Whitelist Server Speed the Beast // Ultimate 1.1.2 // Whitelist // 18+

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Age - 18
IGN - Shardic
Skype - Don't use
What's your favourite mod and why? - Industrial Craft, I like to hoard resources and become rich beyond my wildest dreams, the ore refinement process lets me do this.
What's your gameplay style? - Tunnel Dwarf. I usually play on PvP anarchy servers for the challenge, so I have the habit of hiding everything I make. I am looking forward to playing on this server because it will be a nice break from that mentality, and I will be able to build structures that I can show other people, and not be afraid of making friends.
When & how often do you intend to play? I'm honestly not sure. I tend to be a binge mine craft player. So I may play for 6 hours a day for two weeks and then not come back for a couple weeks, rinse, repeat.
Tell us a bit about yourself? Feliscien's brother. Will probably be starting out working with Feli, may move onto my own independent projects later on.
Ever been banned before? Not that I know of.
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FvXcBKplyeM#t=11s
Age - 24
IGN - drizzt__
Skype - kris.graves3
What's your favourite mod and why? bees because u can get every thing from them
What's your gameplay style? I love technical and automated coop builds (Applied Energistics- Woot!)
When & how often do you intend to play? almost daily
Tell us a bit about yourself? I enjoy playing in a group setting to learn and grow in my skills with the mods as well as socialize :)
Ever been banned before? no
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? He couldn't- Nobody could chuck norris!

friends with frogbash
Age - 17
IGN -Nahgg
Skype -chris.neagu1

What's your favourite mod and why?
My favorite mod would probably have to be Applied Energistics because it can be both easy
and difficult to create at the same time, and it doesn't have determined prerequisites for a given
system; one can build it to his or her own needs and means.

What's your gameplay style?
I like being on the move and exploring all of the time. Getting a stockpile of materials has always
been one of my beginning goals because it lets me build what I need when I decide to tech up.
One of my problems is the fact that, even in vanilla, I never actually made a house structure, per se;
I always just dug a hole into a mountain.

When & how often do you intend to play?
I play most every day, but in the coming weeks and months I will be pretty busy so I won't be able to
spend as much time as I have been. To date, since about May or so, I've played over 300 hours on another
server, but I do expect that average rate to fall, although I don't know by how much.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm an academic that enjoys video games and I really like to be around people. I enjoy music and anime
and everything that generally makes me think. I've been playing Minecraft for a while, but May was
my first time I've ever played on a server.

Ever been banned before?
I have never been banned on anything I've ever played.

How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris?

Do I dare even attempt?

(Frog recommended me.)
Age - 28
IGN - Icer369
Skype - patrick.owens0317
What's your favourite mod and why? IC2 in Tekkit, I'm just more experienced with it.
What's your gameplay style? casual, I typically just design buildings/houses and help out people when they need it with materials.
When & how often do you intend to play? i play at about 5pm Tokyo/Osaka time, i play about 2-3 hours a day
Tell us a bit about yourself? I've only been playing Minecraft for maybe 6 months, I recently discovered it through a friend. I have been playing Minecraft on FTB for the last 2 months with Nahgg, Drizzt, and FrogBash.
Ever been banned before? nope
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? yes...
Age - 20
IGN - Moorhead2015
Skype - Nick.asmann
What's your favourite mod and why? Chicken bones would be my favorite mod due to Enderbags/chests constantly saving my items. If I happen to die most of my stuff is saved in those.
What's your gameplay style? I am very much an aesthetic builder where machines are added later to my builds. Though I can be a horder at times, I always have a surplus of items that I love to give away.
When & how often do you intend to play? On average I play 4-6 hours per day, mainly from 2pm-5pm, and from 9-?
Tell us a bit about yourself? I am currently a Freshman in college who has played since 1.6beta and staffed many times along the way. Have been playing FTB since april and along the way with Icer, Frogbash, Drizzt, and Nahgg. :)
Ever been banned before? Not that I know of.
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris?How about How much wood would a chuck norris chuck if a chuck norris would chuck wood?
Think about that one ;)
Age - 16
IGN - Greencake46
Skype - Maybe latter
What's your favourite mod and why? I think i would have to say Buildcraft, I have spent more time playing with it then any other mod and it has always kept my attention
What's your gameplay style? I like automation
When & how often do you intend to play? I plan to play regularly
Tell us a bit about yourself? I first found out about Minecraft in 1.0 and shortly after, I found out about mods and instantly knew they were for me
Ever been banned before? Not yet and hopefully never
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? 72,000
Age - 35
IGN - Sinasas
Skype -
What's your favourite mod and why? Vanilla
What's your gameplay style? Just like to build stuff with friends, and learn from their hard work.
When & how often do you intend to play? Everyday, work permitting.
Tell us a bit about yourself? Been playing Minecraft for a while, have some friends applying to this server. (Frogbash, Drizzt, Moorhead2015, Nahgg, and Icer369)
Ever been banned before? No
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? Who's Chuck Norris?
Age -16
IGN -diehardcody
Skype -diehardcody
What's your favourite mod and why? bees its a challege to get to the top bees (platinum, diamond, emerald, and titanium)
What's your gameplay style? gather resources then go into mods finding new ways to automate resource production
When & how often do you intend to play? 5 to 6 hours a day
Tell us a bit about yourself? a big time mc player trying to find new things to do in minecraft been playing for 3 years since 1.7 beta so i know the basic and then some.
Ever been banned before? no i havent
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? none chuck Norris would chuck the wood chuck

