Show Your Agrarian Skies world

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there. I heard about this mod pack/adventure-like and decided to try by myself.
Take a look at my world.
This is what I built so far. The mob trap was my very first construction and a quite hard work of wait and gathering material.
In the background small automatic ore farm and what seems to be a sheep trying to get sacrificed itself. jajaja
It's an early work of automation but I have in mind a big and mid-term project.
In back side there I made a simple platform for farming in future and, voila! some nice ocelots spawned that I, of course, domesticate. I like cats. :)

2014-08-27_23.03.10.png 2014-08-27_23.03.32.png
And yes, I died. Because in minecraft it happens all time. But not, I didn't died when building nor fighting a mob. Just tried to fly with a jetpack. (Need some classes of landing.)
I will show you my progress with the machine.

See you soon.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And yes, I died. Because in minecraft it happens all time. But not, I didn't died when building nor fighting a mob. Just tried to fly with a jetpack. (Need some classes of landing.)
Landing class 101, enter hover mode (I think default button is C) just before reaching the ground. Will guarantee a soft landing every time
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Landing class 101, enter hover mode (I think default button is C) just before reaching the ground. Will guarantee a soft landing every time

Thanks. No more failed landings. And now I can visit Jack, the sheep at the roof of my mob trap, more often so he will not feel alone up there. jajaja
Anyway, jetpack was destroyed, I guess, when I hit the ground.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi again. Here is my first machinery project to collect ores.
Some overview:
The heat section that provides lava.
Energy production and machinery (only one pulverizer xD). Also cobble, gravel, sand and dust storage and process. These blocks are in feedback with pulverizer so gravel and sand can be processed again.
Sieve and a bunch of autonomous activators to process gravel, sand and dust to get precious materials.
Rear view of this machine.
While small it still provides me with enough materials. :)

But I challenged my self to build a bigger version of this farm. So I started with a cross-shaped lava generator (40 crucibles) at the floor below.

See you soon.
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Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
All right, here's my world:

This is after I have completed every quest but "Crazy Automation" and the four still invisible Bragging Rights quests. If I happen to to able to unlock and complete them while building more stuff that just looks nice I'll do it, but I won't put any serious work into them.

Picture 1: Panoramic view 1

Foreground: Aura node collection, demon summoning circle, blood altar, binding ritual. The central tower has some factory facilities and the Thaumcraft infusion chamber in the dome. The small tower on the left is my living space, the greatwood tree is decoration. The white pyramid in the background contains my mob grinder, and they grey building left of it is my passive mob spawner using spikes, probably the oldest of my facilities still in use. The mob grinder doesn't produce mob heads or red hearts, so I left the passive one running. It has served its purpose though, and will be replaced by a tree farm.

Picture 2: Panoramic view 2

The same from the other side. To the right the area where "I" live in this world, with a nice little tower and a rudimentary park and pool landscape. To the left my blood tree farm (It doesn't run since I have 105k redstone even after Magnetic Personality is done) and the rest of my old tree farm where I made the few melons and pumpkins I needed for "McAurey's". I can't put a tree farm there any more since I replaced all the torches and used Arcane Lamps instead in this area, and trees won't grow if there's a TC "Glimmer of Light" in the places into which they would like to grow. If I ever need another tree farm (I have 115k jungle wood), it will go somewhere more remote.

Picture 3: Infusion chamber

This doesn't look like much, but there are 225 mob heads under the floor to stabilize the infusions. I've never had a single case of instability.

Picture 4: Blood Altar

I am a "white" blood mage, and that's reflecting in the blocks I used. No villager spawners and suchlike for me, a bunch of self-sacrifice runes and a Ritual of the Feathered Knife instead. The beacons' regeneration effect helps greatly. Basically I just need to be around the altar for a while to recharge my network. One problem is that I haven't found a way to anchor the ritual that looks good. It's hanging in the air above the altar for now.

Picture 5: Some production facilities

Here you see my production facilities for witchwater (two barrels, automatically fill the formatted storage cell), clay, soul sand and obsidian (flip the switches to start production, goes really fast, at about 1 block per two seconds). On the right there's my dirt production setup. Flip the lever to export some of my two million jungle leaves, let them compost and import the dirt back into the network. This is for moderate amounts, if I need a lot quickly, there are still a few hundred thousand waiting for me in the Nether from my Ender Quarry runs.

