Small hiccup trying to automate fermenters

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I thought I had it all worked out for my 3 fermenters :

Power line across the back
Water pipeline across the bottom
Liquiduct pipeline across the front
Item tesseract above middle one, hopper each over the other two
Fertiliser in the .... ?? oh wait.....

So fertiliser needs to go in the bottom but that's where the water comes in. The only way I can see to do it is put a gap in between them and run the water pipes into their sides but that plays havoc with my OCD as it looks messy! Have you guys got any ingenious ways of doing it or is that the only option apart from spoon feeding the fertiliser in manually?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So fertiliser needs to go in the bottom but that's where the water comes in. The only way I can see to do it is put a gap in between them and run the water pipes into their sides but that plays havoc with my OCD as it looks messy! Have you guys got any ingenious ways of doing it or is that the only option apart from spoon feeding the fertiliser in manually?

Fermenters aren't all that easy to put together like that unless you use routers, although I am not entirely sure about this as I have yet to use routers for them. I'd suggest reviewing routers (


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I fed both fertilizer and plant matter from above using Buildcraft pipes. If the gates on the pipe sensed that "fuel" (fertilizer) was low, more fertilizer was automatically pumped into the feed pipes upstream. This was pretty neat, if I do say so myself.

It should also be noted that one fermenter works pretty quickly if you drive it at max power, so your setup probably doesn't need to be truly tileable.