of money/lost player interest.
have you ever been banned? Nope. Not that I know of.
where are you from? I am from Rochester, New York

IGN: dragon0283
Age: 30
Why do you want to join?: I'm looking for a server to interact with the community with and have fun with and do things with minecraft. Whether it's building a group project or having fun just doing crazy things with others is what I'm looking for. Also want a server that isn't just overcrowded with people where so many things going on at once causes lag and other issues for everyone along with all real estate taking up by everyone else.
Experience with modded minecraft: Been playing since the Ultimate 1.4 versions so what 2ish years now.
Have you ever been banned?: Nope. (Also have some experience running a server too)
Where are you from? South Carolina
IGN: dragon0283
Age: 30
Why do you want to join?: I'm looking for a server to interact with the community with and have fun with and do things with minecraft. Whether it's building a group project or having fun just doing crazy things with others is what I'm looking for. Also want a server that isn't just overcrowded with people where so many things going on at once causes lag and other issues for everyone along with all real estate taking up by everyone else.
Experience with modded minecraft: Been playing since the Ultimate 1.4 versions so what 2ish years now.
Have you ever been banned?: Nope. (Also have some experience running a server too)
Where are you from? South Carolina

IGN: wackoman6789
Age: 15 almost 16
Why do you want to join?: i want to join because my old community seems to be dieing sadly
Experience with modded minecraft:i have been playing moded minecraft since the tekkit launcher came out
have you ever been banned? -if yes then why- yes but it was an admin mishap and the server had mcbans and they couldn't figure how to get it off :/
where are you from? USA CST
IGN: wackoman6789
Age: 15 almost 16
Why do you want to join?: i want to join because my old community seems to be dieing sadly
Experience with modded minecraft:i have been playing moded minecraft since the tekkit launcher came out
have you ever been banned? -if yes then why- yes but it was an admin mishap and the server had mcbans and they couldn't figure how to get it off :/
where are you from? USA CST

Why do you want to join?:I have been looking for a server for a week now and stumbled across this one. I want to join because I love FTB and public servers are just way to laggy.
Experience with modded minecraft: ALOT! I have been playing Ftb since the beta pack-A
have you ever been banned? No
where are you from?Houston Texas