Picture 6: Auto-Sifting

This is the MkII Primary Resource Generator (TM). I think it's one of the most compact ways to do this devised so far. The six pulverizers make equal amounts of gravel, sand and dust from the cobble produced by the Igneous Extruders, and sends them into three Autonomous Activators which sift them. The output of the sifting, via the vacuum hopper, as well as excess gravel, sand and dust all land in the top diamond chest. From there everything which has a formatted storage module in my AE system is imported (you can't see the bus from this angle) in the ME network, and excess is "stored" in the trashcan via a formatted storage bus (I replaced the condenser since I have six singularities). Everything with no formatted storage module can't be imported since my storage subnetwork has only formatted modules, and is packed by the autopacker into the other diamond chest, which also has the same kind of import bus. The metal dusts land in the ME network (since there's formatted storage for those), and the metal sands and metal gravels are piped into another AA which places them to be hammered by yet another AA, with the output returned into the first diamond chest to be packed again. The three cyclic assemblers at the bottom make stone hammers. All you need to do is put some wood and cobble into the assemblers once in a while.
This facility has been upgraded and made more compact over time, but some form of it has made almost all of my primary resources for almost all of the game. I never needed a laser drill. Only gold and diamonds had a second and third source (Nether ores and bees), though mainly for the Magnetic Personality quest. For a time I used a second AA on the gravel for more diamonds, but that became unnecessary once I had Diamandi bees. This setup also makes enough yellorium dust to power my reactor. For times of high energy needs I can add some yellorium made from tin and sulfur (nether ores provide tons of that, before you get there pulverizing blaze rods (source: autospawner with blaze from Angry Doll) will provide the sulfur).
The Igneous Extruder to the left is separate and makes smooth stone. I don't need any cobble but I need lots of smooth stone to make all the whitestone I use for building.

Picture 7: Apiaries

This needs rebuilding and a nice little building around it, but I needed the bees until recently...

Picture 8: Factory level, part 1

The long building contains the Cobblegen Madness setup - 128 Igneous Extruders and 15 Cyclic Assemblers. below there's the reactor control room, and the two-storey building beside it is my warded Wither-fighting room and below that the auto-spawner room.

Picture 9: Factory level, part 2

The limestone pool has my pearl farm, and below there's the access to the autospawner. The cobblestone tower goes down to the void, I built this very early in the game before I had a good jetpack and came to know how easy flight is with a Resonant Jetpack.

Picture 10: Lava Generator

This now-downsized lava-generator with 16 crucibles has been running since the very early game. Before I had the reactor, it supplied all my power since it made lava as fuel for magmatic dynamos. With Netherrack as the fire source, lava is made fast enough that 24 crucibles produce lava for 16 dynamos which generate 1280 RF/t. Now it just makes lava for other uses.

Picture 11: Cobblegen madness.

'Nuff said.... Note that should I ever decide to do "Crazy Automation", there is just enough space for another 384 Igneous Extruders...

Picture 12: Autocrafting room

My surprisingly small AE autocrafting setup. Behind the MAC there's also three MFR composters which made Industrial Fertilizer from the sewage coming off my cow and pig farms. With wheat as a secondary supply, you can create enough fertilizer to supercharge any farm, and I don't use that word lightly. A fertilized MFR farm produces at crazy speeds, provided you don't need to skimp on fertilizer which is used up at a significant rate.

Picture 13: Control Center

In the background the storage network with lots of dedicated storage modules - many of them have one item each because I didn't want an excess of one item taking up space needed by another. In the foreground the crafting network. Remote facilities - mostly the farms and the mob farms - get and send their stuff by tesseract. On the right there are some processing machines for manual work. Some things just don't happen often enough that automating them is feasible. Others take too long for on-demand autocrafting so I manual set up some batch processing once in a while. I could use level emitters, but at one emitter per item this would take up far too much space for my taste. Until I've found a way to make it look neat, things will stay as they are.

