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Oil has been pretty severly nerfed. Nothing that can't be resolved by using 10x as many bees, but still, nerfed.

Yeah I agreed with the change and one bee should not have produced as much as it did. From the start I had intended to run as many bees as needed. Now I have a nice Alveary setup for them.
Have you crunched actual numbers on the factorization output? Or were you just saying it exists?[DOUBLEPOST=1363822640][/DOUBLEPOST]

To be honest I'm not much of a number cruncher, but I have used the solar turbine for different types of energy. Powerconverters have a feature that's not too well known which allows you to see what output you're getting by just right clicking the box. When I sat there and made a full size factorization solar farm, by connecting an MJ converter into a energy cube it was reading 16-17 MJ/t ....That's not as much as I originally expected, but considering the mats for these are mainly silver and lead, well, it's a use for all that excess that some people may have stockpiled. Also, solar turbines were never developed to provide power for anything but factorization, so it's forgiveable. If space is at a premium, it is possible to make a stacking farm that will output a solid amount too...I suppose I should start adding screenshots, I picked up the idea from someone else on the forums but he used it for steam and never explained it (said he was getting 1mb per mirror i think).

One thing about the turbines that annoyed me was that they only seemed to respond to an actual infinite water source (3x1 hole w/ water). I tried pipes (didn't connect), aqueous accumulators (didn't output), even a xychorium water source, and none of them worked. This made setting up a stacking "turbine farm" a little more complicated than expected, and left gaps in the mirror placement. Basically, I was trading efficiency for compactness and general badassery, and on top of all that it cost more to setup. Overall, having multiple full size farms is far more efficient to the "solar turbine sarlacc pit" as I call it, but leaves less room for roleplaying jabba the hutt while your friend gravity guns your wife into the center...these things happen >.>

Any conversion into EU only shows the EU/t depending on whether you have a low, medium, or high voltage converter (i.e. 32, 128, 512). The easiest way to tell how much power it is outputting (for me at least) is with the MJ converter. The mod developers stated its close to 100% conversion efficiency, so you should be getting 1 for 1 from MJ to EU. As an example for setting up a turbine farm that produces both MJ and EU (sorry if it's confusing!):

- Set up 2 large factorization solar farms (approximately 32 MJ or EU during day)
- For MJ, connect factorization consumer + energy bridge + MJ producer + redstone energy cube (think of it as an MFE for MJ energy)
- For EU, you can do one of two things next... Connect MJ consumer + energy bridge + IC2 EU producer (probably just LV one) + IC2 energy storage (batbox, MFE, MFSU, etc..). OR...just use another side on the existing factorization consumer or energy bridge and put an EU producer there.
*I prefer connecting the EU producer to the redstone energy cube because I can set how much power I want the cube to output.
**For best results make the farm in a desert (never rains), or with mystcraft installed, set up a world of eternal sunshine. Use a tesseract to send your power around as MJ, and convert it wherever you need.

You now have an overly complicated advanced solar panel that outputs both MJ and EU! More importantly however, which one was more fun to setup and (imo) looks cooler??? Factorization of course! Great as a sustainable early / midgame power source to save you some valuable fuel, but I can't lie and say it's the ultimate source, cause it's not x)

Also, if I haven't mentioned it before, powerconverters are amazing and not at all overpowered or unbalancing in my opinion. They open up so many more options for energy types and streamline the whole process. They also make things like tesseracts even nicer due to being able to convert EU and send it as MJ to a place of your choosing from wherever...just remember their energy caps!! (100mj/t tesseract, but reduces output by 25% :( lame huh?).

Argh why am I still typing!! Curses!
What do Wither skellies drop that works as fuel?
I'm pretty sure they drop coal sometimes.

Also, good to know the sapling value for Biomass is going to change. I wonder how much though, mostly if it'll still be viable to mass produce Biomass or not and how hard/easy it will be to get trees that produce well.
I'm still in the early stages of my new game and I decided to go with Biomass, so I already have plans for an automatic bee/honey "factory". So this change might mean I have to breed trees before getting it up and running as well.
Yeah Wither skellies have a good coal drop rate. If you set them up to be killed as an exp farm you can also collect their heads to summon the Wither boss and use nether stars for all sorts of fun stuff or energy using a magic energy absorber (or converter? beer makes me forget).

*As a note, vorpal enchants supposedly don't give you a better drop rate on Wither Skeleton heads, maybe looting does but I don't know. As far as I can tell, you can only get their heads by physically killing them, and not through whatever method you use to collect their pieces.
Also, if I haven't mentioned it before, powerconverters are amazing and not at all overpowered or unbalancing in my opinion. They open up so many more options for energy types and streamline the whole process. They also make things like tesseracts even nicer due to being able to convert EU and send it as MJ to a place of your choosing from wherever...just remember their energy caps!! (100mj/t tesseract, but reduces output by 25% :( lame huh?).

