Shipcraft - My Base is a Frame Boat (Direwolf20 pack)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I've been releasing these for a while and thought I'd post it here if anyone was interested. The premise is that everything important that I build has to be "frame portable". I make some minor exceptions for a tree farm and blast furnace back at my Port of Call but everything else, including my 12HP boiler, is on my frame boat and moves with me.

A lot of the series if me dealing with the inevitable bugs with mod blocks that were never meant to move (or even vanilla mechanics which don't get along with frames (I'm looking at you Chicken-In-The-Wall). Every so often I do something that's neat.

Unless you're a diehard completionist, I'd suggest starting at Episode 5 - I'm on a Boat. I like to think I've improved over my very slow beginning with some good advice. I always welcome some advice on how I can improve my series.

Thank you,
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