Picture 14: Farms

These farms make everything from Pam's HarvestCraft that's ever needed in a quest. Of course while I was doing the big quests like the one for 50k lettuce they were looking different, but "McAurey's" made me realize that it's beautiful to have it all like this. I set up the trees only for that quest but I'm going to leave them as they are. On the far right you see my witchwater production facility. This is nominally a farm because it was first made for mushroom farming, but I don't need those anymore and I don't want any big mushrooms to spawn, so I removed all the mycelium not needed for the witchwater. BTW the farms *are* automated, but the harvesters are below the whitestone paths.

Picture 15: Ore Processing

High Oven with Deep Tank under it and TiC Smeltery. The High Oven gets metal dusts by tesseract, but only if I switch it on. It's fast enough that it's not continuously running. I also need to supply the charcoal manually, since I need to go there and switch it on anyway when I want to it to do something - I don't like to waste fuel.

Picture 16: My tower

This little tower has my living space, including a pool with a window straight down to the void. Yeah, I'm insane. The big pool has my squids. I had them somewhere else and had a rancher set up for harvesting ink sacs, but I got ink sacs at such a speed that I stopped it after a few hours because I had enough to last the whole game and then some, even should I build everything from blackstone.

Picture 17: Living space

My little refuge away from all the work...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Started a brand new 'flat' Agrarian Skies map, and this is how it's developed since I started the map four days ago (call it maybe 25 real-time hours of gameplay).
Got a good mob tower, Tinker's Construct, storage, farms and basic automation up and running.
The plan at the moment is to see how far I can develop the map until the new 1.7 Tech World modpack is released, then I'll probably call it good and move on to the new modpack.
Oh yeah and I've only died once so far, just from falling into the mob tower shaft.





^^^ That's just the main valuables chest, those metal blocks are just the ones I've been bothered to smelt up so far. Plenty more remaining in broken ores.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just working on the 'small' Agrarian Skies agriculture section of the map....
The current plan is to use a 64x64 pad, and if that proves to be too small then I'll add levels.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man, I wish the server I went on didn't get shut down before I made the islands pretty and take screenshots. Guess screenshots will have to be later ;_;


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I've been playing this a bit recently. To be honest, I don't got a too impressive place, but at least its large. You'll notice I built a bridge to one island. At first I was going to build a bunch of sky islands with bridges. In the end I decided, no, that was not my way. Soooo I'm building rivers. I am also maintaining the intergrity of the biomes as they stand, so the rivers follow the 'river' biome that runs through it. The sand is all the desert biome etc... Now certain structures just take place where ever they are (like the tree farm is in the desert), but what ever.
This one is from quite a bit earlier, but it states as to the reason as why I am building rivers. I am, as always a fisherman.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, is anyone still playing AGS? Or have we all moved on? I still play it. It's skyblock nature makes it one of the few heavily modded packs I can run on my 4gigs of ram laptop. I was thinking of posting pictures of my new world too...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, is anyone still playing AGS? Or have we all moved on? I still play it. It's skyblock nature makes it one of the few heavily modded packs I can run on my 4gigs of ram laptop. I was thinking of posting pictures of my new world too...
I pay it too on occasion, as my computer can't handle most 1.7.10 packs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, is anyone still playing AGS? Or have we all moved on? I still play it. It's skyblock nature makes it one of the few heavily modded packs I can run on my 4gigs of ram laptop. I was thinking of posting pictures of my new world too...
My old 2 gigs/cpre 2 duo could run it at 30+ FPS.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I still have my world, but I haven't been playing it; been playing other games and Regrowth instead. Maybe I'll get back to this soon...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I left because waiting around for the last quests to finish was getting to be a drag but I should go back to complete them I guess... and finish the enormous cat army I promised my little sis and cousins I would make :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welp, I'm gonna post some basics of my new island set up.

Let's start with what was once the main island. Once, because I spend very little time there now.

There we go. Also in shot, the processing plant on the right and my, admittedly shoddy looking, farm. In the original gap I placed my smeltery and a hungry chest for quick Item dropoff.


Here's the back of my island. I put a cover on the road block for safety reasons. Front and center is my infinite lava device that feeds into a backup tank and a Mariculture Smeltery. That beam, by the way, leads to something important. You'll see what later.


The main house, which has pretty much become the 'damnit I can't find it, where'd I put it?' room.

Next let's got to Limey Way, so called because the main path is various limestone bricks, since hammering them makes it a quick and cheap building block, cheaper almost than cobble.

