Running a server and client from the same PC.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I decided to start playing some FTB again now I hear Logistics and other mods are in, and some other friends wanted to play too, so I figured I'd host the server and play on my PC. I did this before and it worked just fine. However, this time around when I run both I get around 20-45 FPS which isn't really too smooth. When running the client on it's own I get 120-200 FPS which is perfect. Obviously running both I would take a small hit to my performance, but not so much that's it's almost unplayable.

Running the Unleashed pack, current/default build. Here's my PC specs:

Yes I have Java 64-bit.

Does anyone have a solution to being able to run the server and also play on it with playable FPS? Really don't wanna have to go to a server host no matter how cheap they could be.
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