Whitelist Server Seyfert | FTB Monster v1.1.1 | Whitelist | 24/7 Uptime | Family Oriented

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looking for members to join a private whitelist Feed The Beast minecraft server. New dedicated server hosting a FTB Monster 1.1.1.
Currently 20000X12000 pre-rendered area

This is a family oriented server meaning:
No Griefing
No Stealing
No Rudeness
No Hacks / Xray - Fly ect.
No racism or other offensive remarks.

Standard mods enabled, no optional mods on. (yet)
EDIT. We added CustomNPC mod

Still working on Banned items.
-Book binder(mystcraft, kind of, special rules apply)
-Mining Laser
-Quarries (kind of, special rules apply)
-Reserve the right to ban anything in future, that is deemed hack-ish/griefing

If interested in joining please let me know below:
Minecraft IGN:
Any family that wants to join as well?:
How long have you played FTB?:
Amount of time you spend playing weekly?:
Why do you want to join?:
Pictures(if any) of your builds?:
(Best way to get hold of me)Do you have skype?:
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Letario Maus
Minecraft IGN: letariodemaus
Age(~18+): 17
Any family that wants to join as well?: Possibly my sixteen year old cousin...
How long have you played FTB?: since it had first launched
Amount of time you spend playing weekly?: an hour or so a day
Why do you want to join?: I am looking for a small and friendly community that I can have fun playing in and I also look forward to meeting new people
Pictures(if any) of your builds?: No sorry, I am not a great builder
(Best way to get hold of me)Do you have skype?: letariodemaus on skype


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: justin
Minecraft IGN: infizl
Age(~18+): 17 but mature
Any family that wants to join as well?: nope
How long have you played FTB?: about 8 months
Amount of time you spend playing weekly?: depending on when i work 2 hours a day
Why do you want to join?: looking for a server to join after coming backfrom a break
Pictures(if any) of your builds?: none
(Best way to get hold of me)Do you have skype?: infizl


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Mitchell
Minecraft IGN: mitchellwolf
Age(~18+): 28
Any family that wants to join as well?: none
How long have you played FTB?: over a year
Amount of time you spend playing weekly?: 8-12 hours
Why do you want to join?: my server I was playing on just shutdown and I miss the community interactions a server provides.
Pictures(if any) of your builds?: server shut down without notice so I couldn't screenshot
(Best way to get hold of me)Do you have skype?: [email protected] on Skype


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Matt
Minecraft IGN: vend_tta
Age(~18+): I would like to request a consideration to my age. I may still be young, however my maturity will oversee that. I am currently 16 years old.
Any family that wants to join as well?: No.
How long have you played FTB?: Around a year now.
Amount of time you spend playing weekly?: I've not been playing recently due to the previous server I played kept resetting the map and I got seriously aggravated, eventually the server closed down and I've recently been motivated to play again. However when I play, I usually am on for a minimum of one hour a day.
Why do you want to join?: I've been looking forward to play again and I think this is a community that suits me.
Pictures(if any) of your builds?: I had a thread somewhere but I couldn't find it.
(Best way to get hold of me)Do you have skype?: Yes, however you'll have to PM me yours as I do not like to release my skype publicly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Darrell
Minecraft IGN: dakamojo
Age(~18+): 40
Any family that wants to join as well?: Yes, I am looking for a server where my three kids can join me and work on the same base. I want to join the server first and get a vibe on it before requesting adding them to the whitelist.
How long have you played FTB?: I have played FTB since the first challenge map. I have played modded Minecraft since way before that.
Amount of time you spend playing weekly?: I usually play around 15 to 20 hours a week.
Why do you want to join?: I'm looking for a family friendly server with a large selection of mods.
Pictures(if any) of your builds?: I don't have anything recent.
(Best way to get hold of me)Do you have skype?: My skype is dakamojo, but I am seldom logged in unless I am expecting a call. If I'm whitelisted, I can provide my email in a PM.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Ben
Minecraft IGN: Solcol
Age(~18+): 23
Any family that wants to join as well?: Not yet, will try to convince one if this works out for me
How long have you played FTB?: Since shortly after it was created
Amount of time you spend playing weekly?: Very dependent on IRL activities, generally ranging from 5 - 20.
Why do you want to join?: I played on a server way back but eventually gave it up due to griefing and rapid world resets. I love the concept of this server (family-friendly, 18+, and FTB Monster), and so decided it was a good time to retry playing with others - which is something I've wanted to do for a long time.
Pictures(if any) of your builds?: My current world is still young, and my last world won't load anymore... will need to fix later. So for now, the best I have is a shot of my current generator room/ Logistics and ME hub, that connects to a more aesthetic processing room above.

(Best way to get hold of me)Do you have skype?:
I do have skype. I'd prefer to privately communicate my name if accepted. I'm like dakamojo as far as my usage goes though. Email is better for contacting me when not playing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Peter
Minecraft IGN: killerjiles
Age(~18+): 22
Any family that wants to join as well?: no
How long have you played FTB?: half a year
Amount of time you spend playing weekly?: alot
Why do you want to join?: i want a smaller ftb server
Pictures(if any) of your builds?:
(Best way to get hold of me)Do you have skype?: my email [email protected]