First stop, just across from my plant farm, the animal farm. Also, BEES! HELP ME I CAN'T STOP WITH THE BEES!
... Moving on.


Behind the plant farm is my processing factory. Basically most of my power generation and basic ore, honey, and in general block -processing happens here. Let's take a peak inside.


Alrighty, lots to talk about with this pic. Let's start with that trash bin right there. That igneous extruder used to feed into it, so it would run constantly. Found it to be a pain on the tick rate, so I disconnected it. Next is those lava tanks in the back. That's my tile-able infinite lava set up hooked into one open blocks lava generator per two crucibles. Now lets take a look at those machines on the far wall.


This is why it's called the processing plant. This is most of my processing machines. Furnace, Forestry machines, pulverizer. Behind it are two powercells, one redstone, one hardened, that act as a power buffer. They, in turn, are fed from the lava generators... and my rarely active big reactor. Oh, and that ender generator hiding in the corner back there... I haven't had to refill it in... 3 months, I think. Next building on the street.


This is my mob farm. Basic drop design, but with conveyers. That autonomous activater is filled with bloodwood swords that help buildup small amounts of liquid xp on the right. That filing cabinet is bows. Tons and tons of bows... even though all the mobs fall through a small pool of witch water. I have to clear that thing out again soon... Double noise dampeners, because one just wasn't cutting it.


I got bored while making the spawn room, so it's made out of a large variety of blocks. It's split into 8 segments, each with a unique theme. To the right, hanging off the side, is my Bloodwood platform. Yes it's edged in bloodwood crafting benches. I have plenty of this wood... I just use it for redstone. Bottom middle is what I call my lava office. Let's sneak a peak in there next.


This is the wall against the drop tower. It contains a modified version of my Infinite lava generation. It uses fluid pyrotheum instead of lit netherrack, for speed. It feeds into that wall on the left. Yes it is made entirely of openblocks tanks. Yes, so is the roof. Yes it's all full. I missed when it happened, but I'll be replacing all the tanks with fresh ones soon. Next wall.


This is that wall of tanks, plus it's basic feed into another lava generator. That generator runs into that machine, which is a glacial precipitator. I found it ironicly funny to put the ice machine in the lava office.


This is where I store the mob drops I don't turn into dirt. I replace full barrels about... once a week. Now, let's move across the road.
Look down for rest of post.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

This is my sifting, high oven, and ore collection building. It's roof, which is incomplete, is made of skyblocks. Yes, those are my heads. Yes, they're all from falling off the map. How did I collect them? I'll show you at the end. For now, let's take a peak inside.


Alright, this is your basic auto sifter, with chair for optional boredom induced speed sifting mode. Behind that forestry stained glass panels is a slime channel to carry all the drops into that hopper, then into the chest. The elevator block in the middle is for getting to the roof. That AE cable in the back isn't in use yet, but I plan to do something with it later.


High oven output, metals chest, random chest, and furnaces. Oh and my chandelier. Just out the door you can see my aqueous pond behind my storage barrels and Blood alchemy stand. It feeds all the way up to the lava office, as well as a witch water barrel and a plain barrel for water bucket purposes. Next building.


This is the kitchen. That AE crafter is hooked up to my ME system in the back, we'll look at it later, but for now the system only holds food and food crafting items. I only have two low tier drives for now. Let's look inside.


As you come in, on your left you'll see this. There's a rough auto tofu extracter set up, and a cutting board in the corner. Other than that, nothing fancy, except that tank(can't remember which type) full of milk.


On your right as you come in is my grindstone, another tank of milk, and a... water source from Pam's... I think it's the clay jug? Also a pool of witch water for ghast summoning. Yep, I summon ghasts in my kitchen. Why don't you? Besides the whole, I turned off m-... oh wait... I didn't... cause endermen keep stealing my roses... Nevermind... Moving right along...


This is my Pam's Tree's farm. Each tree has it's own chest that I deposit it's produce into. Also, Bee chest... for BEES!


Turning left, you can see my dirt production. I got bored and never finished it, but I just toss my rotten flesh and spider eyes into the chest up top and dirt gets deposited into the silver chest at the bottom. On the right you can see my woefully incomplete Armory. To the left, past the kitchen, you can see my experiment/AE/ME System. I don't have any real good pictures of it.

