Whitelist Server Server Mythology (MCPC+) (18+) - Custom Modpack (FTB Launcher)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server Mythology

Server Mythology is a server running a custom modpack through the FTB launcher. I'm looking for a small handful of players to make a good community. I'm looking for people who have a good sense of humor and enjoy playing with others. I'm also looking for people who can play often.

The server is on hard.

Creeperhost server
2gb dedicated server (Possibly more later)

Grief Prevention
More to come!

Ars Magica
Applied Energistics
BiblioWoods (Forestry)
Equivalent Exchange 3
Extra Bees
Thaumic Bees
IndustrialCraft 2
MineFactory Reloaded
Redstone in Motion
Rei's Minimap
Soul Shards
Steve's Carts 2 Thaumcraft 3
Thermal Expansion 2
Wireless Redstone - CBE

I'm open to suggestions for more!

At the moment there are no banned items, however if lag or crashes become apparent that may change. So far no problems!

1. No griefing/stealing
2. No cheating/hacking of any sort
3. No exploiting bugs
4. No spamming or advertising
5. If anyone is offended by something, respect (secret word: wither) that person and stop the offensive action
6. Be respectful
7. PVP must be consensual.

AGE (18+):
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general:
Why you?
How often will you be on the server?
Do you accept the rules?
Secret word:
IGN: hidetzugu
AGE (18+): 26
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general: tekkit when it was "big", FTB since a little after the pack came out (mostly mindcrack). I'd say I am experienced with a lot of the mods. at the very least I am experienced enought to recognise what could lag the server and avoid it.
Why you? I like making stuff for the community, like fixing up spawn and making hub's linking all the people, or making redstone controlled mob fighting rooms (btw, will the server be on hard?), automatic solar panel factories, etc
How often will you be on the server? provided I'm home, everyday
Do you accept the rules? yep
Secret word: smeltery
Hidetzugu, you're accepted - check your PM for info on how to get on the server.
Yes, the server is on Hard.
AGE (18+):18
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general:i am very good with every modd
Why you?cause i will always be on the server and i am a very mature and friendly person
How often will you be on the server? every day and night
Do you accept the rules?yes yes i do
Secret word:To Far

I'm not quite sure where that secret word came from.
AGE (18+): 29
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general: Played ftb since it came out, before that just regular mods, been playing MC since late alpha
Why you? Im a daily player, been looking for a mature server, between that and the list of mods which i mostly know all about i think this will be a good fit
How often will you be on the server? Daily
Do you accept the rules?yes
Secret word: Creeper
Svalkur you're whitelisted, as long as svalkur is your IGN. I look forward to seeing you on the server!
IGN: Wurstus
AGE (18+): 26
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general: I'm playing minecraft since the bet and feed the beast since november last year. knowing most of the mods pretty well. exception are some of the recently added mods. For them im looking forward to getting to know them better :)
Why you? I think i'm a pretty good addition to any 18+ community especially when u get to know each other and play together for a longer time. I also like online cooperative gameplay.
How often will you be on the server? Most of the the time every day. But there may be exceptions like vacations and exams, since i'm still studying.
Do you accept the rules? Yes
Secret word: Creeper
IGN: Ghostconnell1975
AGE (18+): 35
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general: Been plying FTB since it was released last year, befroe that been playing minecraft and modded minecraft for about 6 months
Why you? I play minecraft on a daily basis unless have real life stuff that I need to sort out, I try to help out on the server where I can and am wlcoming and friendly to new and old members of the community
How often will you be on the server? daily for 6 - 8 hours
Do you accept the rules? Yes
Secret word: Zombie wasnt it (Creeper)
IGN: MxWood
AGE (18+): 34
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general: I think its been a bit over a year since I started playing FTB, mostly DW20, some of the RPG pack and lately i've been adding ars magica to DW20.
Why you? Well I tend to be a bit quiet but I also try to be as helpful as possible and haven't had any issues with any players i've met, I don't build the most fantastic things and I tend to take a lot of time with getting my tech going but I love exploring and working with people to build things. Just hope i'd be a good fit and would love a chance with the modpack you're using.
How often will you be on the server? Probably a bit too much, I work till 3pm EST and tend to spend a few hours playing a night, and sometimes a few too many hours.
Do you accept the rules? Rules are easy, so of course.
Secret word: creeper
IGN: elephent3
AGE (18+): 20
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general: only got minecraft to play FTB from release
Why you? I enjoy playing with others single player is dull, im generally a nice guy and im pretty useful and can fix all sorts of problems
How often will you be on the server? as often as I can I work funny hours but will be on generally for a few hours a day.
Do you accept the rules? yes
Secret word: creeper
AGE (18+):19
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general: I have just been playing FTB for not so long but i am hooked on the game and pretty good
The Mods i am good at are thumcraft ic2 and computercraft and i played tekkit.
Why you? i am a very nice outgoing person and i like to meet new people and help them out when they most need it i have been playing minecraft singalplayer and it gets boring so i want to meet new people and build cool builds.
How often will you be on the server?Well i have a job just helping my dad and i normally play when i get home so when ever i am home.
Do you accept the rules?Yes
Secret word: (Creeper)
IGN: neji1245
AGE (18+): 15
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general: since Direwolf Realased his pack and minecraft indev
Why you? single player is the most boring thing in the world so ive been playing multi player and all the server i play shit on themselfs
How often will you be on the server? all the time since i have nothing better to do
Do you accept the rules? yea
Secret word: Death
IGN: Lord_Pall
AGE (18+): 38
Experience with FTB or modded Minecraft in general: Hundreds/thousands of hours
Why you? Good player, amusing at times.
How often will you be on the server? 5-6 times a week at min
Do you accept the rules? Yes
Secret word: Wither