Also mooreHead suggested me to the server
Age - 18
IGN - Orman

Skype - Will reveal if white-listed

What's your favorite mod and why? Don't have a favorite really, for systems of maximum efficiency, all mods must work in harmony.

What's your game-play style? Get to endgame as fast as possible then undergo extreme projects.

When & how often do you intend to play? About 1-2 hours a day.

Tell us a bit about yourself? have been playing Minecraft since the beginning of Beta. I first got into modded minecraft through tekkit, but then moved on to FTB because it is better.

Ever been banned before? No

How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? Never saw his films anyway, so I don't really know who Chuck Norris is...
Age - 27
Skype -will give via pm only due to privacy
What's your favourite mod and why? would have to say mps got to love flying at that speed
What's your gameplay style? have fun help others and explore
When & how often do you intend to play? easier to tell when i wont be playing (when im asleep)
Tell us a bit about yourself? i am a game addict have been for along time i have hl players on way to many online games to list but its pretty simple to just say if there is a JOHNDOE on ur game its most likely me :/ always shocked the name inst taken
Ever been banned before?no there was a 3 min thing with old server owner he asked if i was going to stay after a server crash wiped out everything and he never made a backup and i said idk then he banned me i pmed him and he undid it instantly
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? if a woodchuck could chunk norris he would have to be chuck norris to chuck norris so he wouldn't chuck wood he would roundhouse kick wood so clearly its a trick question. btw duct tape is the only thing that can cure cancer due to chuck norris refusing to cry even with a onion being cut in front of his eyes
Age - 23
IGN - bjohnston562
Skype -bjohnston562
What's your favourite mod and why?
my favorite mod is computercraft. I love writting programs to automate processes
What's your gameplay style?
I like to do energy in complicated ways instead of easy to do (solar panels)
When & how often do you intend to play?
I plan on playing whenever I have time.
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I go to school as a civil engineer and I like minecraft lol.
Ever been banned before?
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris?
none the bird would be dead if he tried to chuck chuck norris.
Age -16 (I hope that's ok. I understand if it's not.)

IGN -LaxXpower

Skype -chris_cooper123

What's your favourite mod and why? If I had to choose I would pick Industrial Craft, but I really enjoy them all.

What's your gameplay style? I don't really have a play style. I just do what I feel like.

When & how often do you intend to play? I play at least 3 days out of the week usually more just depends what's going on. During the week I play in the evenings and throughout the day on the weekends.

