Ryzen as a Server CPU?



This is my first post here, so please move it if this is the wrong forum section.
I am currently running a few private Minecraft Servers (Vanilla, FTB SkyFactory 2.5, Infinity Evolved with additional mods) on my own machine, currently with 16 GB of RAM and an AMD Athlon II X3 440 as a CPU (the 4th core is unlocked).
The server isn't very big (never more than 10 players, usually 5-10), but a few players are far into the game and are running huge structures / ME Systems.
My problem is that especially the infinity server only gets about 3-4 Tps after a few hours running, and I'm looking into replacing the CPU.
I thought about choosing a Ryzen CPU, as the single core speed seems to be quite OK and the ryzen 5 with 12 virtual cores is energy efficient and runs all my servers, also I'd like to have a few extra cores for emby/plex video transcoding.
Would switching to Ryzen fix my TPS Problems? Or am I really better off with an Intel CPU in a comparable price range?