Solved Several bugs and problem with Infinity 1.7 server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • What OS are you running?
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
    • UPDATE: Windows 7 (Formatted and reinstalled since HW does not officially support a server OS)
  • Are you using minecraft hosting provider or a dedicated/local server not designed for minecraft?
    • I am using the server provided from the launchers "Download server" button
  • What version of FTB are you using? (Dont just say latest tell us the version)
    • Infinity 1.7.10
  • Did you add any mods to the server pack?
    • I added Ichuns Morph
  • What are your server specs?
    • Intel I5 2500K @ 3,3Ghz
    • 8Gb DDR3 Ram @ 1600MHz
    • Gigabyte PA-G67A-UD3-B3 Motherboard
    • Connected to a 75/75 internet line through gigabit connection
    • Server is running on a SSD which currently is not used to anything else than this server
  • A good detailed paragraph about the problem
PROBLEM #1 "Wall O' Ticks":
Occationally the server will spam the "Server can't keep up, did the system time change..." error message. Not sure what happens. At this time everyone on the server lags, even me (which sits literally next to the server). It have done this both with and without players online so what it does or what happens on the server when this occurs I do not know. This has been there since I started hosting (2 updates back), but have just gotten worse with the most recent update (1.7.10). Normally nothing happens other than the lag (Blocks reappearing, chests not opening, etc), but sometimes people get kicked and timed out.
Edit: It is caused by exploration of new areas as far as it seems now. According to windows perf mon, the SSD is not maxed out on read/write when it occurs.

PROBLEM #2 People getting randomly DCed when teleporting across dimensions:
I have not personally experienced this, but I have had users of my server report that they sometimes get disconnected when teleporting to other dimensions. No error comes in the serverconsole when this happens. It just sees that the player left the server.

PROBLEM #3 Chunk errors
I seem to have some chunk errors on my server, not sure what causes this as I dont know if a chunk error is overload or corrupted world or what it is. I tried deleting the world when I discovered it and let the server generate a new one, problem is still there. This has occured more to me than the other players on the server so this might be a client sided issue.

PROBLEM #4 Server is in general loading very slowly
The server sometimes uses extremely long time to load chunks, tho this might be in connection with Problem #1.

PROBLEM #5 Death by "Death.Attack.Chaos", no tombstone
This has happened to only one player, but he randomly dies sometimes with "Death.attack.Chaos" as reason of death and when he does no tombstone is left behind with his items. He told me it happens anywhere at random and that he is alone when it happens (No mobs or players and PvP is disabled)

I can post logs if needed, Im just not sure what logs applies to these issues...
At the time of lag and such, the server load is 48% on the CPU and the server uses around 3Gb of its 4Gb set limit (I increased it). The SSD is not overloaded as far as I can see and the internet is stable. This load is the peak I have seen of it, it usually runs around 35-40% CPU load and 2-2,5Gb of the ram it has set.
The server is running only a TeamSpeak server other than this FTB server

It runs using the default provided command line options (Only changed max allowed Ram usage)
I did try one I found in a old thread from a user with similar issues as me
java -server -Xincgc -Xmx4096M -Xms1024M -Xmn512M -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction=1 -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=2048 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Xnoclassgc -oss4M -ss4M -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=90 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:UseSSE=4 -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -cp "direwolf20.jar" -jar "server.jar"
This made the server tick error occur less, but it still happens like a "Wall of errors" when it happens
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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2013
1-4 sounds like a memory or disk io issue. Is the harddrive attached locally (not remote) did you test its read/write performance?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1-4 sounds like a memory or disk io issue. Is the harddrive attached locally (not remote) did you test its read/write performance?
I ran CrystalDiskMarks on it:

This is a fairly old SSD, Crucial realSSD C300, from when SSD was still fairly new on the consumer market


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Figured Id format the server and install windows 7 on it since the HW doesnt officially support a server OS.

This is the same test on the same disk. Also moved it from a Sata 3Gb/s to a Sata 6Gb/s.
Have not tried moving the MC server back yet as it is being used at the moment. (I moved it to my desktop which has no issues running it at all with the exact same world and configs)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
UpdatE: Moved the server back to a freshly installed windows 7. With properly working drivers and clean disks the server has had little to none lag. What it was causing it I do not know. I am using the very same server with the exact configs and world that lagged earlier.. I dont question it if it works. Thanks for the help those of you who answered. The Death.attack.chaos thing is only one person so I will figure that one out on my own eventually.