Whitelist Server Server stopped > Whitelist Server Buh`s wastelands FTB regrowth 0.7.4 white listed mature only

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Adem Musaoglu

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Latest Info: "Server is stopped"

I am not fully done with it but I am working on a white listed HQM enabled server with the FTB regrowth custom modpack.
But this time I want to Whitelist. The well known players from my infinity server will be welcome without application.
I will keep the "nature" of the modpack active for everyone. This means no trade except the players group up or do far distance travels. There will be no option to meet. I don't want on this server VIP this means every player has same limitations and no additional possibilities.
This will fit into my sight of equal gameplay.

IP xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
TS3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

At the moment I plan the slots to be 50

Feel free to ask questions.

Application form:
Why decided for my server?:

Btw be aware again I use glizer as reputation system. Means global bans from my old server are fully active on this server too and any player with misbehaviour, bug abuse, racism, cheating, griefing will be banned too.
With your appliance and joining my server you accept this.
Last edited:
Application form: I want to join your server.
Name:Caleb Wiles
Why decided for my server?: I have been waiting for a regrowth server to play on so i can play with other people.
I'll bite. Got an offline game going and a decent ways in, but it gets a bit boring with just me. I assume it's possible to find other players but we spawn far apart?

Name: Jeff Harrison
Age: 24
Country: USA
IngameName: HideousBeing
Name: James
Age: 27
Country: USA
IngameName: Savoke
Why decided for my server?: Played a good ways into SSP, but it does get boring by yourself.
Name: Dustin
Age: 24
Country: USA
IngameName: outspokensaint
Why decided for my server?: Look for a small server.
Why decided for my server?:
I love servers and FTB packs but haven't found a server for a FTB pack thats any good. I have played other mature servers and would love to be apart of a smaller community.
Thank you for you time!
Dustin and Joshua u are added to white list.

Welcome to the server.
Joshua, since this is a mature server i expect a mature behaviour of you. I will inform you in case it is missing..
Hi, me and my brother would like to join your server
Name:Jonathan and Nicolas
Age:16(me) and 15(him)
IngameName:exoexo(me) and TheGoldenZombie(him)
Why decided for my server?:
we have search for a private server on regrowth with a great community and your server seems to be the best so far :)
Why decided for my server?: Because the other server i was playing on stopped and i don't want to go to an open server, i hate griefers and just want to play the game. I love this modpack
Name: Helge
Age: 32
Country: Norway
Ingame Name: Indrazor
Why this server?: Ive been looking for a stable private server with regrowth on it and yours seems like a great one.
Name: Edward
Age: 18
Country: Latvia
IngameName: Theonewhohax
Why decided for my server?: I wish to join your server becouse i have been playing on a lot of diffrent servers but then i got bored of minecraft and went to play other games. Now when i feel like getting back into modded minecraft i feel like i would like a server on which to get back into.

P.S - I don't have a mic but i am willing to go on ts.
Ty for your attention.