Good points and of course these applies to any pack, but with most providers you can upgrade/downgrade as you needs to.
Yeah exactly, and specially with a group of people it is downright impossible to guess right from the start on exactly how crazy they will go and which mods/mod combos they will fall over. So just going with an average amount to begin with and then make sure you can update along the way is a good approach.
Bit more tricky if you set up a dedicated server, but then RAM is the cheapest component in the whole machine, so just gotta make sure you have enough.
And yeah it really applies to all packs. Can give you the example of the 8 months old world "single player" building project based on TPPI I have running on a dedicated server. It just started passing 4GB recently. Could be nasty if multiple people build like that on the same server
But I probably keep my worlds and build in them a bit more dedicated than the average person