Title Single Player world wont load
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack FTB Horizons III
Modpack version 1.1.0
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/3d75468f
Details of the issue When I try to load my single player world it freezes at "Loading World Building Terrain".
I was playing the pack for a week or two and then I had a crash. Later that day I ended up having to reinstall windows due to a hard drive issue. When I got everything installed and I tried to load my world again i couldn't get it to load. Much sadness. I got MCEditor in case I needed to delete a troublesome block or something, but I don't really know what the issues is or what to delete. I can't remember what I was doing in game when it originally crashed. There is also a possibility that there was a version change, since I am not 100 sure what version of the modpack I was originally playing on (though it wasn't more than a week or two old).
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack FTB Horizons III
Modpack version 1.1.0
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/3d75468f
Details of the issue When I try to load my single player world it freezes at "Loading World Building Terrain".
I was playing the pack for a week or two and then I had a crash. Later that day I ended up having to reinstall windows due to a hard drive issue. When I got everything installed and I tried to load my world again i couldn't get it to load. Much sadness. I got MCEditor in case I needed to delete a troublesome block or something, but I don't really know what the issues is or what to delete. I can't remember what I was doing in game when it originally crashed. There is also a possibility that there was a version change, since I am not 100 sure what version of the modpack I was originally playing on (though it wasn't more than a week or two old).
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