Summary of the problem Soularium recipe
Pack Version 3.0.6
What is the bug? Soularium recipe in the alloy smelter is next to impossible to make due to Soul Glass and the gold processor, since Soul Glass is Soul Sand smelted and the processor is Gold smelted, there's no way to put the recipe "soul sand + gold" into the alloy smelter.
Mod & Version Sky Factory 3.0.6
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? yes
Known Fix
Pack Version 3.0.6
What is the bug? Soularium recipe in the alloy smelter is next to impossible to make due to Soul Glass and the gold processor, since Soul Glass is Soul Sand smelted and the processor is Gold smelted, there's no way to put the recipe "soul sand + gold" into the alloy smelter.
Mod & Version Sky Factory 3.0.6
Link to log file
Is it repeatable? yes
Known Fix