Argh why am I still typing!! Curses!

If i recall right, the max input/output on the cube is per face, so i would presume the tesaract works the same way. If you pipe to multiple faces you should be able to get more in/out. The 25% loss of teleporting is harsh, but is also sort of mitigated by the fact you can have all the gen in one place. All those resources spent on mobile power gen can be spent on more efficient static power gen to mitage the costs.
Also, if I haven't mentioned it before, powerconverters are amazing and not at all overpowered or unbalancing in my opinion. They open up so many more options for energy types and streamline the whole process. They also make things like tesseracts even nicer due to being able to convert EU and send it as MJ to a place of your choosing from wherever...just remember their energy caps!! (100mj/t tesseract, but reduces output by 25% :( lame huh?).

Argh why am I still typing!! Curses!
Just convert your power to steam, liquid tesseract it to your desired output location, and convert the steam back to EU. Bit more complex, but lossless.
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You now have an overly complicated advanced solar panel that outputs both MJ and EU! More importantly however, which one was more fun to setup and (imo) looks cooler??? Factorization of course! Great as a sustainable early / midgame power source to save you some valuable fuel, but I can't lie and say it's the ultimate source, cause it's not x)

The amount of silver required really puts this beyond "early game", and midgame you should be running a boiler and powering factorization (and MJ) with that.

It might be an interesting way to generate EU, if you've chosen to forego traditional solar magic boxes, but 32EU is a pittance required in any Gregtech setup. Three critical machines require 128EU/t each.
Nice detail from OP, a little information add to OP thread:

3) Oil fabricator
Oil fabricator uses a total of 588,000MJ to produce 1 bucket of oil/600,000 MJ to produce 1 bucket of fuel. In a 36 HP boiler at max heat each bucket of fuel generates around 870,000MJ, leading to a energy gain in the process. However, one must take into consideration of the speed of oil production: Oil fabricator takes 10MJ/t so that is hell slow. At max heat for every 12000 tick one bucket of fuel is used. So the ratio is 5 oil fabricator + 1 refinery to 1 Boiler, leading to a net energy production of 94 MJ/t.
6) Magma+Thermal Generator Loop
You cannot gain any energy unless you use netherrack, which is not so sustainable (but is easy to obtain). Each bucket of lava takes 24,000 MJ to produce and generate only 30,000 EU in GT thermal Generator or 20,000 MJ in Magmatic engine. The best conversion from EU to MJ is Power Converter at ratio of 2.4:1. What this mean is neither of the two options gain you net energy gain. MFR Lava fabricator takes 20,000 MJ to produce which breaks even but is super slow.

Tips for everyone using MFR machines
By default, MFR machines can used both MJ and EU at the conversion rate in the Power Converter Mod (well, both mods are created by same modder). MFR machines take only up to 10 MJ/t per side of machine. So that means you can attach conduit to five side of the machines (you still need 1 side to pump product out) and makes it work 5x faster. If you are very impatient person like me, use EU to power MFR machines instead. They can take 1000+EU/t somehow and you will get what you want in a matter of second. You can Hook a MFSU (512 EU/t) and connect to a power converter of steam/MJ

edit: After a second read through I find I misinterpreted the post. I thought it is self-sustain energy production instead of renewable energy production. So here are some funny energy production, albeit inefficient, ways for other to try:

1) Methane Production
So most of us know how to get methane cell from agricultural product/mob drops in industrial centrifuge. I find another way to get methane production provides a energy gain: 1) Pump in water into industrial electrolyzer to produce hydrogen cell (not using electrolyzed water cell, which leads to an energy loss) 2) Make 1 Carbon cell by ash (best if you have them)/charcoal (easiest one)/coal (not recommended), 3) Put in chemical reactor and get 5 methane cell as output. 4) Put in gas turbine and pump the empty cells back

Simple arithmetic ahead! 4 Hydrogen cell = 93000 EU, Production of methane in chemical reactor = 112000 EU, Carbon cell requires around 1000 EU to produce from charcoal. This adds up to the cost of 206000 EU per 5 methane cell, which outputs a total of 225000 EU. You get a net gain of 20000 EU in the end (though super slow and inefficient)

2) Nitrocoal fuel production
Much better version than the methane method, compatible with boiler. Only problem is requirement of 0.8 coal per nitrocoal fuel, which is not so renewable unless a wither skeleton farm present. That being said, each nitrocoal fuel generates a net of 46000 EU in diesel generator, or ~380000 EU in max size boiler. You need nitrogen cell for the task but is super easy to get from so many recipes

3) Cracked Sand centrifuge
16 Cracked sand in industrial centrifuge requires 12500 EU and gives a fuel box that can gives 25000 EU in generator, giving you a net gain. However it requires planning for automation. Plus side is that it also gives u saltpeter which is useful for many tasks