Tell us a bit about yourself? I have been playing minecraft since 1.4 then I was introduced to ftb and fell in love. Iv been looking for a mature server for a while, and none have seem to interest me until I found this one. :)

Ever been banned before? Nope

How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? -4... if I did my math right. :)
Age - 17 and 19
IGN - iDeceiver and lgzblitz
Skype - iDeceiver and iwinz3
What's your favourite mod and why? iDec - Thaumcraft, it's fun to tinker with and research new things. lgzblitz - Minefactory reloaded, Power generation
What's your gameplay style? iDec - Mining, gathering materials, making small machine parts. lgzblitz - Building structures, building machines, playing with mods.
When & how often do you intend to play? At least an hour a day nearly every day. We both have school/work.
Tell us a bit about yourself? We're just two casual minecraft players looking for a regular server to play on.
Ever been banned before? Nope
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? Infinite.
Age - 19
IGN - 50_Ind1g0
Skype - [none]
What's your favourite mod and why? Railcraft, Coke ovens are awesome, free energy that's set and forget it easy, plus steam power is realistically powerful in its portrayal
What's your gameplay style? Farm, explore caves with torches and lots of them, strip it bare, then extract every last ounce of good out of them, then probably build a home that's more sophisticated than a door to a cave.
When & how often do you intend to play? daily, approx. 2 hours not necessarily contiguous hours
Tell us a bit about yourself? played minecraft either demo or full for almost a year now, and truly enjoy FTB and all of the utilities and ways to process resources and ways to build structures that it brings.
Ever been banned before? no
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? why else do you think sequoias are only in california?
Age - 18 (19 In a few days :D)
IGN - PlazmaXD
Skype - PlazmaArts
What's your favourite mod and why? IC2 It adds a lot to do in the game and stuff to make the more fun also I like tinkers construct : )
What's your gameplay style? I like to start with IC2 and make automatied prosses and then I want to start in thaumcraft as I have yet to look at it yet
When & how often do you intend to play? After I finish work and also on the weekends
Tell us a bit about yourself? I have been playing minecraft since alpha and ftb for about 3-4 months I know alot about ftb but you can learn alot more from playing with others and thats why I would like to join your server.
Ever been banned before? Nope
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? 0 No one chucks Chuck Norris :D
Age - 25
IGN - English_88
Skype - ill pm you it if I'm accepted
What's your favourite mod and why? I'm a huge fan of AE just cause I'm super organized lol
What's your gameplay style? Love to help out the community. More of a builder.
When & how often do you intend to play? As much as possible at least a few hours a day.
Tell us a bit about yourself? I'm a plumber and I work all week and like to have some ftb downtime after work lol
Ever been banned before? Nope
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? You can't chuck Chuck Norris
Age - 24
IGN - MytheOceana
Skype - let you know if i get whitelisted
What's your favourite mod and why? Forestry, I like farming and making ethanol.
What's your gameplay style? Really like building and focusing on a given task.
When & how often do you intend to play? Weekends and some day on a lot, some days a few hours.
Tell us a bit about yourself? Senior in Mechanical Engineering.
Ever been banned before? No.
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? No chucking Chuck Norris.
Age -17 (turn 18 on jan 10th so not long)
IGN - gizmo_sargeant
Skype -thomas.sargeant1996
What's your favourite mod and why? minefactory unloaded, its just different to M.E, I.C and BC
What's your gameplay style? builder slow techer
When & how often do you intend to play? 3,4 times a week
Tell us a bit about yourself? only played on small friend owned servers, like to help people, been playing longer the enderman have been
Ever been banned before? nope
How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? chuck norris doesnt chop wood, he crushes batmans head between his thighs (hope you get the reference)
Age - 22

IGN - kissrocksforever

Skype - mustang94geetee

What's your favourite mod and why? Industrialcraft mixed with advanced machines... I love making things as efficient as possible and watching the loot stack up ;)

What's your gameplay style? I work on my own thing but at the same time am an active community player.. I visit bases, help out, assist with community builds... etc.

When & how often do you intend to play? Mostly weekends... anytime really. maybe a few hours during the week. Real life work keeps me busy lol. I want to get into Minecraft again and I think a solid server with a good community would do it!

Tell us a bit about yourself? Been playing since Beta 1.2. I graduated with honors from University June of 2013, and I live with my girlfriend (who needs to start playing Minecraft... lol) in Toronto Canada. I'm also a hugeeee car guy.

Ever been banned before? Not that I know of!

How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could Chuck Norris? Nobody can chuck Chuck Norris....