Server hosting

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would like to get a ftb server for me and some of my friends 6-10 people, I want a cheap serevr that doesn't lag and with a decend amount of Ram I need to have an opinion on a good server hosting
If your competent with technology and don't mind having to research some stuff, a VPS or dedicated box is often a good way to go.

In most scenarios it is actually cheaper to do this instead of going with GSP like CreeperHost.

VPS = Virtual Private Server
Dedicated = A server hosted in your own home with good internet or a server you rent from a place like OVH.
GSP = Game Service Provider, generally this requires the least amount of effort to run, but it is less powerful and more expensive.
if you want good shared hosting i suggest clanslots if you want a dedi i again suggest clanslots there a great host been with them for 2 months no issues
I´m thinking about using the spider plan from creeper host, Is it good for what I want, here´s the specs

3072MB RAM

40Gb HDD

Dual-Core CPU

Unlimited data transfer

Platform Virtaul Machine
for minecraft you only need 1 core and i would not recommend creeperhost to anybody because with creeper host on the plan you mentioned you get a 3GB VPS not a 3GB minecraft server, i would suggest a 2GB server from clanslots who i personally use and would recommend without a second thought
Btw minecraft might only run on one core (normaly) but that does not mean that is the only thing running. You sitll have the os, network communication, and things such as databases that would also be running on the same computer so multiple cores does help.
I might have come to the thread late --

The suggested memory per slot you see on hosting services has a caveat. It's based on Vanilla server (Eg., FTB w/o ForgeBukkit, or MCPC+, etc..)

Read the asterisks on the page. So, for example, I pay to host a server. But the Plugins chew up a considerable amount of memory. The non-vanilla server jar chews up a considerable amount of memory, etc.. After one user logs in, I'm already 50% into my memory budget. (Which I'm trying to reduce by switching out fat plugins for slimmer ones to get the same functionality - fatter in terms of how much CPU they require and Memory they allocate)

Before you make decision, setup your server with the plugins (if any) you want to run on a local Debian box at home. I did this for several days to find the right match so I knew going into the prospect of a commercially hosted service.

Compare memory usage with another deployment of stock FTB w/o plugins or BukkitForge/MCPC+.

The factors for your TPS are definitely CPU throughput and memory. How much can your system do in the same turn of the clock; It's all about the state-machine of the server. It's gotta get through all the game operations fast enough to have some idle-time. Before you spend the dough with a hosting company setup some test servers at home with different configurations of physical memory, and configurations of plugins and find out what's going to work for you.
I'm not going to use any plugins, and most of my friends have a non-premium minecraft acount (craked) so I need an host that let´s me set the server to offline mode, I already runned a FTB (Mindcrack) server at home with 1024Mb with only me in the server and it never crashed/stoped, but know I need a 100% uptime server for us to play.

Btw what is a Debian box??

And I was asking for hosts.
Offline mode is just asking for trouble.

Debian = One of many Linux OS

As for which hosts, first we need to know your max budget per month.
Debian is one of dozens of Distributions of the Linux/GNU operating system. You'd have to take a trip down memory lane to trace it's origin, but the short story is, the Debian distribution is one of several where the kernel of Linux and the accompanying software is packaged. would be a nice cul-de-sac to visit for more information. for the background on the rich history of GNU.

Hosts use (unless they're crazy) some distribution of Linux (Ubuntu / Debian / whatever) to host their services. If you buy "server hosting", you're really just buying the provision of a virtual host running Linux and their admins setup a ceiling of memory that virtual host runs within. So, for example the "2Gb" package means that the entire OS and your services (Minecraft in this case) runs in that allocation.

What I was trying to say before was, before you plunge into the world of hosting your server on a commercial service, you can experiment with your own box at home to get the configuration the way you want then copy the whole kit up to your new home. Getting the kinks worked out when you own the HW is a little better, IMHO. Most of the commercial operations I've seen provide McMyAdmin which allows you to use a web interface to monitor the server and perform basic system administration of the process and the underlying plugins (if any), to your setup. (More memory used, but minimal). It would be just as easy to setup a cron job to handle reboots and so forth if you want to run as lean and mean as possible; but if you're not familiar with Unix (Linux), I'd just go along with their simple Idiot-Proof McMyAdmin setup.

There are too many hosting companies, so just google for them. A little research can help choose the best one -- what is the traceroute from the potential service you want to use? If it's in BFE, then you my want to choose one that has a NOC that is centralized. Eg., if your players are US, and the server's in UK, I'd not advise it ;-) I don't know off hand which is "the best". What I look for is one that provides actual shell access. (Where I can remote login, not just ftp files). I want to be able to edit files on the virtual host (Old bearded Unix & suspender types like me need that).

$30 / month will probably get you 1.5Gb of ram in your provision. You'll probably blow through 700Mb - 1G just to run the server without players. That'll give you 500Mb left over to run MySQL (small 5-10Mb max, don't worry about it), and the OS itself (even smaller, not a concern).
I think I didn't get a thing from what you just said.

From what I get you're saying that I need to test a server at home but my computer can't handle that much because It's 4Gb RAM using 2 Gb for FTB 0,5 Gb for skype leaving it with 1,5 Gb that I use 1Gb to start tehe server and I only get 0,5 Gb to actually run it, is that enough?

I´m thinking about getting a 3Gb server to Run a Mindcrack FTB 10 person server, is that enough?

I´m thinking about using Blaze-Host by now, is that good?
Not a thing eh? Magic-8 Ball says "Hmm."

You're fine. 2Gb can run a vanilla server and support many users. 3 Gb is more than enough for a 10 player vanilla server.

If you run it at home first, before laying down the bread then you'll know.

(Edit: 3Gb will probably run you $40-60/mo, unless you found a super cheap offer).
I will not run a vanilla server but a FTB one

And the host I mentioned, Is 24$ p/month 3Gb

What you think?
The FTB server, out of the .zip is a vanilla server for all practical purposes. It doesn't support Plugins (it cannot do Bukkit, or Spigot or any of that). It is as close to vanilla as you're going to get and still run the mods that come with FTB. Maybe it's just me, but I consider a server incapable of handling plugins as vanilla.

MCPC+ as replacement for the ftbserver.jar or BukkitForge placed into coremods, etc.. -- then you're dealing with non-vanilla server configuration (and using more memory).

What you get with FTB, out of the .zip, is a whole collection of mods that augment the number of items in the game and their functions, but for sake of argument it's vanilla compared to the alternatives.

24$/month for 3G is cheap. It's more expensive to get a Starbucks coffee per day. Try it and let us know how it goes.

I see their web site:

Did I read that correctly? $24 for 2Gb, not 3 (under premier)

I cannot tell what the difference is between Premier and Basic..

Still a good deal. But I didn't see shell access.
what is shell access?

an it is 21$ for 3Gb on the basic one ( you need to click it twice for the basic one prices show up)