Behind the armory is my favorite pair of beehouses. They contain the red bees I lucked into. So I have both running purebred red bees. Mmm... Redhoney... Moving on.


Behind the Red Bees is my tier 2 blood altar... I've kinda put blood magic on hold while I work on AE/ME things.

Whew... I forgot how much stuff I have on Limey Way. Anyway, there's just a few more things to look at.

Let's start with that beacon/beam. It's actually a death marker. And it leads to....


... my void level, mariculture based, fishing pool. I call it the Void pool. Originally it was built to collect squids, but it didn't work. So I instead use it for my dabbling in the art of mariculture. Let's look at it from another angle.


There we go. Three furnaces for the vanilla fish I catch, a silver chest for all the raw fish, a mariculture anvil for my jewelry making, and a filing cabinet full of live fish, since they apparently all have the same ID number.

Now, I know what you're wondering. 'That last one is near impossible to safely get to, and I'm damn sure it's impossible to get out of naturally.' Well, I give you my favorite tool. One of the first things I made on this map that makes all the travel less food intensive.

Yep, a warp book. I technically can hangglide down to the void pool, but I made this early on. It now has over 20 pages in it. It's also how I collected all those heads from my falling deaths. Before I hit the void, I open it and hit 'Home' which teleports me inside the main house... at speed. But it contains my drops so I don't lose anything. There is one warp that goes to a pool of water, but top right is Home and that's the one I'll hit in a panic.

Now that you know my secrets... some of them at least, I kept a few things hidden, tell me what you think, and show me yours.


Not sure if anyone is still playing agrarian skies, but I've seen a lot of Youtubers do it back in the day and I've always wanted to play it myself. Now that I have a computer that can run it when past getting some basic machines going, I thought I'd give it a whirl. It may be an older map, but it's still loads of fun and I am having a lot of fun with it. Thought I would share what I have gotten done so far and see what people think.

This is the island from the sky. It's grown quite a bit from the original small island and house.


This is the original island spot. As you can see, I demolished the original house and build a new one, but the front of the island is still recognizable from the original design.


This is the house from the back. You can see my high oven behind it.


Close up of the High Oven


The kitchen of my house and where I do most of my crafting. I have been attempting to move away from this a bit by assigning different areas (and islands) for different processes and crafting, but that's been a slow process.


And my bedroom...which is very empty. I've been too lazy to decorate it too much ^_^;


Then we move into the basement which is literally the inside of the main island. I am slow re-forming this from the massive mess it used to be and I'm pretty proud of how it's been coming along. It used to be a large cavern with pipes and machines everywhere, but it's starting to look like an actually building with rooms and such.

This is the hub of the ME Network. I will admit it took me longer than it probably should have to figure out how the ME system works. As you can tell, I still have plenty of space for more storage drives. You can also see some redstone furnaces and other machines, all of which is hooked up to the system and can craft whatever I need automatically with a few clicks.


The Mac and my QDS wall. All the QDS are currently set to some of the hoarding quests and run automatically in the background. The amount of toast, tomatoes, lettuces, glass, soul sand, etc you need for these quests are a bit nuts!


This is just a little nook with some more furnaces and some Cyclic Assemblers. Not all of the assemblers are hooked up correctly; that's still something I'm working on but one of them is set to constantly create bread lol


This is my massive Nuclear Reactor. I just recently finished this one as I had a small starter one, but I was still running out of power as this powers literally everything in my world. I was so happy to upgrade to reactors after my using lava to power everything for so long. This one generates more power that I will ever need; it is currently only running at about 30% and is providing just the amount I need.



This corner was created recently because I found I needed a way to automatically smelt more items (like glass) and I was running out of nether quartz so the system in the corner is shifting soul sand continuously.


And speaking of soul sand, I needed that to generate automatically as well. This is only a small farm, but I plan to build a bigger one later given that I need a lot of soul sand for that one hoarding quest.


Then we move onto the mob farm. This is the second version of my mob farm and I haven't done much with it in a long time. I really would like to build a really interesting looking tower with a mob grinder at the bottom, but for now this is getting the job done. You can tell it's still a work-in-progress because there's been no landscaping done to the island itself.


