Hi guys, we are a small community looking for a couple of people to join our small community.
We are currently running on the 'Spider' pack that Creeperhost offers and the server itself is in Auckland NZ so people closer to there will benefit more from the server.
There are currently no plugins and the only thing we have forbidden is the Runic dungeons for now. We do have a few rules and those include commonsense. Obey the staff or get kicked, no we aren't unreasonable but don't be a pain in the ass.
Right, so if anyone who is interested can just fill out this quick form and I'll let you know if you make the cut.
Minecraft username:
What you like most about minecraft:
Your specialties:
Your REAL age:
The 11th Doctor's catchphrase:
Thanks guys, I will message you with the IP if you are successful. I will message you if you aren't as well.
We are currently running on the 'Spider' pack that Creeperhost offers and the server itself is in Auckland NZ so people closer to there will benefit more from the server.
There are currently no plugins and the only thing we have forbidden is the Runic dungeons for now. We do have a few rules and those include commonsense. Obey the staff or get kicked, no we aren't unreasonable but don't be a pain in the ass.
Right, so if anyone who is interested can just fill out this quick form and I'll let you know if you make the cut.

Minecraft username:
What you like most about minecraft:
Your specialties:
Your REAL age:
The 11th Doctor's catchphrase:
Thanks guys, I will message you with the IP if you are successful. I will message you if you aren't as well.
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