Open Server crashed when player accidentally tried to wrench an Extralutils2 transfer pipe

  • Thread starter wheresmygreentea
  • Start date


Summary of the problem Server crashed when player accidentally tried to wrench an Extralutils2 transfer pipe

Pack Version 3.0.0

What is the bug? Player created yeti wrench, accidentally shift right clicked an ExtraUtil2 transfer pipe and it crashed the server. Server is unable to start afterwards and it crashes over and over again until a clean reinstall of the modpack is completed.

Mod & Version EnderIO-1.10.2-

Link to log file

Is it repeatable? I haven't been able to reproduce it repeatedly, but the player who is, is consistently crashing the server causing us to have to reinstall the modpack each time.

Known Fix Had to clean reinstall the modpack and then restore from a backup that was taken 2 hours prior for it to work up until the same player grabbed the same yeti wrench and it crashed immediately.