Just a simple drop farm that I only recently hooked up to the ME network.


Here is my tiny Nether Portal Island. I leave the portal deactivated when I'm not using it so I don't get anything nasty spawning in the overworld. The nether is quite scary. Thank goodness for jet-packs.


And then there is my tree farm. For a long time this island was taken up by a large oak wood farm as I needed the wood for everything and was also working towards the Oak Hoarding Quest. It's only recently that I thought of making the island look like some overgrown ruins. I do plan on expanding this out to a few smaller island with some of the other trees once I figure out which ones the harvest works with and which ones don't. I am lazy so if I don't need the wood for anything and the harvester can't harvest it, I may not bother growing it.



And my dirt production under the farm. This gave me a lot of headaches when I was A) first starting out and B) just trying to build it, make sure it all worked properly, and then hooking it into the ME network. Now I have more dirt that I will ever need, but I still just let it run. The one thing I do love about this map is that it's kinda of a completionist's dream. I also love having so much of everything that I can't possibly ever use it all :)



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Next we have my crop farms. I have some really big expansion plains here. I'd ideally like to have a farm for everything, but that is gonna take a lot of resources and a lot of time. What I have already took me quite some time and I don't have the underside of the islands completed. Currently all the farms are growing quest items (wheat, tomatoes, lettuces, and soybeans).



The very first farm I built. The are both growing wheat now; but when I started; they grew wheat, carrots, and potatoes and I had to harvest everything manually until I got the machines setup.


The second farm island. This was is huge and was a pain to think I will need to build more of theses >_>


Tomatoes for days. This was one of the reasons I needed a better I can leave it running the game through the nights and days otherwise I would never get through theses hoarding quests.


And the sludge tank. Both the Crop Farm islands and the Tree Farm island feed into this tank. It's currently not running, hence why the tank is so full. I may see about pumping this into the ME network when I'm not using it but I kinda like having a very large tank of sludge ^_^


Then back behind the main house and the High Oven is my Smelting Island. I have three smelteries going constantly to turn all the ores to ingots, but I have it set so that I'm not mixing the metals. The smaller smeltery is the only manual one and I use it to make the special alloys and for things like clear glass. Forgive the work glowy texture; it's the shaders that cause it, but it doesn't bother me and I'd rather play with shaders than without.



The wall of metals!!!


A smaller connected island has the warehouse where the ores are process for the smeltery. Everything is hooked into the ME Network and is completely automated; it's not often that I even need to come up here.



And the last island is the animal farm island. This one is the one most heavily landscaped and the one I am most proud of. It has a stable, farm house and a large windmill. The wheat field is purely ascetic and was a lot of fun to create. I literally built this island for the purpose of the Hell's Kitchen Quest line.


The stable was at first built just for fun, but recently I've decided to use it for automatic milk production. I haven't set it up yet, but that will be the plan seeing as I'm gonna need a lot of milk for the soy quests.



The farmhouse was built with the express purpose of being the place where I would work on all the Hell's Kitchen Quests. It is also dubbing as the area for the Bees and Trees quests at the moment, but I do eventually plan on building another building (and smaller island) in the back for where the bees will go.


Oh Kitchen, my kitchen ^_^


Then we have the animals themselves. Sheep and Cows in one area, Chickens in there own coop. I don't have a section of pigs yet and I do need to build a way to get eggs automatically...gonna need a lot for one of the quests.



And an overview of my ascetic wheat field. Purely decorative.


Lastly there is the windmill. This is purely decorative as well cause I just wanted a windmill with my farm buildings, but I do plan on building a wind-turbine beneath it just so that it'll seem like it has a purpose...not that I need the power, but I just wanna have it. It's always a way for me to learn more about big reactors. This windmill design is not mine, however is was built as only screenshots for reference and in survival mode before I have a jet-pack...because I am crazy ^_^ Believe me or not, I've only died in my game five times, and only three of those was from falling into the void.




And there is my island. I still have a lot to do and expanding on (this map will keep me busy for years), but it's still a lot of fun even given it's age. I eventually am hoping to have it finished and then I can do Agrarian Skies 2 ^_^

Hope you all enjoyed and I look forward to seeing what you guys think...if anyone is still checking this thread ^_^;
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