Casual Server Small Privat server looking for a few new members :)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey all

So im running a private Ultimate server atm.
its just me and a mate on it, so we are looking for a few more to join us.
PS. we are both 18+ and will therefor mostly be looking for 18+ players aswell.
if you are younger, dont be scared off :p we just need to know you are mature of age then :)

First, let me tell you abit about the server etc.
- We run all mods in the Ultimate pack, except EE3 as we think that kinda shortens the game :D
- You are allowed to craft anything, as long as you dont grief us.. this will result in instant ban from the server.
- The server just had a map reset (4-4-13)
- The server is located in EU
- The server is running with 4GB of ram (so with up to 10 players we can have plenty of mystcraft worlds and more) :)

So.. to join us, i would need you to tell me abit about yourself. below is a few questions you need to answer in a PM to me.
- Age.
- Location, where do you live.
- Experiance with FTB packs and mods in general.
- Why should i pick you!

if you got further questions, lmk in a PM

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Reactions: Hexagon_Nicegay
IGN: Hexagon_Nicegay(spelling error(not that it is wrong, but i am not gay(i think)))
Age: 14 (very mature ingame)
Location: Norway (sentral european time)
Experience with FTB: i play a lot, and when i have free time and can not play i watch Direwolf20(Friend of slowpoke, the creator of FTB, and almost all the big modmakers) youtube. i know how to get Iridium with Gregtech.
Why you should pick me: i love FTB and want to play on a server, make friends, have a great time + i am in EU(not political, but locational(time) and passport)

ps. that picture was just to remove my facebook pic.
I know your not accepting but in case you start again:
- Age: 15 (16 this summer)
- Location, where do you live: US
- Experiance with FTB packs and mods in general: I have been playing FTB since it came out so I know most of the mods.
- Why should i pick you: I am a friendly person who is always looking for friends and I love to help people out when they need it. I am really looking for a small community with very few people so everyone is friends with everyone and I prosper in that environment. So if this is the type of server I will be a great addition.
Username: dtbarnes7
Age: 23
Where are You from? So Cali GMT -8 hours
Have you ever got banned and why? Nope-
Experiance with FTB packs and mods in general. I've been playing FTB since it first came out, I know most of all the mods
Why do you want to join? So I've learned that playing by yourself isn't all fun.So Im looking for a few people to get together and play minecraft with. I found it better to play with a hand full of people and not 30+.
- Age: 16
- Location: USA, MO
- Experience: I play a lot of different packs in FTB, I know a decent amount of mods, buildcraft, industrialcraft, etc.
- Why should i pick you: Well, playing on a random server is no fun. It has griefers, annoying things, spammers, sometimes rude admins. I want to play on a small server were none of that exists.
- Age.15
- Location, where do you live.sweden
- Experiance with FTB packs and mods in general.lpayed since mindcrack v4 and the moved on to ultimate and then unleashed and before ftb i played tekkit
- Why should i pick you! beacuse i love these small server with people u can play and chat with instead of those big servers with 100+ players,greifers,plugins,and bad admins