Set for life.

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Are we picking things to do to our text right now? I want wait, italic....or wait, strikethroughs?
What about white? Or Maroon? Or Brown? Or Ocker? Or Green? Or Emerald? Or Turquise? Or Ultramarinblau? Or lavender? Or purplez? Or this other Maroon? Which one is Maroon?
Sooo many options
[][] Or I could just write in ASCII Creepers.
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-snipped for safety reasons-
Okay, seriously, that freaking color is seriously trying to give me a pre-migraine or something. I legitimately had to close my eyes and breathe deeply for a few minutes before I vomited all over my keyboard from a dizzy spell. Perhaps a different shade if possible?
Okay, seriously, that freaking color is seriously trying to give me a pre-migraine or something. I legitimately had to close my eyes and breathe deeply for a few minutes before I vomited all over my keyboard from a dizzy spell. Perhaps a different shade if possible?

Ok, this is a more dramatic, yet sensible request. Let's try this shall we, is this as searing to the retinas' or worse?
Ok I will make note if anyone else doesn't seem to have anymore objections as I checked with my local dyslexic (father-in-law) and he says the color is fine as well. I am not without compromise. XD
Ok I will make note if anyone else doesn't seem to have anymore objections as I checked with my local dyslexic (father-in-law) and he says the color is fine as well. I am not without compromise. XD
Honestly what these boards need is some way for users to override how colors are displayed, either display only default, or only a limited selection of colors, or possibly autoswitch colors.

Main reason I say this is, as someone who uses dark theme (it's easier on the eyes at night) "acceptable" colors are completely flip-flopped, your purple (and more-so your dark purple) are nearly unreadable due to low contrast with black background. Whereas someone's yellow text, which I am guessing was difficult to read on a white background was even more readable than the default text color.
Honestly what these boards need is some way for users to override how colors are displayed, either display only default, or only a limited selection of colors, or possibly autoswitch colors.

Main reason I say this is, as someone who uses dark theme (it's easier on the eyes at night) "acceptable" colors are completely flip-flopped, your purple (and more-so your dark purple) are nearly unreadable due to low contrast with black background. Whereas someone's yellow text, which I am guessing was difficult to read on a white background was even more readable than the default text color.

What I do not get is why can't people just highlight the "unreadable" text like I did with the yellow color text and read it then click off of it to un-highlight it? This way you can read the text and not have to change back and forth. It's very easy, all one needs to do is click and drag your mouse from one end of a sentence (or paragraph) and move the mouse over the text and voila! You can highlight the text into a different color that is more likely ledgable. It was easy for me and I didn't gripe people to death about changing yellow text (which is unreadable on a white background.)

If people spend this much energy into trying to change someone's text color, why in the hell are you all not trying to utilize this energy into something more beneficial to yourselves and to others around you instead? I have realized this also, and after this post, I will keep my color and if anyone doesn't like it or can't read, then it wasn't important enough to have read what I typed anyways. This is getting too much for a single change of color THAT CAN BE re manipulated after the fact. I do agree with Koosemose, there should be a way to perma-change texts colors. But that would require a re-coding of the web site, which I am almost 100% sure that anyone of the admins here either don't know how to do or if they do, won't do because why should they change an entire web site just to help people read one persons choice of color?

So in the end, nothing will ever change and at this point, there really isn't anything that I need to say on this forum to continue to get harassed by a certain few that are upset because someone changed something that makes them uncomfortable and are unwilling to deal with said change and would rather cuss and fuss at that person instead.

ThatOneSlowKing, I am very disappointed in the fact that the very FIRST thing you did was come to me and ask Why the fuck do I change my color? If perhaps you were a tad bit nicer about the whole thing, I wouldn't have felt I needed to defend myself accordingly. I cuss and I say fuck as well, but if that is the FIRST thing you say when you talk to someone for the very first time, it doesn't leave a very good impression for later on. So, congrats you win and you were successful in pushing someone away that was different that what you are used to.
I do agree with Koosemose, there should be a way to perma-change texts colors. But that would require a re-coding of the web site, which I am almost 100% sure that anyone of the admins here either don't know how to do or if they do, won't do because why should they change an entire web site just to help people read one persons choice of color?

As to why they should do it, it is a quality of life issue, and while true, someone can just hilite the text, that is an excessive annoyance when someone is reading a conversation involving a non-optimal color, and there are those who have disabilities that make it more than an annoyance. If they offer the ability to both theme the forums, and allow users to set text color, they really need at least the minimum of being able to mitigate the issues caused by the interactions. If the forum software has any degree of customizability it should be trivial to implement an override option, either with a simple filter sitting between where the text of each post is stored and where it is rendered to HTML to strip the color codes, or if the HTML render is done in a W3C compliant manner to have a style sheet loaded if override color is checked. Heck if they don't have anyone capable I'll volunteer for it, I've coded that exact thing in several other boards.
As to why they should do it, it is a quality of life issue, and while true, someone can just hilite the text, that is an excessive annoyance when someone is reading a conversation involving a non-optimal color, and there are those who have disabilities that make it more than an annoyance. If they offer the ability to both theme the forums, and allow users to set text color, they really need at least the minimum of being able to mitigate the issues caused by the interactions. If the forum software has any degree of customizability it should be trivial to implement an override option, either with a simple filter sitting between where the text of each post is stored and where it is rendered to HTML to strip the color codes, or if the HTML render is done in a W3C compliant manner to have a style sheet loaded if override color is checked.

Haha, that's so funny because one of the reasons why I change my color is for my father-in-law who happens to be dyslexic and I used to want to show him posts and threads on this site. (Because he claims that my purple color allows him to decypher the words easier than black text on white background) But, now that it's become such a hassle, I can just easily change to another site and forum instead. While I certainly agree with you as far as quality of life, this thread has gathered enough knowledge to find out that one color works for disability people on one side of the spectrum, while there exists another type of disability on the other side of the spectrum. I hate the fact that one disability group can read my text while another side can absolutely not read my color of text. So I agree with you in whole about being able to customize their experience.

Good damn thing I am not saying anything important at the moment. XD
Haha, that's so funny because one of the reasons why I change my color is for my father-in-law who happens to be dyslexic and I used to want to show him posts and threads on this site. (Because he claims that my purple color allows him to decypher the words easier than black text on white background) But, now that it's become such a hassle, I can just easily change to another site and forum instead. While I certainly agree with you as far as quality of life, this thread has gathered enough knowledge to find out that one color works for disability people on one side of the spectrum, while there exists another type of disability on the other side of the spectrum. I hate the fact that one disability group can read my text while another side can absolutely not read my color of text. So I agree with you in whole about being able to customize their experience.

Good damn thing I am not saying anything important at the moment. XD

I've discovered that inserting the following into the style sheet (using stylebot chrome extension) overrides *most* of the colors in messages:
.messageList .messageText span
font-family:@messageText.font-family !important;
font-size:@messageText.font-size !important;
color:@body.color !important;

so for example if you changed the color: section to "color: #8000ff !important;" all messages would be your purple color, whereas the one I posted sets almost all of it to dark theme's default white. So at a minimum all they need to do is offer 2 additional style sheets, that are almost identical to the existing ones but add those lines, or just the color one (the other lines override font face and size) or if they have anyone with the know how add a checkbox that will add this code. And I think I'll go add this bit of information to my suggestion to add some form of this functionality.

edit: It is however apparently consistent, it showed the text I quoted in purple and when I refreshed the page everything went back to original colors, but that *may* be an issue with the extension rather than the code, I have no way to know for sure, as the extension is the only means i have to change the CSS
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