I kind of wish there was a good tutorials for the mechanics of IC2 reactors. Most I have found just teach you the very basics then show you some designs to copy. No tutorial has yet shown me anything that lets me trulty understand IC2 reactor mecanics ti the point where I can experiment.
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So, you start by downloading this java applet:
Run that, and it lets you place most of the IC2 reactor components on the grid.
The crucial thing to note is that there are two seperate cooling models in IC2 reactors:
Fuel Rods produce heat and EU. Placing fuel rods next to each other (or using dual or quads) increases the EU and heat they produce. This heat has to go somewhere. In EU reactors (I think actively cooled ones change these mechanics) IF a fuel rod has an adjacent component that accepts heat, ALL that fuel rods heat will go into the adjacent components.
If there are no components that accept heat;Then the heat gets contributed to the reactor hull.
This is an example of this (
The fuel rod is dumping ALL the heat into the adjacent vent, which cannot take it and burns up, despite all the other, unused, vents. Remove the adjacent vent, and you can suddenly see a bunch of the other components take up the job of keeping the reactor cool, by taking heat from the reactor hull.
So, there are typically 2 kinds of reactor designs: Reactors where there are vents that accept heat directly adjacent to the fuel rods, and then a grid of components to spread that heat out. Or reactors where the fuel rods are kept isolated from any vents - by spaces, reactor platings or "Component Heat Vents" none of which accept heat from a fuel rod.
Is an example of such a reactor. All 96 heat units go into the hull: Reactor Heat Exchangers draw (up to) 72 heat, per tick, from the hull, Component Heat Exchangers balance that heat by spreading it to adjacnet Advanced Heat Vents, which each cool toff 12 heat per tick - x8 vents cools off exactly 96 heat units being produced.
With these principals in mind, all you can do is experiment.