Now I work with module system and API for SmartCursor. It's just small draft, but I think, it will be great to create own modules for this mod.
So, here is small API class for creating module, that works with entities:
package com.asaskevich.smartcursor.api;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
public abstract class EntityModule {
abstract public void process(List<String> list, Entity entity);
And here is example that works with this API class:
package com.asaskevich.smartcursor.modules;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityAgeable;
import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
import com.asaskevich.smartcursor.api.EntityModule;
public class AgeableModule
extends EntityModule {
public void process(List<String> list, Entity entity) {
if (entity instanceof EntityAgeable) {
EntityAgeable age = (EntityAgeable) entity;
if (age.getGrowingAge() < 0)
list.add("Mob is child");
I plan to create better API and dynamic class loader for it. It will be main feature in next release. Also I work with some fixes - now fixed about ten different bugs. Any ideas?

This mod combined with wawla would be awesome
I want to make it better than WAILA|WAWLA|DamageIndicator.

In any case I will make comparison table for all these mods.[DOUBLEPOST=1413815457,1413395080][/DOUBLEPOST]Video-review for SmartCursor v1.2.0:
Work with modules is almost completed. After some fixes I will release alpha version of API. Enjoy!
New release - version 1.3.0!
MC 1.7.10 |
MC 1.7.2
- API for mod (read first post)
- Plugins system
- Some fixes
- Update Manager
If you want to get more information about API, take a look to the first post.