Next time you spawn on a Slime Island, do remember that you can make your way down from it with relative ease just by digging a hole in the side of the pool of slimy water to freedom and the surface. It'll probably take you a couple of blocks of dirt to dig through but you should be easily able to make a waterslide you can simply float safely down on if you're careful.
If you make Tinker's Construct tools from slimy materials it can be the repair material for the tool, and as tools with slimy parts in them spawn blue slimes, you have repair materials for days!I find it quite fun to build a TiC Excavator, and slap auto-repair on it with some mossy cobble, and become a dirt digging machine! It's also handy for clearing gravel "veins" out of your mining areas. ;-)
Cheers ...
Actually hadn't considered that... That'd be super useful as it happens there a Slime Island floating almost above where I'm working... Just need to nerdpole up with the absurd amount of cobble (& maybe smooth stone) I have and do some demolishing. On top of starting down the IC2 route to get the Dense Iron Plates needed for the Tool Forge. Thanks for the tip.