Squeezer Work????

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Jason Fauver

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does The Squeezer work in FTB Unhinged? I am Trying to get it going I have a Stirling Engine On my Squeezer and it show its working.. But in the Holding Area for the Seed Oil.. Nothing goes in it.. I ran about a stack of seeds in it.. And nothing Happen.. I am doing something wrong?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Very, very, very slowly, yes. It takes a huge number of seeds just for the GUI to update. If it's consuming (squeezing) the seeds, you should eventually see some seed oil there.

The best way to get seed oil is from nuts from trees. If you a cross an Apple Oak with a Birch, one of the likely possibilities is a Beech Nut tree. Those nuts have way more seed oil than, well, seeds, which is really just short for "wheat seeds".

IMHO, "seeds" should be named "wheat seeds", but at the time seeds were created they were the first and only seeds, and the name "seeds" has legacy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Beech nut trees are from Binnie's Mods (Extra Trees), which is not part of Unhinged.

Instead, try a multifarm growing pumpkins, or cross the following trees:
1.) oak + birch = silver lime
2.) oak + silver lime = hill cherry (yields small amounts of seed oil)
3.) hill cherry + silver lime = common walnut (yields large amounts of seed oil)
4.) hill cherry + common walnut = sweet chestnut (yields gigantic amounts of seed oil)